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Northern Ireland

Paul Carlisle
Clerk to the Committee for
Agriculture and Rural Development
Parliament Buildings

Joe Cassells
Departmental Assembly Liaison Officer
Department of Agriculture and
Rural Development
Room 509
Dundonald House

27 January 2009

Dear Joe


I refer to the above.

The Committee noted the Ministers response in respect of the roll out of DARD Direct Offices. The Committee has expressed its disappointment that the Department has chosen to locate an office in Claudy as opposed to what it believes would be a more sensible and accessible location in Londonderry. In addition, the Committee is disappointed to note that a potential site in Antrim has been removed.

The Committee also noted the Department’s response in respect of feed contaminated with dioxin and has asked that they be kept apprised of the continuing investigations/inquiries into this matter.

The Committee noted the Department’s responses in respect of the Draft Diseases of Animals Bill and has asked that the Department return to the next meeting with an amended draft Bill. The Committee will then undertake formal scrutiny of each of the clauses before reporting in plenary session at a later date. I will keep you apprised of progress accordingly.

The Committee has asked that the Department provide it with a written update in respect of the Better Regulations exercise. I would appreciate if this could be forwarded to my office no later than noon, 12 February 2009.

The Committee agreed that the following matter progress to the legislative stage:

The Committee approved the following statutory rules:

The Committee agreed that departmental officials would not be required in respect of the following matter but that the Department return with a detailed analysis of consultation responses:

The Committee agreed that departmental officials would not be required in respect of the following matters:

I am happy to discuss.

Yours sincerely

Paul Carlisle
Clerk to the Committee for
Agriculture and Rural Development