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MONDAY 10 MAY 1999 AT 3.00 PM

Mr P Berry

Mr PJ Bradley

Ms M Gildernew

Sir John Gorman

Mr C Wilson

In the Chair:
Sir John Gorman

In Attendance:
Mr T Evans
Mr J Floyd
Mr P Waddell.

1. Welcome and Introduction

1.1 The Chairman in welcoming Members emphasised the importance of the Committee's work. Members introduced themselves, highlighting relevant occupational experience.

2. Chairman's Remarks

2.1 The Chairman confirmed that the Commission had agreed that the Committee would be known as the Catering and Functions Committee. He impressed upon Members the need to ensure financial probity in all of the Committee's work.

2.2 Peter Waddell provided a background to the Mount Charles contract. Members agreed that they required a better understanding of the Mount Charles pricing structure for the standard service and the profit sharing arrangement for evening / weekend functions.

3. Terms of Reference

3.1 The Chairman confirmed the Terms of Reference agreed by the Commission:

'To make recommendations to the Shadow Commission on the development of the Assembly's catering / refreshment services.'

3.2 The Chairman explained that the Committee does not have the decision making powers of the Shadow Commission but is constituted to make recommendations to and implement decisions agreed by the Commission. Members agreed that reporting arrangements and areas where the Committee would have delegated authority needed to be established

3.3 The Committee agreed the following rules:

Ÿ quorum of three elected Members;

Ÿ substitutes with full voting rights;

Ÿ notice of meetings one week in advance;

Ÿ papers to be received in advance of meetings; and

Ÿ voting by majority.

The Committee still to agree on the appointment of a Deputy Chairman and arrangements for reporting back to the Shadow Commission.

4. Action Plan

Members agreed the following action:

Ÿ specialist catering consultants, Symonds and Trevor Annan, Managing Director of Mount Charles to be invited to early meetings;

Ÿ check on the legal implications of the unsigned Mount Charles contract;

Ÿ visits to Westminster and the Dail; and

Ÿ preparation of a short paper setting out objectives and related action points.

5. Any Other Business

Mr Wilson suggested a twin track approach to the work of the Committee dealing with the day to day priorities and, at the same time, taking forward the wider contracting issues.

6. Dates of Future Meetings

Tuesday 18 May at 9.30am in Room 135
Tuesday 25 May at 2.00pm in Room 135

Menu / 18 May 1999