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COMMITTEE FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LEARNING MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS: THURSDAY, 9 MAY 2002 Present: Dr Esmond Birnie MLA (Chairman) In Attendance: Dr Andrew Peoples Apologies: Mr Joe Byrne MLA The meeting opened at 2.08pm in open session. 1. Apologies Apologies are detailed above. 2. Draft Minutes of 25 April 2002 Agreed. Proposed: Dr Adamson. Seconded: Mr Dallat. 3. Matters Arising The Deputy Chairman updated members on last week's seminar on 'Widening Access to Higher Education in Northern Ireland,' which had been hosted by the Committee in partnership with Universities UK. It was agreed that the event had been successful and that the University of Ulster's Step-Up to Science programme was an excellent example of a practical approach to widening access to higher education which could be used in other 'Targeting Social Need' areas. 4. Correspondence Members noted an update from the Minister on absenteeism and staff vacancies in the JobCentre network. It was agreed that the current level of absenteeism of 10.1% was unacceptably high and members also noted the rising trend in absenteeism. Members noted the Minister's response detailing the communication links between the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) and the two universities, to discuss funding for Research and Development. Members noted that the Research, Development and Innovation Strategy, which was to have been produced in October 2001, was now at final drafting stage. Members noted the Minister's response to several requests for information contained in the Committee's submission on DEL's draft Annual Business Plan 2002/03. The finalised plan had very recently been issued to Members. Members considered DEL's New TSN Action Plan for 2001 - 2003. It was agreed to request a research assessment on the document, including whether the plan would improve access to DEL's programmes in isolated rural areas, and to return to the plan at a future meeting. Action: Clerk Members considered a press release on the Civic Forum's published research on 'Educational Disadvantage'. The Clerk was directed to organise a briefing from the Civic Forum on this research and on any other areas of work currently being undertaken by the Forum which were within the remit of the Committee. Action: Clerk Members requested copies of the Civic Forum's Report. Action: Clerk Members considered the Minister's response to several concerns raised by the Committee regarding the learndirect network. Members agreed to request further information, as the response did not fully address certain areas, notably the extent to which there was parity of funding with England and Wales. It was also agreed that this response should be forwarded to the organisation that had brought the matter to the Committee's attention. Action: Clerk Members noted details from DEL of the recent consultation on flexible working conditions, together with the equality and regulatory impact of the proposals. It was noted that these issues would be addressed in the forthcoming Employment Bill. The current estimate was that the Bill would be introduced in the Assembly in late May, with the Committee stage commencing in early June. Members noted that DEL was aiming for the Bill to receive Royal Assent by January 2003, as several pieces of subordinate legislation emanating from the Bill would require the Assembly's approval before dissolution in March 2003. Members directed the Clerk to ask Assembly Research for a list of potential witnesses for the Committee stage of the Employment Bill. Action: Clerk The Clerk was also to arrange a briefing from the Bill Office on the mechanics of the Committee's role in the legislative process. Action: Clerk Members considered several further submissions from University of Ulster's Student Union, Botanic Inns and Mr G. Moreland, voicing concern at the proposed merger between the Northern Ireland Hotel and Catering College and the University of Ulster. It was noted that the sixty-two submissions to the consultation process on the proposed merger had just been received from DEL. Members agreed to debate this issue again at next week's meeting and directed the Clerk to prepare a list of respondents and detail whether they were for or against the proposed merger. Action: Clerk Members also agreed to issue responses to those submissions considered at the meeting. Action: Clerk The Clerk was directed to determine the number currently employed in the two departments to be merged and whether there were any employment implications from the merger. Action: Clerk Members considered correspondence from the Committee of the Centre and agreed that the Chairman should respond, providing details of DEL's consultation with the Committee on their bid for support from the Executive Programme Infrastructure Fund. Action: Clerk Members considered a response received through the Committee for Social Development from the Department for Social Development, providing details of the problems with the computer systems in the Social Security Agency, which had contributed to the backlog in placing participants on the New Deal programme. However, the Committee noted that the letter stated that only 15% of the backlog was due to the computer difficulties and 85% was due to the Department for Employment and Learning. Information was also provided on the action taken to enhance uptake of the childcare subsidy associated with the New Deal for Lone Parents programme. Members noted the following correspondence:
5. Briefing from Department for Employment and Learning officials on their response to the Committee's Report on 'Education and Training for Industry' Dr R Davison, Mrs C Bell, Mr T Scott and Mr M Caher briefed members on DEL's response to the Committee's Report, which had been published in October 2001. Following a short opening presentation, the following issues were debated with officials:
4.00pm. Mrs Nelis left the meeting. Members agreed that the Chairman should write to his counterpart on the Education Committee, to determine how the Department for Education had progressed the Fulton Review. Action: Clerk Members considereed the potential impact of the Burns' Review on careers education and guidance and directed the Clerk to reissue to members the research paper on the impact of the Burns Review on areas within DEL's remit. Action: Clerk 6. Legislation Members considered a pre-draft Statutory Rule under the 'Education (Student Support) (Northern Ireland) Order 1998' and agreed that further information should be requested from DEL regarding the equality impact of the proposed legislation. Action: Clerk Members considered a pre-draft Statutory Rule under the 'Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002' and had no objections to the policy implications of the proposed legislation at this stage. 7. Any Other Business None. 8. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting On Thursday 16 May 2002 at 1.30pm at the Portadown campus of the Upper Bann Institute for Further and Higher Education. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4.15pm. Dr Esmond Birnie MLA |