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Ms Sue Ramsey MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Robin Newton MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Alex Attwood MLA
Mr Paul Butler MLA
Rev Dr Robert Coulter MLA
Mr David Hilditch MLA
Mr William Irwin MLA
Ms Anna Lo MLA
Mr David McClarty MLA
Mrs Claire McGill MLA

In Attendance:
Mr Peter Hall (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Trevor Allen (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mr Collan Cree (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Richard Keating (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Jessica Dougan (Clerical Officer)

Mr Alex Easton MLA

The meeting opened at 10:33am in public session.


Apologies are detailed above.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 th November 2008

  2. Agreed: The minutes were agreed.

  3. Departmental briefing on Alternative Dispute Resolution

  4. 10:43am Mr Hilditch joined the meeting

    The Committee received a briefing from Departmental Officials: June Ingram, Director of Strategy and Employment Relations Division, and Tom Evans, Head of Employment Relations Policy & Legislation Branch, on the Department’s review of methods for resolving disputes that arise in the workplace. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

  5. Departmental briefing on Contingency Arrangement for Apprentices

  6. The Committee received a briefing from Departmental Officials: Catherine Bell, Deputy Secretary, and Nuala Kerr, Director of Skills and Industry Division , on the Department’s contingency arrangements for apprentices. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

    Agreed: the Committee agreed that the issue of apprenticeships be added to the Committee’s Forward Work Plan and that draft Terms of Reference be added to the agenda for 19 th November.

    11:57am Rev. Dr. Coulter left the meeting

  7. Subordinate Legislation

  8. Members noted the following item of subordinate legislation:

    Agreed: the Committee agreed that the Chairperson write to the Minister raising concerns over the proposed Statutory Rule.

  9. Matters Arising

  10. The Clerk to the Committee appraised Members of an inaccuracy that had been reported to the Committee on 5 th November relating to the timescale of the proposed merger of Stranmillis University College with the Queen’s University of Belfast.

    Agreed: Members noted the Preliminary Report of the Department’s Training for Success Disability Working Group and correspondence from key stakeholders in relation to the report’s recommendations and agreed that the Chairperson write to the Department endorsing the report’s recommendations.

    Agreed: The Committee discussed and agreed its response to the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister on European Issues.

    Agreed: Members discussed and agreed its Draft Work Plan from November 2008, subject to an amendment to include the its proposed work on the issue of apprentices.

    Agreed: Members discussed Mr Attwood’s proposals of additional evidence sessions in relation to the Committee’s Review of Teacher Education and agreed that the issue may be discussed further following the Committee’s consideration of its draft report.

  11. Chairperson’s Business

  12. Members noted a number of items of correspondence and agreed responses. The Committee also noted a number of forthcoming events to be attended by the Chairperson and/or Members.

  13. Departmental Press Notices

    Members noted a number of Departmental press notices issued recently.

  14. Any Other Business

  15. Members noted the Report of the Education & Training Inspectorate on “Provision for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities in Colleges of further & higher education in Northern Ireland”.

    Agreed: Members discussed and agreed the paper that should be included in the Committee’s Report on its Review of Teacher Education and that the annexed documents be provided only on CD-ROM.

    Members noted and discussed a number of tabled items relating to the Department’s Steps to Work Programme; the debate on 10 th December 2007 on Student Fees (Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2007; and items arising as a result of previous briefings on the Committee’s Review of Teacher Education.

  16. Date, time and place of next meeting

  17. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 19 th November 2008 at 10.30am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:27pm.

Ms Sue Ramsey
Chairperson, Committee for Employment & Learning
19 November 2008

05 November 08 / Menu