Present: Mr Raymond McCartney (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Alex Attwood Mr Simon Hamilton
Mrs Carmel Hanna
Mr Nelson McCausland
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr John O’Dowd
Mr Ian Paisley Jnr
In Attendance: Mr Stephen Graham (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Oliver Bellew (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Ms Lynn Gray (Clerical Supervisor)
Miss Paula McManus (Clerical Officer)
Mr Victor Hewitt (Specialist Adviser)
Apologies: Mr Jimmy Spratt (Chairperson)
Mr Danny Kennedy
Mr Alex Maskey
The meeting opened at 11.25am in closed session.
1. Apologies
Apologies are detailed above.
2. Specialist Adviser
The Specialist Adviser briefed Members on an amended submission by Forensic Science NI.
The meeting moved to public session at 11.27am.
3. Devolution of Policing and Justice
3.1 Public Prosecution Service – Oral Evidence Session
Members heard evidence from the following representatives of the Public Prosecution Service:
Sir Alasdair Fraser
Mr Jimmy Scholes
Mr Ian Hearst
This was followed by a question and answer session.
The session was recorded by Hansard.
The Deputy Chairperson thanked the representatives for the briefing.
12.25pm The Public Prosecution Service representatives left the meeting.
12.26pm Mr Hamilton left the meeting.
12.31pm Mr McCausland joined the meeting.
12.34pm Mr O’Dowd joined the meeting.
3.2 Compensation Agency – Oral Evidence Session
In relation to the issue of the devolution of policing and justice matters, Mr McCausland declared the following interest:
- Member of Belfast District Policing Board
Members heard evidence from the following representatives of the Compensation Agency:
Mr Robert Crawford
Mr Ray Jones
Mr David Whitcroft
12.39pm Mr Attwood left the meeting.
This was followed by a question and answer session.
The session was recorded by Hansard.
The Deputy Chairperson thanked the representatives for the briefing
1.02pm The Compensation Agency representatives left the meeting
The Deputy Chairperson suspended the meeting at 1.04pm.
The Deputy Chairperson resumed the meeting at 2.03pm with the following Members also present:
Mr Alex Attwood
Mr Nelson McCausland
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr John O’Dowd
3.3 Forensic Science NI – Oral Evidence Session
In relation to the issue of the devolution of policing and justice matters, Mr McCausland declared the following interest:
- Member of Belfast District Policing Board
Members heard evidence from the following representatives of Forensic Science NI:
Mr Stan Brown
Mr Peter Connan
Mrs Janet Kirkwood
Mr David Brooks
2.14pm Mr Paisley Jnr joined the meeting.
In relation to the issue of the devolution of policing and justice matters, Mr Paisley Jnr declared the following interest:
- Member of the Northern Ireland Policing Board
This was followed by a question and answer session.
The session was recorded by Hansard.
2.20pm Mr McCausland left the meeting.
The Deputy Chairperson thanked the representatives for the briefing.
12.31pm The Forensic Science NI representatives left the meeting.
4. Matters arising
Agreed: Members agreed to hold a working dinner with delegates from the Justice, Equality, Defense and Women’s Rights Committee of the Oireachtas, on Monday 30th March 2009.
5. Minutes of Proceedings of meeting held on 3 March 2009
Members agreed the Minutes of Proceedings of the meeting held on 3 March 2009.
6. Date, time and place of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 at 11.00am in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings.
The Deputy Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2.32 pm.