Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

FRIDAY 24 MAY 2002

Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP (Chairman)
Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr P J Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mr B Douglas
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr M Murphy
Mr G McHugh
Mr I Paisley Jnr

In attendance:
Mr P Moore
Miss J Adair
Mr S McCann
Mr J McCourt

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting open in private session at 10.06 a.m.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 17 May 2002.

1.1. Resolved: That the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 17 May 2002 were approved with several minor amendments.

Mr Murphy attended the meeting at 10.08 a.m. Mr McHugh attended the meeting at 10.09 a.m.

2. Matters Arising from the Meeting on 17 May 2002

2.1. Correspondence: Members noted receipt of correspondence by e-mail from the meeting on 17 May 2002.

2.2. Education and R&D in Agriculture and Food Science: Copies of the report were handed out and members deliberated over a possible meeting with the authors. Mr. Ford declared an interest due to his spouse's involvement with the North East Institute.

Mr Bradley attended the meeting at 10.21 a.m.

2.3. Resolved: That the meeting with the Review Panel be arranged for 14 June 2002

2.4. Resolved: That the Committee must obtain the views of DARD officials and that they would, through the Minster, be invited to the meeting also on 14 June 2002.

2.5. Farm Quality Assurance Scheme: Members were informed that the named witness they wished to meet had asked that the Committee seek the agreement of the Livestock and Meat Commission as to his attendance as he is in their employ. Members were also given further advice on the issue of sub-judice. A member proposed that the Committee should defer discussions with the individual until after the case against a meat plant had been heard.

2.6. Resolved: That the proposed meeting be deferred and that, in due course, a letter be sent to the LMC asking for its approval of the individual's attendance at a future Committee meeting.

2.7. Resolved: That a letter be sent to DARD asking to keep the Committee informed of developments in the court case.

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting open to the public at 10.31a.m.

3. Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill

3.1. Department officials, Johnston Given and Margaret Hood, joined the meeting at 10.32 a.m. The officials answered members' questions on the subjects of prosecution, compensation, the principles of the Bill, the European context and the possibility of amendments to the Bill.

Mr Ford left the meeting at 10.45 a.m. and returned at 11.07 a.m. Mr Bradley left the meeting at 10.50 a.m. and returned at 11.05 a.m. Dr. Paisley attended the meeting at 10.53 a.m. and assumed the chair. Mr. Dallat left the meeting at 10.57 a.m. and returned at 11.08 a.m.

3.2. Resolved: That the officials would supply the Committee with further information on the Bill and would attend a future meeting to discuss this issue further.

The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 11.22 a.m.

4. Forward Work Programme

Mr Paisley Jnr left the meeting at 11.24 a.m.

4.1. Members discussed a draft Forward Work Programme and deliberated over their priorities for forthcoming Committee meetings.

4.2. Higher and Further Education Review: Members agreed that it would be proper to seek the views of the relevant Committees.

Resolved: That letters be sent to the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee, the
Education Committee and the Employment and Learning Committee seeking their
views on the Minister's consultation regarding the Review report.

Mr Paisley Jnr returned to the meeting at 11.29 a.m.

4.3. Foot and Mouth Disease Inquiry: Members agreed to consider the Terms of Reference for the external research element of their Inquiry during their meeting on 7 June. They also considered a request from Omagh District Council for an extension of the deadline for submissions.

Resolved: That Omagh District Council be given an extension to the deadline.

4.4. Potato Sector Issues: Members discussed the visit to Wilson's Country Limited on May 23.

Resolved: That a report on the visit be considered at the next Committee meeting,
along with a copy of the presentation seen by members who took part in the visit. It
was also resolved that the Ware potato growers be invited to the meeting on 31 May.

4.5. National Beef Association and Beef Carcase Dressing Specification: Members considered a response from the NBA agreeing to attend a Committee meeting on 14 June.

Resolved: That, in view of the earlier discussions on the Review of Further and Higher
Education, this meeting should be rearranged for 7 or 21 June.

Mr Bradley left the meeting at 11.39 a.m.

4.6. Meeting with the Minister on 7 June: Members considered agenda items for their proposed meeting with the Minister.

Mr Dallat left the meeting at 11.41 a.m.

Resolved: That the issues of the Stakeholder Forum and TB and Brucellosis be
discussed at the meeting with the Minister on 7 June and that a letter should issue to
the Minister to this effect.

Resolved: That the agenda should be restricted to these two items to allow sufficient
time for meaningful discussion.

Resolved: That members should consider issues they wished to raise during the
meeting, and provide these to the Clerk, so that they may be 'marshalled' for the

Mr Bradley returned to the meeting at 11.54 a.m.

4.7. Invitation to meet the Loughs Agency: Members considered an invitation to meet the Loughs Agency on Friday 14 June.

Resolved: That in view of the pressure of other business, the proposal to meet the Loughs Agency be deferred until after the summer recess.

4.8. Appointment of Chief Veterinary Officer: Members noted a letter from Mr Small regarding the appointment.

5. DARD Paper on Business Between Officials and the Assembly Committee

5.1. Members considered a paper from the Department regarding its relationship with the Committee and how the Department will undertake to take account of the views expressed by the Committee.

5.2. Resolved: That the Committee would consider, at next week's meeting, a letter to DARD which will broadly endorse the paper and agree to certain proposals on a trial basis.

5.3. Resolved: That the Committee would meet DARD officials to discuss the Review of Further and Higher Education and R&D in an 'informal' session as proposed in the paper.

6. Departmental Budget

6.1. Members considered a letter from the Minister on the Department's approach to managing within its overall running cost budget in the current year. Members also considered bids from DARD to the Reinvestment and Reform Initiative and DARD's Final Position Report.

6.2. Resolved: That a letter be sent to DARD highlighting the Committee's concerns about the lack of information provided by DARD on Department running cost cuts and inviting officials to attend the meeting, on 31 May, to cover both this and the RRI bids.

6.3. Resolved: That the final DARD position report was noted and would be considered when the Executive Position Report is published.

Mr Ford left the meeting at 12.16 p.m.

7. Statutory Rules

7.1. Members considered proposals for Seeds (Fees) Regulations, Plant Health Regulations and Animal by-Products (Revocation) Regulations.

7.2. Resolved: That the Committee would await the outcome of the consultation exercise on the Seeds (Fees) Regulations before responding to the Department. That the Committee would write to DARD seeking information on the number of people likely to be affected by the proposed regulations.

7.3. Resolved: That the Committee were content for DARD to proceed to make the Rules for the Plant Health Regulations and Animal by-Products (Revocation) Regulations.

8. Any Other Business

8.1. Fisheries Issues: Members noted a response from the Minister to concerns raised by the Committee following discussions with the two Fish Producer Organisations on 8 February 2002.

8.2. Northern Coast Lobster Fisherman's Association: Members noted a letter from the Northern Coast Lobster Fisherman's Association regarding concerns about difficulties in obtaining grant aid. They also noted information contained in the final report on the Public Service Agreement that they had considered at last week's meeting.

Resolved: That a copy of the letter from the NCLFA be forwarded to the Minister, seeking her comments on the 3 questions raised and that she be asked to respond to Committee concerns that only 5 applications had been received for 4 grant schemes.

8.3. Salmon Farming: Members noted a copy of a response from the Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure to concerns raised by the Clerk and Chief Executive of Moyle District Council about the effects of salmon farming on wild salmon stocks and local angling clubs.

Resolved: That a letter be sent to the Moyle District Council Chief Executive registering the Committee's interest in the issue and asking for a copy of any further response to the Committee for Arts and Leisure's letter regarding salmon farming.

8.4. Fees for Plant Breeders Rights and National Listings: Members noted a letter from DARD regarding the UK Agriculture Departments' proposals to increase fees for Plant Breeders Rights and National Listings by 5% from July 2002.

Resolved: That a letter be sent to DARD highlighting the Committee's concern at, and opposition to, these proposals.

8.5. First Report by Public Sector Energy Committee: Members noted a copy of a letter from the Minister of Finance and Personnel to the Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee regarding the First Report of the Public Sector Energy Committee.

8.6. Licensing of Fish Farming Operations in Inland Waters: Members noted a copy of a letter from the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to the Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure regarding proposals to transfer functions relating to the licensing of fish farms in inland waters.

8.7. Helicopter Spreading of Fertiliser: Members noted a response from DARD to concerns about the proposal to use a helicopter to spread fertiliser for forestry purposes.

Resolved: That a letter be sent to DARD acknowledging that concerns about the danger of wash-off from this practice were addressed in the DARD response, but stressing the importance of strict adherence to the contract specification in this regard.

8.8. Tour of Parliament Buildings by Agriculture Technology Degree Students: Members noted a letter of thanks from DARD to the Committee for facilitating a visit by Agriculture Technology students on 3 May 2002.

9. Date of Next Meeting

9.1. Resolved: That the next meeting will take place on 31 May 2002 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00 a.m.

The Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 12.54 p.m.

George Savage
Deputy Chairman

17 May 2002 / Menu / 31 May 2002