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Mr Alex Attwood
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín
Dr Stephen Farry
Mr Alban Maginness (Chair)
Mr Nelson McCausland
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr John O’Dowd
Mr Peter Weir

Mr Kevin Shiels, Committee Clerk
Ms Roisin Fleetham, Assistant Clerk
Ms Karen Roy, Clerical Supervisor
Ms Jane Hanna, Clerical Officer
Ms Olwen Lyner, NIACRO
Mr Pat Conway, NIACRO
Prof Monica McWilliams,NIHRC
Ms Anne Hope, NIHRC
Dr Nazia Latif, NIHRC
Ms Denise Magill, NIHRC
Mr Robin Masefield, Prison Service
Mr Eddie Finn, Prison Service
Mr Brian Ingram, Prison Service
Superintendent David Boyd, PSNI
Inspector Rosie Leech, PSNI
Inspector Gary Atkinson, PSNI
Mr John Connor, PSNI

Mr Danny Kennedy
Mr Raymond McCartney (Deputy Chair)
Mr Jim Wells

2.07pm the meeting opened in public session Mr Maginness in the Chair.

1. Apologies

The apologies were noted.

2. Minutes of last meeting

The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting 18 December 2007. They will be published on the website.

3. Matters Arising

The Clerk informed Members that the Chair of the Life Sentence Review Commissioners had been contacted regarding hours worked by commissioners on average and a response would be provided by end of this week.

The Clerk also informed Members that the NIO had responded to the Committee query in relation to the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) 2007 bid to cover implementation of the Order. The NIO had provided the following information: Over CSR 07, approximately £14 million will be made available to Criminal Justice Agencies for implementation of the sentencing provisions. How this is allocated across the CSR07 period (2008 through to 2011) will be dependent on the pace of implementation.

4. Declaration of Interests

The Chairperson reminded Members that any amended Declaration of Interests should be forwarded in writing to the Committee Clerk.

5. Oral Evidence Session - Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

The Chair introduced Ms Olwen Lyner and Mr Pat Conway from the Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NIACRO) . They gave a presentation to Members, highlighting the provisions the Association supported and its concerns. A question and answer session followed.

6. Oral Evidence Session - Human Rights Commission

The Chair introduced Prof Monica McWilliams, Ms Anne Hope, Dr Nazia Latif and Ms Denise Magill from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC). They gave a presentation to Members, highlighting the Commission’s concerns regarding specific provisions. A question and answer session followed.

7. Oral Evidence Session - Northern Ireland Prison Service

The Chair introduced Mr Robin Masefield, Mr Eddie Finn and Mr Brian Ingram from the Northern Ireland Prison Service. They gave a presentation to Members on the current transition of the prison service and the likely impact of the draft Order’s provisions. A question and answer session followed.

8. Oral Evidence Session - Police Service of Northern Ireland

The Chair introduced Superintendent David Boyd, Inspector Rosie Leech, Inspector Gary Atkinson and Mr John Connor from the Police Service of Northern Ireland. They gave a presentation to Members on the PSNI’s position on proposals regarding consumption of alcohol in designated public places and the seizure of nuisance vehicles such as mini-scooters. A question and answer session followed.

4.46 pm Closed Session

9. Discussion on possible recommendations for draft report

Members discussed the possible content of the Committee Report.

4.55pm Ms Ní Chuilín left the meeting

10. Any other Business

Members agreed the Motion to be forwarded to the Business Committee for the debate on the Committee’s report.

11. Date and time of next meeting

The Committee agreed that it would meet on Wednesday 16 January 2008 at 2pm in the Senate Chamber.

4.57pm the Chairperson adjourned the meeting.

Mr Alban Maginness MLA
Chairperson, Ad Hoc Committee
9 January 2008

18 December 07 / Menu