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Present :
Mr Barry McElduff MLA (Chairperson)
Mr David McNarry MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Dominic Bradley MLA
Mr PJ Bradley MLA
Mr Francie Brolly MLA
Lord Browne MLA
Mr Trevor Clarke MLA
Mr Kieran McCarthy MLA
Mr Raymond McCartney MLA
Ms Michelle McIlveen MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA


In attendance:
Dr Kathryn Bell (Clerk)
Mrs Ashleigh Mitford (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Jonathan Lamont (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Christopher Baird (Clerical Officer)

The meeting opened in public session at 10.38 a.m.

1. Apologies


2. Draft Minutes of 03 December 2009

Agreed : The draft minutes of the meeting held on 03 December 2009 were agreed.

10.41 a.m. Mr. PJ Bradley joined the meeting.

3. Discussion on forward work programme January to March 2010

Agreed: The Committee agreed the items included in the draft forward work programme prepared by the Clerk.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to add the following items to its forward work programme:

1. Briefing from the Minister on stadia development.
2. Briefing from the Minister on indigenous language strategy.
3. Briefing from DCAL on European issues.
4. Update from the NIO on summary of responses to its consultation on public order legislation (Sports Law and Spectator Controls).
5. Briefing from the Ulster Scots Agency on its role and relationship with other Ulster Scots bodies.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that the Harbour Commissioners Office and the Somme Heritage Centre would be suitable venues for an off-site meeting.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to hold a round robin meeting in Spring 2010.

The Committee noted a Research Services paper on a possible townland names bill.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it will not pursue a Committee Bill on townland names at this time.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it will return to this issue at its next meeting in order to discuss actions it could undertake to promote and preserve townland names.

The Committee noted a Research Services paper on possible sports/physical activity inquiry topics and a DCAL response regarding sports/physical activity participation PSA targets.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would proceed with an inquiry into participation levels in sport/physical activity.

4. Presentation from Ulster Sports Museum

The Committee noted a briefing paper from the project.

The following witnesses joined the meeting:

Nigel Carr, Deputy Chair - Ulster Sports Museum

Dame Mary Peters

The witnesses briefed the Committee and this was followed by a question and answer session.

12.34 p.m. Mr. McNarry left the meeting.

12.37 p.m. Mr. Clarke and Mr PJ Bradley left the meeting.

12.37 p.m. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting.

12.45 p.m. The Chairperson re-opened the meeting.

5. Briefing from DCAL officials on indigenous language strategy

The following DCAL officials joined the meeting:

Arthur Scott - Director of Culture

Donal Moran - Head of Languages Branch

The officials briefed the Committee and this was followed by a question and answer session.

12.55 p.m. Mr. Brolly left the meeting.

6. Matters arising

The Committee noted various presentations and written submissions from the round robin meeting held on 01 December 2009.

The Committee noted Sport NI’s Bridging the Gap brochure.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would postpone the remainder of the matters arising section of the meeting until 7 January 2010.

7. Chairperson’s Business

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would postpone this item of business until 7 January 2010.

8. Correspondence

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would postpone this item of business until 7 January 2010.

9. Digital Economy Bill

The Committee noted correspondence, a draft legislative consent motion and a memorandum from the Minister.

12.56 p.m. Mr. McNarry re-joined the meeting.

10. Any other business

12.57 p.m. Mr. D Bradley left the meeting.

12.59 p.m. Mr. PJ Bradley re-joined the meeting.

Mr. McNarry updated the Committee on his meeting with anglers and DCAL officials in Kilkeel, which was undertaken in his capacity as an MLA.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that it would write to the Ulster Angling Federation in order to seek an update since the abolition of the Fisheries Conservancy Board.

The Chair advised the Committee that this would be Mr. Brolly’s last meeting and thanked Mr. Brolly for his contribution to the work of the Committee.

The Chair advised members that Mrs. Mitford would be going on maternity leave and wished her well.

11. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure will be on Thursday 07 January 2010 at 10.30 a.m. in room 21, Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.00 p.m.

Mr. Barry McElduff MLA
Chairperson, Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure
07 January 2010

03 December 09 / Menu