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Mr Jimmy Spratt (Chairperson)
Mr Alex Attwood
Mr Nigel Dodds
Mr Simon Hamilton
Mr Raymond McCartney
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr Alex Maskey
Mr John O’Dowd

In Attendance:
Mr Stephen Graham (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Vincent Gribbin (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Miss Tara McKee (Clerical Supervisor)
Miss Paula McManus (Clerical Officer)

The meeting opened at 11.09am.

1. Apologies

Mr Danny Kennedy
Mr Ian Paisley Junior

2. Minutes of Proceedings of meeting held on 29 September 2009

Members agreed the Minutes of Proceedings of the meeting held on 29 September 2009.

3. Matters Arising

Members noted that the Forward Work Programme had been published on the website.

4. Correspondence – outgoing/incoming

Members noted a letter to the Committee on Procedures about a review of the arrangements for judicial appointments and removals.

Members noted a response to the OFMDFM Committee’s request for comments on the Department of Justice Bill.

Members also noted a letter to the Northern Ireland Policing Board and the Secretary of State about the financial implications of devolution of policing and justice powers.

Members considered a letter from the Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland requesting a meeting to brief the Committee.

Agreed: Members agreed to reply to the Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland declining her request to brief the Committee at this time.

5. Devolution of Policing and Justice matters

Committee Briefing Paper 11/08/09 – Eighteenth Revision – Consideration of the Category Two List of Issues

In relation to the issue of the devolution of policing and justice matters, the Chairperson declared the following interests:

The Chairperson invited Members to declare their relevant interests.

Members declared the following interests:

Alex Attwood

Alex Maskey

11:14 am Mr Hamilton joined the Meeting.

Members considered the Category Two List of Issues and reported no change to previously stated issues.

Agreed: Members agreed to write to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the First Minister and deputy First Minister to request updates on developments in relation to the devolution of policing and justice powers.

Agreed: Members agreed to issue a reminder to the Policing Board for Northern Ireland, requesting a response to earlier correspondence.

Agreed: Mr Alex Attwood agreed to provide a paper on the Public Prosecution Service for consideration by the Committee at the meeting on 13 October 2009.

6. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13 October 2009 at 11.00am, in Room 21.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11.30 am.
Mr Jimmy Spratt
Chairperson, Assembly and Executive Review Committee
13 October 2009.

29 September 09 / MENU