1. Apologies
2. Chairpersons business
3. Draft minutes of proceedings
4. Matters Arising
5. Forward work programme
6. Any other business
7. Date and time of next meeting
Mr John Dallat MLA, Chairperson
Mr Billy Hutchinson MLA, Deputy Chairperson
Mr Tony Logue, Committee Clerk
Mr Damien McVeigh
Mr Derek Hussey MLA
Mr Gerry McHugh MLA
Mr Mark Robinson MLA
10.40am the meeting opened in public session - Mr Dallat in the Chair.
1. Apologies
1.1 The apologies were noted.
2. Chairperson's business
3. Draft Minutes of Proceedings
Resolved:that the Committee approves the draft Minutes of Proceedings for Wednesday, 17 January 20014. Matters arising
4.3 The Committee's Terms of Reference -4.3.2 Members debated the various options presented and agreed to the conclusion of the paper.
Motion:that under Standing Order 58 delete all from 'The Assembly, by resolution' and insert:
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), the Committee shall have membership of five and a quorum of two.
4.4 Draft Report of the Committee's proceedings
4.4.1 Members noted and considered the draft Report prepared by the Committee Clerk.
5. Forward work programme
5.1 Members noted and considered the draft work programme as prepared by the Committee Clerk.
5.2 The Committee agreed the resolution as set out below -
Action: Clerk to take forward arrangements for the suggested visit.
6. Any other business
6.1 The Chairperson requested leave of the Committee to approve the draft minutes of these proceedings so that they could be included in the Committee's Report.
6.2 The Committee agreed the resolution as set out below -
Resolved:that the Chairperson shall have leave of the Committee to approve the draft Minutes of Proceedings for the Committee meeting on Thursday, 29 March 2001.
6.3 The Chairperson informed members that he would issue a copy of these minutes to each member of the Committee and provide an opportunity at the next meeting for members to make any amendments to the minutes.
Action: Clerk to circulate the approved Minutes of Proceedings to members.
7. Date and time of next meeting
7.1 The agreed that it would next meet in May to consider the salary of the Comptroller & Auditor General for Northern Ireland.
11.25am the Chairperson adjourned the meeting
Mr John Dallat MLA
Chairperson, Audit Committee
30 March 2001
17 January 2001 / Menu / 18 June 2001