Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Present: Ms J Morrice
Ms P Lewsley
Sir John Gorman

Apologies: Ms M Gildernew
Mr P Berry

In the Chair: Sir John Gorman

In attendance: Mr P Carlisle, Ms C Cleland, Ms R Donnelly, Mrs C McGowan.

1. The minutes of the fifteenth meeting were accepted.

2. Matters Arising

The Chairman welcomed Ms Roisin Donnelly who replaces Mr Jim Floyd in the Office of the Keeper Directorate.

3. Catering Contract

Mr Paul Carlisle informed the Committee that the evaluation of tenders for the new catering contract has been scheduled for the 14 November. Ms P Lewsley and Ms J Morrice agreed to represent the Committee on the assessment panel.

4. Gift Shop

Members agreed to proceed with the tender process.

5. Refurbishment of Press Bar

Mr Carlisle informed Members that a paper on the refurbishment of the Press Bar had been scheduled for discussion by the Assembly Commission on the 20 November. Members were also informed that a second paper on visitors to the basement restaurant would be tabled.

The Committee agreed that Ms Lewsley and Ms Morrice should attend the meeting to offer clarification on both papers.

6. Any Other Business

6.1 The Chairman raised the issue of Member's attendance at the meetings and agreed to issue a note to each of the Catering and Functions House Committee Members.

6.2 Ms Lewsley raised the issue of costs applied to voluntary groups for the provision of catering services during functions and agreed to forward a personal summary of reservations to Office of the Keeper.

6.3 The Committee wished to acknowledge the work achieved by Mr Floyd during his time with the Northern Ireland Assembly and suggested a lunch be organised to show their gratitude.

Ms Cleland paid a personal tribute to Mr Floyds work in helping to attain the high standard of service currently provided within Parliament Buildings for both Members and staff. Ms Lewsley also added her appreciation to all staff present at the meeting for the amount of work that has been accomplished.

7. Date of Next Meeting

To be arranged

Mr Paul Carlisle

Room 105

19 June 2001 / Menu / 6 February 2001