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Northern Ireland

Paul Carlisle
Clerk to the Committee for
Agriculture and Rural Development
Parliament Buildings

Joe Cassells
Departmental Assembly Liaison Officer
Department of Agriculture and
Rural Development
Room 509
Dundonald House

4 February 2009

Dear Joe


I refer to the above.

The Committee discussed matters around the dioxin contaminated feedstuffs in closed session at the above meeting and would ask that the Department present, again in closed session, at the meeting of 10 February 2009. A number of queries in respect of this matter are also attached to this letter.

The Committee received a presentation from departmental officials in respect of proposals relating to hardship payments to those severely impacted by the adverse weather conditions of 16 August 2008. The Committee agreed that all those impacted should receive some form of payment and that the lower threshold proposed by the Department be removed.

The Committee received a presentation from the Farmers for Action group who voiced concerns regarding food labelling, the policing of the red meat sector, the use of waste food products in animal feeds and difficulties with proposals for on-farm or farming related dwellings in respect of PPS21. The Committee reiterated its support for these matters and would ask that the Department provide it with an update on each at the meeting of 17 February 2009. The Committee appreciates that PPS21 falls to the remit of another Executive Department but requests that the Department for Agriculture and Rural Development apprise the Committee of any representations they have made in respect of farm families and rural dwellers. Again, a number of queries are contained in the attached templates.

The Department received correspondence in respect of the “Review of Inshore Fisheries Management in Northern Ireland”, a copy of which can be found on the departmental website at The Committee asks that the Department provide it with an update on their progress against this report at the meeting of 24 February 2009.

The Committee were advised that the Rural Development (Financial Assistance) (Public Expenditure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) was referenced in the Ninth Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules. The Examiner indicates in this report that there is no power to make the statutory rule in the first instance. Accordingly, the Committee will not be considering this matter at the next meeting. The Committee asks, however, that the Department urgently advise as to how this was mistakenly laid in the first instance, what impact and delay this will have in respect of Axis Three if the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme and what actions the Department intends taking to rectify the matter.

The Committee agreed that the following matters progress to the legislative stage:

The Committee approved the following statutory rule:

The Committee agreed that departmental officials would not be required in respect of the following matter but that the Department return with a detailed analysis of consultation responses:

The Committee agreed that departmental officials would not be required in respect of the following matters:

As indicated, a number of queries are detailed in the attached query templates. I would appreciate a response by noon, 12 February 2009.

I am happy to discuss.

Yours sincerely

Paul Carlisle
Clerk to the Committee for
Agriculture and Rural Development