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COMMITTEE FOR EMPLOYMENT AND LEARNING MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS: THURSDAY, 4 OCTOBER 2001 Present: In Attendance: Apologies: 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of 20 September 2001 3. Matters Arising Members noted several responses from other Assembly Committees, which were supportive of the recommendations arising from the Inquiry. In particular, the Committee for Social Development agreed with the need to urgently address the poor levels of literacy and numeracy and the Chairman of the Committee for Education supported the recommendations made in the following areas:
Members considered information from the Association of Northern Ireland Colleges (ANIC), detailing grievance and disciplinary procedures for staff in further education. It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain membership details of the Negotiating Committees and issue a response to the correspondence on personnel matters in FE colleges considered at a previous meeting.
Action: Clerk 4. Future Work Programme
2.30pm. Mrs Carson joined the meeting.
5. Draft Budget 2002/03 and draft Programme for Government Members noted a letter from the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Finance and Personnel detailing the timetable for scrutiny of the budget proposals, and the deadline of Friday 26 October 2001 for a response. In addition, the Committee was to respond to OFMDFM on the draft Programme for Government by 20 November 2001.
2.35pm. Prof McWilliams joined the meeting. Members also considered the Department’s current bids for Executive Programme Funds. Members noted that the Department had bid for funds to further research and development in the universities. The Clerk was directed to arrange a briefing from representatives of both Queens University and the University of Ulster before the Committee’s response on the draft budget was finalised. Members agreed to ask departmental officials to brief the Committee at the next meeting on the draft budget 2002/03, the draft Programme for Government and their Executive Programme Fund bids.
Action: Clerk 6. Enterprise Ulster Members considered the Annual Report (2000/01) from Enterprise Ulster, together with the conclusions drawn from the quinquennial review. It was agreed to request the current Business Plan, together with those of other similar agencies/NDPBs from the Department before deciding on the way forward. The Clerk was asked to investigate the possibility of a future briefing from a training body or an appropriately qualified commentator to give an independent view of the recent refocusing of Enterprise Ulster.
Action: Clerk 7. Correspondence Members agreed that NATFHE representatives should brief the Committee, and also directed the Clerk to set up a lunchtime meeting with ANIC in response to their invitations.
Action: Clerk Members considered further information from the Department on Individual Learning Accounts. Members asked for further research on the recent new initiatives undertaken by the Department and agreed that the Chair should write to the Minister detailing several queries raised by individual members.
Action: Clerk Members noted the response to the Department for Social Development’s consultation on ‘Urban Regeneration in Northern Ireland – Neighbourhood Renewal,’ and the Committee for Social Development’s submission to the consultation on ‘Promoting Social Inclusion – Future Priorities.’ Members noted the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs’ Report on ‘Harassment at the Workplace.’ Members noted the Committee for the Environment’s Report on the Inquiry into ‘Transport used for Children Travelling to and from School,’ and the fact that some of the recommendations were relevant to the Department for Employment and Learning.
8. Consultations Members considered proposals from the Department of Trade and Industry to improve the operation of the Employment Tribunal system. These had been forwarded by the Minister for Employment and Learning, who is considering how the issues could best be addressed in the Northern Ireland context. Members noted that a written brief had been requested from the Department and agreed to return to this issue, once this was received. Additionally, the consultation document should be issued to the other statutory committees to obtain their views.
Action: Clerk
3.15pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting. Members considered the consultation document regarding the Taskforce on Employability and Long Term Unemployment and agreed that the Committee would not make a submission at this stage. The Clerk was directed to request details of the main issues arising from the consultation process and the Committee would then meet with the Taskforce.
Action: Clerk Members considered the material on the quinquennial review of the Labour Relations Agency and directed the Clerk to seek a briefing from officials before publication of the prior options study, which marked the end of the first stage of the review.
Action: Clerk Members agreed not to respond to the Committee for Education’s Inquiry into ‘Early Years Provision.’ Members agreed that they would not respond to OFMDFM’s consultation document on a ‘Commissioner for Children for Northern Ireland,’ as a response had previously been submitted to the Committee of the Centre’s Inquiry on the same issue. Members considered the consultation document ‘Audit and Accountability in the Public Sector,’ issued by the Department of Finance and Personnel. It was agreed not to issue a substantive response, but the Clerk was directed to write to the Committee for Finance and Personnel, highlighting the need for adequate oversight of public money given to incorporated bodies.
Action: Clerk Members agreed to respond to the Committee of the Centre on the ‘Victims Strategy’ consultation and directed the Clerk to identify the key areas for debate at the meeting of 18 October 2001.
Action: Clerk Members agreed that they would submit their views to the Committee of the Centre on the Executive’s response to the Disability Rights Task Force, to meet the deadline of 30 November 2001. It was agreed that an oral briefing would be arranged from a group with a particular interest in improving disabled access to education.
Action: Clerk 9. Any Other Business
3.35pm. The meeting continued in closed session. Members discussed the recommendations arising from the Committee for Education’s Inquiry into ‘Post-Primary Education in Northern Ireland,’ which were within the remit of the Committee for Employment and Learning. Members agreed in principle with the recommendations, but would be seeking further information on the resource implications for the Department for Employment and Learning.
Action: Clerk 10. Date and time of next meeting On Thursday 11 October 2001 at 2.00pm in Room 152, Parliament Buildings.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3.40pm.
Dr Esmond Birnie, MLA |