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Mr Alban Maginness
Mr Raymond McCartney
Mr Nelson McCausland (Deputy)
Mr Alan McFarland
Mr John O’Dowd
Mr Jim Wells (Deputy)

Mr Kevin Shiels, Committee Clerk
Ms Roisin Fleetham, Assistant Clerk
Ms Karen Roy, Clerical Supervisor
Ms Jane Hanna, Clerical Officer
Mr Gareth Johnston, NIO
Mr Tom Haire, NIO
Mr Jim Strain, NIO
Ms Anne O’Connell, NIO
Mr Jake McClure, NIO
Ms Amanda Patterson, NIO

Mr Alex Attwood
Mr Ian McCrea
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín
Dr Stephen Farry
Mr Danny Kennedy
Mr David Simpson
Mr Peter Weir

2.07pm the meeting opened in private session-the temporary Chairperson in the Chair.

1. Apologies

The apologies were noted. Mr McCausland attended in place of Mr Simpson, Mr Wells attended in place of Mr McCrea.

2. Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

The temporary Chairperson called for nominations for the position of a Committee Chairperson. Mr Wells proposed that Mr Maginness be the Chairperson. Mr McFarland seconded this and the nomination was accepted.

On there being no further nominations the temporary Chairperson put the question without debate.

Resolved , that Mr Maginness, being the only candidate proposed, be Chairperson of this Committee.

The Chairperson called for nominations for the position of a Deputy Chairperson. Mr O’Dowd proposed that Mr McCartney be the Deputy Chairperson. Mr McFarland seconded this and the nomination was accepted.

On there being no further nominations the Chairperson put the question without debate.

Resolved , that Mr McCartney, being the only candidate proposed, be Deputy Chairperson of this Committee.

2.14 meeting in Public session

3. Matters Arising

Following last week’s request to invite the Assembly’s Legal Adviser to the Committee, the Chair introduced Mr Hugh Widdis. The Chair advised that, because of his commitments to all parts of the Assembly, Mr Widdis would not be able to attend all meetings but would be available to offer legal advice if and when required.

The Chair informed Members that Mr Paul Goggins, Minister of State had written to the Committee expressing regret that he could not attend the meeting today, but that he would be available at a later date if the Committee required. A copy of the letter was circulated.

4. Declaration of Interests

The Chairperson reminded Members of the need to declare any relevant Interests. Members deputising and those attending their first meeting were asked to submit their interests in writing.

5. Minutes of last meeting

The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting 22 November 2007 without amendment. They will be published on the website.

6. Briefing by Northern Ireland Office Officials

NIO Officials Gareth Johnston, Tom Haire, Jim Strain, Anne O’Connell, Amanda Patterson and Jake McClure joined the meeting at 2.19pm and gave a presentation on the Draft Criminal Justice (NI) Order 2007. Officials answered a number of questions from Members on the proposed provisions of the Draft Order.

3.24pm Mr McCausland left the room
3.26pm Mr McCausland re-entered the room
3.30pm Mr O’Dowd Left the meeting

The Chair thanked Mr Johnston and his colleagues for attending the meeting. He advised that the Committee would be taking evidence from a range of organisations between now and 9 January and that the Committee may need to seek clarification from the NIO on other issues which arise. The Chair also informed NIO Officials that Committee meetings would be open to the public and that they might wish to consider having someone present to track proceedings and issues raised.

7. Briefing from Clerk on work programme and future evidence sessions

The Clerk confirmed that a Notice inviting written submissions had appeared in the main newspapers on Tuesday 27 November. The deadline for submissions is Monday 10 December. A copy of the Press Notice is attached.

The Clerk reported that, following publication of the Press Notice, he had received a call from the Criminal Justice Inspection Team to say that they would welcome the opportunity to give evidence to the Committee.

The Clerk gave a brief outline of the position in terms of preliminary contact with the following organisations which had been suggested and agreed by the Committee at its first meeting on 22 November:

There was some discussion among Members about whether oral evidence should be invited from all the organisations proposed or whether the Committee should await receipt of written submissions before deciding those from which oral evidence should be sought. Mr McFarland suggested that oral evidence should be taken only from statutory bodies. The Chair advised that the Committee had agreed at its first meeting to initial contact being made with this list of organisations, inviting them to provide oral evidence. This decision was taken in view of the very tight timescale for completion of the Committee’s remit and the Christmas holidays which would follow very quickly after the deadline for written submissions (10 December).

The Chair advised that the initial invitation to give oral evidence had already been made by the Clerk and could not be rescinded, but that the Committee should wait and see if all the invitations were accepted.

The Clerk advised Members that he would provide, for the next meeting, a schedule indicating which organisations had accepted the invitation to give oral evidence and the dates allocated for same. The Committee agreed that two (or maximum of three) groups giving evidence per meeting would be preferable, with each being allocated about 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for questions and answers.

8. Date and time of next meeting

The Committee agreed that it would meet on Wednesday 5 December 2007 at 2pm in the Senate Chamber.

Future meetings are as follows:
Wednesday 12 December 2pm Senate Chamber
Tuesday 18 December 2pm Room 144
Thursday 3 January 2pm Room 144
Wednesday 9 January 2pm Senate Chamber
Wednesday 16 January 2pm Senate Chamber

4.02pm Mr McCausland left the room

4.02pm the Chairperson adjourned the meeting.

Mr Alban Maginness MLA
Chairperson, Ad Hoc Committee
22 November 2007

22 November / MENU