Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


 TUESDAY 22 MAY 2007

Dr William McCrea MP (Chairperson)
Tom Elliott (Deputy Chairperson)
P J Bradley
Allan Bresland
Thomas Burns
Trevor Clarke
Willie Clarke
William Irwin
George Savage

In attendance:
Debbie Pritchard (Principal Clerk)
Paul Carlisle (Clerk to the Committee)
Jim Beatty (Assistant Clerk)
Mary Hawthorne (Clerical Supervisor)
Kathy Neill (Clerical Officer)

Francie Molloy

The meeting opened at 2.00pm in Public Session

  1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

  1. Minutes of last meeting

The Committee agreed the Minutes of the meeting of 11 May 2007. The Committee further agreed that these be placed on the internet.

  1. Declaration of Interests

It was agreed that the interests declared by Mr McHugh prior to the meeting should be appended to the minutes of the meeting – see Appendix 1.

The Chairperson reminded members that under Standing Order 64(4):-

‘Before taking part in any debate or proceeding of the Assembly or its Committees, a Member shall declare any interest, financial or otherwise, which is relevant to that debate or proceeding, where such interest is held by the Member or an immediate relative.’

  1. Role of the Bill Office

Kevin Shiels, Assembly Clerk, joined the meeting at 2.07pm and gave a presentation on the role of the Bill Office and the support available to Committees and members. After the presentation Mr Shiels answered questions from the members.

Mr Shiels left the meeting at 2.25pm.

  1. Cross-Compliance Visits

George O’Doherty, Valerie Bell, Jim Freeburn and Wilf Weatherup, senior officials from the Department, joined the meeting at 2.27pm. Mr O’Doherty gave a presentation on the selection, completion and reduction of cross-compliance farm visits. After the presentation, the officials answered questions from the members.

Mr O’Doherty agreed to provide the Committee with information not available to him at the meeting in relation to:-

(a) an allegation that the DARD computer system had difficulties prior to March 2007 in dealing with applications where probate was an issue;

(b) minutes of a meeting in which draft EC regulations relating to errors in farm size were discussed.

The officials left the meeting at 3.39pm.

  1. Draft Work Programme/Schedule of Meetings

The Committee noted the draft Work Programme.

The Committee noted that the Minister had formally sought the Committees view on voluntary modulation. After discussion, it was agreed that Committee would consider voluntary modulation at the next meeting and that the Minister would be invited to attend the Committee meeting on 5 June 2007.

It was agreed that representatives of the Ulster Farmers Union, Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers’ Association and the fishing industry should be invited to the Committee meeting on 29 May 2007 to present issues which they would wish the Committee to take forward in their discussion with the Minister.

In addition, it was agreed to that the Committee would consider the June budget monitoring round at the next meeting and that the Department should be asked to provide copies of relevant papers.

It was agreed that the Committee’s Forward Work Plan should be placed on the Committee’s website.

  1. Correspondence - Request from MSCRAG

The Committee agreed to a request from the Mourne, Slieve Croob and South Down Resident’s Action Group (MSCRAG) to address the Committee on agricultural issues relating to the creation of a national park in the Mournes. The presentation will take place on 12 June 2007.

It was agreed that the Committee would consider requests to address the Committee from those with views other than MSCRAG.

  1. Draft Press Release

The Committee considered and agreed a press release.

  1. Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 29 May 2007 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.





Appendix 1

Mr Gerry McHugh Register of Interests