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Paul Carlisle
Clerk to the Committee for
Agriculture and Rural Development
Parliament Buildings

Joe Cassells
Departmental Assembly Liaison Officer
Department of Agriculture and
Rural Development
Room 509
Dundonald House

3 December 2008

Dear Joe


I refer to the above meeting.

The Committee noted recent correspondence issued on behalf of the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in respect of export refunds. The Committee has asked, however, that both Ministers present the case for a reintroduction of export refunds to the European Commission and again offers their support to both Ministers in respect of this matter.

The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development was dismayed to learn that the Department has withdrawn a bid of £2 million that was intended for hardship payments to those severely affected by the floods of 16 August 2008. The Committee disagrees with this action and remains opposed to the use of a business case previously rejected by the Committee. The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development unanimously agreed at the above meeting to write to the Minister for Finance and Personnel on behalf to those severely impacted seeking compensation in respect of the losses to their farm businesses.

In addition, the Committee asks that the officials from the Department’s economics division responsible for the compilation of the rejected business case present to them at the meeting of 9 December 2008.

The Committee noted two pieces of correspondence from the Department in respect of the Wind Turbine report. The Committee would emphasise the assurances given to it in previous correspondence to the Chairman and again calls on the Department to present on the above report at the meeting of 9 December 2008. As agreed between the Committee and the Department, this presentation will be taken in open session.

The Committee received evidence from the Department, the Ulster Farmers Union and NIPSA in respect of the Equality Impact Assessment on the DARD Direct proposals. The Committee are concerned on a number of matters:

The Committee would request that the Department revisit the 12 office model in light of these concerns and respond to the Committee by 18 December 2008.

With regards to the provisional December monitoring return, the Committee are concerned that they have not had the opportunity to scrutinise the four papers listed under “Response to the Financial Crisis: Departmental Returns”. The Committee is also concerned that their opinion and comments were not sought in respect of this exercise. The Committee has agreed to take legal advice on whether the Department can withhold papers pertaining to an area falling within their area of responsibility, namely the scrutiny of budgets and plans, on the basis that the papers are issued by the Minister to Executive colleagues.

The Committee agreed that the following consultation proceed but will require the Department to return to it with a detailed analysis of responses:

The Committee agreed to progress the following item to the legislative stage:

The Committee approved the following statutory rules:

The Committee agreed that officials would not be required to present in respect of the following matters but requests that it is provided with a detailed analysis of consultation responses:

The Committee agreed that officials would not be required to present in respect of the following matter:

The Committee agreed, however, that officials would be required to present to them in respect of the following matters:

The Committee has a number of queries arising out of the meeting which are detailed in the attached proforma. I have separated these into specific query sheets for ease of reference. I would appreciate if you could bring these to the attention of your colleagues for return by noon 11 December 2008.

I am happy to discuss.

Yours sincerely

Paul Carlisle
Clerk to the Committee for
Agriculture and Rural Development