Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


1. Apologies
2. Chairperson's Business
3. Approval of Draft Minutes of Previous Proceedings
4. Matters arising
5. Correspondence
6. Evidence on the Civic Forum
7. Equality Commission (Time Limits) Regulations
8. Any Other Business
9. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Present: Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Mrs Eileen Bell MLA
Dr Esmond Birnie MLA
Mr P J Bradley MLA
Mr Fred Cobain MLA
Mr David Ervine MLA
Mr James Leslie MLA
Mr Conor Murphy MLA
Mr Eugene McMenamin MLA
Mr Ken Robinson MLA
Mr Jim Shannon MLA

In Attendance: Dr Andrew Peoples (Committee Clerk)
Mr Damien McVeigh
Ms Laurie Roberts
Mr Hugh Widdis

Apologies: Mr Edwin Poots MLA (Chairperson)
Mr Oliver Gibson MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Michelle Gildernew MLA
Ms Patricia Lewsley MLA
Mr Alex Maskey MLA
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MLA

Meeting opened at 2.34pm in closed session.

The Clerk informed members that the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson would not be present at the meeting, thus it was necessary to elect a Chairperson. The Clerk took the Chair. Mr Shannon proposed that Mr Beggs take the Chair; Dr Birnie seconded this. Mr Bradley proposed that Mr McMenamin take the Chair, this was seconded by Mr Murphy. The question was put, that Mr Beggs do take the Chair. This was carried by a majority of members.

Mr Beggs in the Chair.

1. Apologies

The apologies are listed above.


2. Chairperson's Business

Mr Beggs informed members that the Chairperson, Mr Edwin Poots, had attended the Belfast launch of the Human Rights Act and that members would receive the information pack. Action: Clerk.


3. Approval of draft minutes of previous proceedings

The minutes were agreed and signed.


4. Matters Arising

Agreed that the next agenda, with the Chairperson present, should include the conduct of business.


5. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following correspondence:

  1. Letter from the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on Disability Time Regulations
  2. Memo from the Clerk of the Finance and Personnel Committee regarding the NI Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) report on Ethnic Minorities
  3. Agreed that the Clerk should obtain copies of the NISRA report on Ethnic Minorities for members. Action: Clerk.

  4. Letter from the First Minister and Deputy First Minister on the revised recruitment and advertisement expenses of the Civic Forum
  5. A paper, entitled 'The View From Below', on the delivery of the PEACE II Programme from Intermediary Funding Bodies and Sectoral Partners Secretariat.
  6. Memo from the Clerk of Business on the Speaker's Rulings on Motions tabled by Committees.


6. Evidence on the Civic Forum

Evidence on the Civic Forum was taken from Mr Tony McCusker, Ms Rosalie Flanagan and Ms Catriona Regan of the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.

3.08pm Mr Ervine left the meeting.
3.13pm Mr Ervine rejoined the meeting.
3.21pm Mr Leslie left the meeting.
3.35pm Mr Cobain, Dr Birnie and Mr Ervine left the meeting.
3.36pm Mr Ervine rejoined the meeting.


7. Equality Commission (Time Limits) Regulations

The Committee considered, with advice from Mr Widdis (NI Assembly Research & Library Services), the proposals set out in the consultation document.

3.42pm Mrs Bell left the meeting.




It was agreed that the Investigation commencement time limit be dropped from the Committee's response. It was further agreed that additional information was needed and that this should be further debated at the next meeting.


The Committee agreed to support this proposal.


This proposal was put to a vote and the Committee agreed to oppose, Mr Bradley and Mr McMenamin asked for the record to show that they abstained.


The Committee agreed to conditionally support this proposal, subject to suggested re-wording.


The Committee agreed to support this proposal.


The Committee agreed to support these proposals.

It was agreed that the Committee's response should include the additional proposal for the Action Plans.

4.02pm Mr Robinson left the meeting.
4.31pm Mr Shannon left the meeting.


8. Any other business

Mr Beggs sought members' opinion on taking evidence on the budget of the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in open or closed session. It was agreed to take the budget evidence in closed session because the bids were subject to Ministerial approval.

4.36pm Mr Bradley left the meeting.
Meeting was non-quorate; suspended at 4:36pm.
4.38pm Mr Bradley rejoined the meeting and business was resumed.

Committee agreed that Mr Beggs should remain in the Chair should the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson be unable to take the Chair for the next meeting.


9. Date and time of next meeting

It was agreed that the Committee would next meet on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 at 2.30pm in room 144, Parliament Buildings.


Mr Beggs adjourned the meeting at 4.39pm.

Mr Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Acting Chairperson, Committee of the Centre
11 October 2000

27 September 2000 / Menu / 11 October 2000