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Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Room 144, Parliament Buildings

Mr M Storey (Chairperson)
Mr D Bradley (Deputy Chairperson)
Mrs M Bradley
Mr N McCausland
Mr B McCrea
Miss M McIlveen
Mr J O’Dowd
Ms M O’Neill
Mr E Poots

In Attendance:
Mr J Simmons (Assembly Clerk)
Mr A Hicks (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mrs R Donnelly (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr D Douglas (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr B Morgan (Clerical Officer)

Mr T Lunn

The Chairperson opened the meeting at 10.02am in public session. He welcomed students from Strangford College and Bangor College viewing the meeting from the Public Gallery.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above .

2. Minutes of the Meeting of 28 January 2009

Agreed – the Committee approved the draft minutes of the meeting of 28 January 2009 .

Mr O’Dowd joined the meeting at 10.03am .

3. Matters Arising

Agreed – the Committee would write to GBA to advise them that the issues they have raised will be considered by the Committee as part of its ongoing scrutiny of the Education Bill.

Agreed – the Committee would schedule a briefing from the Chief Inspector into its Forward Work Programme.

Mr McCrea joined the meeting at 10.06am

4. Correspondence

Agreed – that any Member of the Committee wishing to attend would advise the Clerk.

Ms O’Neill joined the meeting at 10.09am

Agreed – the Committee would forward the correspondence to the Minister of Education as requested.

Agreed – the Committee would forward the correspondence to the Minister of Education as requested. The Committee would also seek further information about the Cultural Traditions Programmes funded by the Department of Education.

Mr O’Dowd left the meeting at 10.11am

5. Forward Work Programme

The Committee reviewed the Forward Work Programme (Agenda Item 7).

Agreed – the Committee would write to the Minister of Education requesting that she provide the Committee with the legal advice she received in relation to ‘Transfer 2010 Guidance’ and come to the Committee as soon as possible to discuss the Guidance.

Agreed – the Committee agreed to schedule an Education Bill session with Departmental officials on 18 February 2009 to cover: the main provisions from the underlying Education Primary Orders which impact on the Education Bill; the secondary legislation making powers in the Education Bill; and the proposed provisions in the Education Bill for commencement.

Agreed –the Committee agreed to schedule a briefing session with DE and DEL officials to discuss the implications of the recommendations contained in the Committee for Employment and Learning’s Report on the Review of Teacher Education.

Mr O’Dowd rejoined the meeting at 10.14am

The Committee considered a paper from the Committee Clerk on new proposals for responding to visit and meeting requests from schools and other interested organisations.

Agreed – the Committee would adopt the new procedure when considering such requests on a case-by-case basis; however informal receptions to facilitate meeting with a larger number of groups would still be considered, if appropriate.

Agreed – the Clerk would draft an information paper on the role and remit of the Committee for Committee Members to refer to when approached by interested groups.

6. Education Bill - Departmental Briefing – Ownership of Controlled Schools Estate

John McGrath, Deputy Secretary, and Chris Stewart, Head of Review of Public Administration joined the meeting at 10.14am.

The officials gave a presentation on ownership of controlled schools estate and answered questions on a number of issues, including: inequalities between the school sectors in the arrangement for the disposal of assets; the mechanisms in place to protect public investment, including clawback arrangements; representation on, and appointments to, the working groups to establish the controlled sector bodies; VAT exemption status transfer from E&LBs to the new ownership body; potential conflict of interests if ESA has ownership of the controlled school estate for a period of time; promoting ‘accountable autonomy’ of schools and consideration of area based planning; role, status, membership and powers of controlled sector ownership body;; ensuring that appointments, particularly public appointments, to the ownership body are representative and reflective of the school population; creating potential pathways for schools to attain ownership of own estates.

Mr Bradley left the meeting at 11.23am

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for an informative briefing and the officials left the meeting at 11.26am.

Agreed – that the Committee would write to the Department of Education:

Mr McCrea left the meeting at 11.27am

7. Budget Briefing Update – February DE Monitoring Proposals

John McGrath, Deputy Secretary, Catherine Daly, Head of Finance Division, Eugene Rooney, Head of Development and Infrastructure and Gillian Uprichard, Financial Planning and Control joined the meeting at 11.28am.

The officials gave a Budget Briefing Update and short presentation on February Monitoring proposals and answered questions on a number of issues, including: monitoring arrangements to avoid underspends; costs associated with the Department’s current court case; delays to smaller approved capital projects to meet budget constraints and what priority would be given to delayed projects in the new financial year; the number of teachers employed this year compared to last year; the bid process; £60 million pressures in 2009/10; identifying the savings to be made from the abolition of the CCEA transfer test and associated costs.

Mr McCrea rejoined the meeting at 11.50am
Mr Poots joined the meeting at 12.04am

Agreed – that the Committee would write to the Department of Education requesting the following information:

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for an informative briefing and the officials left the meeting at 12.21am.

8. Any Other Business

The Committee noted the declaration of interests from Mr Tom Elliott following his appointment as a Member of the Committee for Education.

9. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The Committee agreed that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 February 2009 at 10.00am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.25pm.

Mr Mervyn Storey
Chairperson, Committee for Education
11 February 2009

28 January 09 / Menu