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HIGHER AND FURTHER EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT Committee 1. Apologies Present: Dr Esmond Birnie (Chairperson) In Attendance: Dr Andrew C Peoples (Committee Clerk) Apologies: None Meeting opened at 2.05pm in closed session. 1. Apologies There were no apologies. 2. Approval of draft minutes of previous proceedings Agreed. Proposed: John Dallat. Seconded: Mary Nelis. 3. Matters arising from meeting of 25 January 2001 The Minister was unable to attend today’s meeting due to circumstances beyond his control. It was agreed to meet at 1.15pm on Monday 5 February 2001, with the Minister attending at 1.45pm. Professor Osborne, the Committee’s Special Adviser, had provided a briefing paper and would attend the meeting. Members noted and agreed the Chairman’s summary of the major questions to be addressed by the Inquiry. Members were reminded of the briefing on the "Unlocking Creativity" consultation document at 10.00am on Thursday, 8 February in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings. Summary research material would be issued on Tuesday 6 February for members’ information. Members agreed that the study visit to Denmark would now be arranged for Tuesday 13 March to Saturday 17 March 2001. The Committee’s Special Adviser, Dr Steedman, would be available on these dates. Mr Hutchinson enquired whether it would be possible for him to return on Friday 16 March as he had other commitments. Action: Clerk. 4. Correspondence Members noted the Minister’s letter identifying the main policy documents and major new initiatives of relevance to the Committee’s Inquiry. Members considered the Minister’s reply detailing the procedures in place to ensure that governing bodies within Further Education Colleges were carrying out their functions. It was agreed that the Department should be asked to provide staff information for each of the seventeen Further Education Colleges, for further consideration. Action: Clerk. 5. Briefing from DHFETE officials on their draft Public Service Agreement Mr Alan Shannon, Permanent Secretary and Mr George O’Doherty, Head of Finance and European Funding Division briefed members in closed session on the Department’s draft Public Service Agreement. The Committee agreed that the Clerk would draft a response for consideration at the next meeting. Action: Clerk. 3.05pm. Mr Kelly left the meeting. 6. Briefing from DHFETE officials on the Walsh Visa Programme and the Status of the Training and Employment Agency Ms McWilliams declared an interest, as her husband was an employee of the Training and Employment Agency. Mr Adrian Arbuthnot, Director, Divisional Regional Operations updated members on Phase Two of the Walsh Visa Programme including:
Mr Arbuthnot agreed to provide written details of the changes made to Phase Two of the Programme. Mr Alan Shannon also answered members’ questions on the proposed change to the formal Agency status of the Training and Employment Agency, as part of the objective to create a cohesive new Department. Members agreed that details should be obtained from the Department on the remuneration and length of appointments for individual members of the Training and Employment Agency Board. Action: Clerk. 4.10pm. Mr Hutchinson left the meeting. 7. Evidence from the University of Ulster Both Dr Birnie and Ms McWilliams declared an interest, as a result of secondment type arrangements from the Queens University of Belfast and the University of Ulster respectively. As part of the Committee’s Inquiry into "Education and Training for Industry," the Committee took evidence from Professor Gerry McKenna, Vice Chancellor; Professor John Hughes, Vice Chancellor, Research and Development; Professor Richard Barnett, Vice Chancellor, Teaching and Learning and Professor Terri Scott, Dean of Regional Development, from the University of Ulster. Representatives discussed the following areas with members:
8. Any other business None. 9. Date and time of next meeting The next meeting of the Committee is to be held on Monday, 5 February 2001 at 1.15pm in Room 152 in Parliament Buildings. The Minister would be invited to attend at 1.45pm. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.45pm. Dr Esmond Birnie 8 February 2001 |