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Present: Mr Edwin Poots (Chairperson)
Mr Oliver Gibson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs Jnr
Mrs Eileen Bell
Ms Patricia Lewsley
Mr Alex Maskey
Mr Jim Shannon

In Attendance: Mr Hugh Farren (Committee Clerk)
Ms Stella McArdle (Committee Clerk)
Mr John Conlan
Mrs Gillian Lewis
Ms Laurie Roberts
Mr Tim Moore

Apologies: Dr Esmond Birnie
Mr Fred Cobain
Mrs Annie Courtney
Mr James Leslie
Mr Eugene McMenamin
Mr Ken Robinson

The meeting opened at 2.08 pm in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are listed above.

2. Chairperson's Business

The Chairperson suggested that the next two meetings should be scheduled for Tuesday, 29 May 2001 at 11.30am and Monday 4 June 2001 at 11.30am. This was agreed by members.

3. Approval of draft minutes from previous proceedings

The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairperson.

4. Matters arising

(a) PSI Working Group on Travellers Consultation: The Committee considered the draft response for the PSI Working Group on Travellers Consultation and agreed that the Clerk should forward the response to OFMDFM. Action: Clerk

5. Correspondence

  1. Briefing from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland: Members noted the additional briefing from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland relating to the Children's Commissioner for Northern Ireland Inquiry.
  2. Letter from the Head of the Civil Service about OFMDFM's Corporate and Business Plan: The members noted the letter from the Head of the Civil Service and an advance copy of the Final Plan. It was agreed the Clerk will issue a printed version of the Plan to Members in due course. Action: Clerk
  3. Papers relating to the 2001-02 Main Estimates and the Proposed Changes to Financial Procedures for the 2002/03 Financial Year: The Committee considered the draft response on these issues and agreed the Clerk should forward the response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel. Action: Clerk

6. Presentation on the Single Equality Bill Consultation

The briefing session started at 2.15pm. Briefing on the Single Equality Bill Consultation was taken from Mrs Patricia McAuley, Head of Anti Discrimination 2, Ms Clare McGivern, Senior Legal Assistant, and Mr Gerry Madden, member of the Single Equality Bill Team.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 2.27pm.

It was agreed that a number of relevant organisations would be invited to give evidence to the Committee. Action: Clerk

The officials left the meeting at 3.50pm.


7. Committee's Consideration of the Draft Report on the Children's Commissioner Inquiry

The draft report was considered for the first time.

The overall format of the report and Contents were agreed.

It was agreed that the Committee's recommendations will be set out at the beginning of the report.

Section 1 - was agreed in principle.

Section 2 - was agreed in principle.

Section 3 - will be edited and considered further.

Section 4 - the final paragraph of 4.2.1 was agreed.

Section 4 - the final paragraph of 4.2.2 was agreed.

Section 4 - the two recommendations relating to paragraph 4.3.1 were agreed and a

further recommendation will be drafted.

Mr Gibson left the meeting at 3.25pm.

Section 4 - the three recommendations relating to paragraph 4.3.2 were agreed.

Section 4 - the first recommendation relating to paragraph 4.3.3 was agreed subject to

minor amendments and the next two recommendations were also agreed.

Section 4 - the two recommendations relating to paragraph 4.3.4 were agreed and

a further recommendation will be drafted.

Section 4 - the first recommendation relating to paragraph 4.3.5 was agreed subject to a

minor amendment, the second recommendation was also agreed and the third

recommendation will be re-drafted.

Mr Shannon left the meeting at 3.53pm.

Section 4 - the three recommendations relating to paragraph 4.4.1 will be re-drafted.

Section 4 - the two recommendations relating to paragraph 4.4.2 were agreed.

Section 4 - the two recommendations relating to paragraph 4.4.3 were agreed subject to

minor amendments.

8. Any other business


9. Date and time of next meeting

The members agreed that the next two meetings of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 at 11.30am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings, and Monday, 4 June 2001, at 11.30am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting was adjourned at 4.03pm.

Councillor Edwin Poots
Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
29 May 2001

16 May 2001 / Menu / 29 May 2001