Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo




Dr William McCrea MP (Chairperson)
Mr Tom Elliott (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr P J Bradley
Mr Allan Bresland
Mr Thomas Burns
Mr Trevor Clarke
Mr Willie Clarke
Mr Pat Doherty
Mr William Irwin
Mr George Savage

In attendance:
Mr Paul Carlisle (Clerk to the Committee)
Ms Roisin Fleetham (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Ms Mary Hawthorne (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Kathy Neill (Clerical Officer)


Mr Francie Molloy
The meeting opened at 1.32pm in Public Session.

1. Apologies

The Apologies were noted. The Chair informed Members that following a motion put to the House on Monday 21 January 2008, Mr Pat Doherty had replaced Mr Gerry McHugh on the Committee.

2. Minutes of last meeting

The Committee agreed the Minutes of the meeting of 15 January 2008.

1.36pm Mr Savage Joined the meeting
1.40pm Mr Bradley joined the meeting

3. Matters arising

(a) Correspondence Issued

The Committee noted the correspondence issued following the meeting of 15 January 2008.

(b) Correspondence Received

The Committee noted the correspondence received since the meeting of 15 January 2008

(c) Declaration of Interests

Members were advised that the Committee Office had received a Declaration form from Mr Doherty and that this would be appended to the Minutes. The Chairman reminded Members that, under Standing Order 64(4)

“Before taking part in any debate or proceeding of the Assembly or its Committees, a Member shall declare any interest, financial or otherwise, which is relevant to that debate or proceeding, where such interest is held by the Member or an immediate relative”

4. Presentation – Ulster Pork and Bacon Forum

The Chair introduced Robert Overend, Norman Robson, Keith Smyton and Norman Brown from the Ulster Pork and Bacon Forum (UPBF).

They gave a presentation to Members on the current difficulties facing the industry. The representatives then answered questions from Members.

The representatives left the meeting at 2.40pm.

5. Presentation – Budget Settlement

John Smith and Tom Rodgers, officials from DARD joined the meeting at 2.40pm and briefed Members on the recently announced budget allocations for the Department. Officials also briefed the Committee on proposed staff reductions over the following year. Officials then answered questions from Members.

Members requested written clarification of the Marker Bids placed with DFP in relation to the Red Meat Task Force and the names of the officials who will take the lead role for DARD on this project.

Members also requested a copy of the latest EU Audit Report on the Department.

The officials left the meeting at 3.24pm.
3.23pm Mr Burns Joined the meeting

6. Forkhill Development

The Chair informed Members that a brief analysis of the economic appraisal had been undertaken by the Committee Office and that this had been tabled for Members information. The appraisal raised a substantial number of queries. Members agreed to forward these to DARD for a response.

Members also agreed to forward the queries raised to DFP, as they would be assessing the appraisal.

3.40pm Mr Savage left the meeting

7. SL1 – Pig Production Development (Levy) Revocation Order (NI) 2007

David Millar and Joyce Miskimmons, officials from DARD joined the meeting at 3.42pm and informed Members that the Department intended bringing forward legislation in relation to the above which would remove the Pig Production Development Committee’s ability to levy charges.

Members agreed to progress this matter to the legislative stage.

The officials left the meeting at 3.45pm

8. Statutory Rule – The Milk and Milk Products (Pupils in Educational Establishments) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2007

Question put and agreed.

“That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered The Milk and Milk Products (Pupils in Educational Establishments) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2007, and has no objection to the rule”.

9. Any Other Business

The Chair informed Members that Invitations had been received for a delegation to attend Westminster on 27 February 2008 and the Isle of Man (various dates) and suggested the Chair, Deputy Chair and a Member from each party attend. Members agreed to nominate a representative for each visit.

Mr Elliott requested that the email received regarding planning in respect of a rural school in Strabane be forwarded to the Department for comments.

10. Date of Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet at 1.30pm on Tuesday, 29 January 2008 in Room 152, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting was adjourned at 3.48pm.


15 January 08 / Menu