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IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs E Sung, Ms A Colville, Mrs Colette Angelone and Mr A McMaster 1. Apologies: Mr J Kelly Mr Byrne apologised for his absence from Tuesday’s meeting. Draft minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 6 June to be available 13 June.
Agreed. Agreed. Today’s meeting would go into closed session after the agenda items were exhausted in order that the Committee could discuss the appointment of individual advisers for the enquiry. Assembly Research will be responsible for appointing advisers, making sure that transparent, fair procedures were observed, that contractual arrangements include value for money, and that Nolan principles are strictly observed. Agreed. To keep Tuesday lunchtime meetings under review. Members agreed the need for a second meeting but the business of the House has to be taken into account. Agreed.
A draft press notice for Tuesday 13 June. Agreed. The Clerk will amalgamate into the Chairman’s response to the DHFETE Draft Equality Scheme, the views of the members who contributed and any other contributions, and bring these for consideration to the meeting on Tuesday 16 June. A draft paper in relation to the estimated cost of the Committee’s enquiry was tabled for discussion. Members agreed that the figures were not set in stone but reflected a good working estimate for the overall costs of such a large enquiry. (i) Members’ Interests in Relation to the Enquiry The Chairman reminded members that Standing Orders require Members to declare any pecuniary interests relative to the enquiry at the opening stage of any evidence session. Agreed. Clerk to seek further advice on the issue of whether members need to declare interests on behalf of family members. (ii) Background Briefing Agreed. Committee staff will provide a summary of background briefing provided by the Assembly Research Department. Supporting papers will be available for Members to consult in the Committee Office, together with a limited selection of press cuttings. Members will notify staff if they require copies of any documents. (iii) Consultation Process Agreed. The Department have agreed to provide a list of the organisations and individuals consulted in respect of their comprehensive review of Student Finance. The Clerk was asked to categorise the list in time for the meeting on 15 June. Members can decide if they wish to write to persons from the list to ask for written submissions and then decide who to call for oral hearings. (iv)PR and Advertising Agreed. Members agreed that the enquiry warranted good publicity in order to attract a wide range of written submissions. Members considered the text of a draft advertisement announcing the enquiry. 5. Chairman’s Business (Closed session) The Appointment of Advisers Agreed. The Committee would take ownership of the final selection of advisers recommended by Assembly Research. The Chairman declared that a number of the names listed were people he knew personally and any views expressed in the paper he had tabled were his own personal views. Members agreed that the Assembly’s Research Unit would be asked to approach two named advisers - a third name was mentioned as a reserve option - to provide a full overview/analysis of the enquiry and how best to approach it, for the Committee meeting on June 22nd. Members agreed that the Chairman could make the final decision on who else to approach, if these three experts were not available. Agreed. Advisers could be asked if they would wish to be considered for a longer term contract to assist with the enquiry focusing on recent research material and analysis relating to other countries. They should also be asked to recommend acknowledged experts who could assist the Committee. Agreed. Members considered and agreed the draft terms of reference for appointment of advisers. (Note: see also minutes of meeting of meeting of 13 June re agreed additions to these.) Noted. A list of contacts within the DHFETE, Assembly Business was circulated. Tuesday 13 June, immediately after the House rises. ESMOND BIRNIE |