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1. The Outcome of the December Fisheries Council meeting
2. Chairman's Business
3. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP (Chairman)
Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr G McHugh
Mr I Paisley Jnr.

Apologies: Mr B Armstrong
Mr J Dallat

In attendance: Mr M Wilson
Mr P Moore
Mrs R Barclay
Miss K Hewitt

The Chairman called the meeting to order in public session at 11.00.

1. The Outcome of the December Fisheries Council meeting

1.1. Meeting with representatives of the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation Ltd.

1.1.1. The Chairman welcomed Messrs McCulla, Chambers and Morris into the meeting.

1.1.2. Mr McCulla made a statement to the Committee after which he and his colleagues answered members' questions. Subjects covered included:

1.1.3. The Chairman brought discussions to a close at 11.50.

1.2. Meeting with a representative of the Northern Ireland Fish Producers' Organisation Ltd.

1.2.1. The Chairman welcomed Mr Bryant-Brown into the meeting at 11.50.

1.2.2. Mr Bryant-Brown began by agreeing with most of what Mr McCulla had already told the Committee. He then made a number of points regarding individual fish stocks and answered members' questions. Among the issues covered were:

1.2.3. The Chairman brought discussions to a close at 12.10

1.3. Meeting with DARD officials

1.3.1. The Chairman welcomed Mrs Cummins and Mr Prentice into the meeting at 12.10.

1.3.2. In response to the Chairman's request for a statement on the proposed decommissioning scheme Mr Prentice outlined the range of measures proposed within the Fisheries section of the Transitional Objective 1 Programme for EU Structural Funds. These included decommissioning, support for new vessels, modernisation of the fleet, support for the processing sector, promotion and support to the NI Fisheries Harbour Authority.

1.3.3. EU approval for the overall Structural Funds package was expected in the near future and approximately £18m had been sought for the Fisheries Measures, of which a total of around £6m was earmarked for a decommissioning scheme. It would not be possible to increase the amount for a decommissioning scheme in view of the other proposed measures.

1.3.4. Mr Prentice reminded the Committee that the overall plan was still subject to approval and that the necessary public expenditure allocation would be required to implement the plans. However, he stated that the Fisheries Council decisions had furthered the business case for a decommissioning scheme.

1.3.5. In response to a question from the Chair, Mrs Cummins estimated that it would take 4-5 months to implement a decommissioning scheme. In response to a member's question Mrs Cummins advised that Northern Ireland had autonomy to develop its own decommissioning proposals.

1.3.6. Mrs Cummins stated that DARD was "looking with interest" at the ROI training scheme and its content but reminded the Committee that the only resources available to DARD would be those secured under the EU Structural Funds plan.

1.3.7. Mrs Cummins assured the Committee that the Department was pursuing the information that would be required to enable the reversal in the 10% cut in Nephrops TAC but that DARD was not yet clear of the precise information sought by the Commission. She further advised that Northern Ireland's case would have to be made through MAFF.

Mr Ford left the meeting at 12.40.

1.3.8. The Chairman brought discussions to a close at 12.40 at which time the officials left the meeting.

1.4. Committee deliberation

1.4.1. Members agreed that the fishing industry faced a catastrophe.

1.4.2. Resolved: that the Committee was unanimous in its demand for immediate action from the Department in terms of the introduction of a decommissioning scheme and in securing the reversal of the 10% cut in Nephrops TAC.

Mr Paisley Jnr. left the meeting at 12.45.

2. Chairman's Business

2.1. The Chairman read out a letter which he had received from the Minister in which she voiced her concern at the practice of notes being passed from the public seating area to the Chairman (through the Clerk) during discussions between the Committee and the Minister.

2.2. The Clerk advised members that he was aware of nothing in Standing Orders to preclude such a practice, nor was there specific reference to it in Erskine May.

2.3. The Committee deliberated.

2.4. Resolved: that information from advisers in the public seating area might be useful to the Chairman and other members in ensuring that the most appropriate questions were asked and answers received. Any such information would result in a question made on the Chairman's or member's own authority and they were entitled to put any question to the Minister as they saw fit. Responses could be provided later in written form if the Minister felt unprepared to address them immediately. While the Committee would not envisage this becoming a regular practice, members saw no reason to alter it.

3. Date of Next Meeting

3.1. Resolved: that the next meeting of the Committee would be DARD's invitation to meet with the Vision Group on Tuesday 9 January, together with a regular Committee meeting on Friday 12 January 2001.

The Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 12.50.

15 December 2000 / Menu / 12 January 2001