Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 11 January and Monday, 15 January 2007 in Parliament Buildings.

In the Chair: William Hay

Present: Alex Attwood
Arlene Foster
Gerry Kelly
Danny Kennedy
Raymond McCartney
Ian Paisley Jnr

In Attendance: Martin Wilson (Principal Clerk)
Christine Darrah (Assembly Clerk)
Neil Currie (Assistant Clerk)
Paul Woods (Clerical Officer)
Patricia Casey (Senior Researcher)

Observing: Stephen Barr (UUP researcher)
Richard Bullick (DUP researcher)
Ciaran Kearney (Sinn Fein researcher)
Emma Lyttle (DUP researcher)
Michelle McDermott (Sinn Fein researcher)

The meeting commenced at 10.50am.

1. Apologies

Meeting on 11 January 2007

Fred Cobain (Mr Kennedy attended the meeting as UUP representative in place of Mr Cobain)

Ian Paisley Jnr

Kathy Stanton (Mr McCartney attended the meeting as SF representative in place of Ms Stanton)

Meeting on 15 January 2007

Fred Cobain (Mr Kennedy attended the meeting as UUP representative in place of Mr Cobain)

Kathy Stanton (Mr McCartney attended the meeting as SF representative in place of Ms Stanton)

2. Declaration of Interests

Members declared the following interests:

3. Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meetings of 4 January 2007 and 8 January 2007 were agreed.

4. Response from the Standing Orders Subgroup on Proposed Policing and Justice Committee

The Subgroup noted the response from the Business Committee Standing Orders Subgroup dated 8 January 2007, outlining a draft Standing Order and a draft Operational Advice Note it intended to recommend to address issues this Subgroup had raised with regard to a statutory committee with responsibilities for policing and justice.

Members were content with the proposals. The Subgroup agreed by consensus that a declaration of interest would suffice in the circumstances where a member of the statutory committee was also a member of a local Policing Partnership Board, but that the matter should be kept under review.

5. Draft response to the Committee on the Programme for Government on the draft Policing (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 2007

The Subgroup agreed a draft response to the Committee on the Programme for Government on the draft Policing (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 2007.

6. Further consideration of the Secretary of State’s letter dated 28 December outlining a proposed Justice Minister Model

Given the public interest in the evidence session with the Secretary of State on 9 January 2007, the Chairperson proposed that the Subgroup should ask the Committee on the Programme for Government to consider publishing the Hansard of the evidence session as soon as it was finalised. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

A detailed discussion took place on the proposed Justice Minister Model outlined in the Secretary of State’s letter dated 28 December 2006 and other possible models.

The Chairperson proposed that the meeting be suspended to enable members to give further consideration to a number of issues and reconvene on Monday, 15 January 2007 at 10.30am. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

The meeting was suspended at 12.06pm.

The meeting reconvened on Monday, 15 January 2007 at 10.37am.

Mr Ian Paisley Jnr declared the following interest: – member of the Policing Board.

The discussion on possible ministerial structures and appointment arrangements continued.

Mr Paisley proposed that the meeting be suspended to enable members to discuss the issues and obtain clarification informally. There was consensus and the proposal was agreed.

The meeting was suspended at 10.55am.

The meeting reconvened at 12.20pm.

Mrs Foster joined the meeting at 12.20pm.

Further discussion took place on the issues relating to the ministerial structures and appointment arrangements.

A discussion took place on issues relating to the timing of devolution/support for the rule of law. Mr Kelly tabled a statement from Mr Gerry Adams MP MLA outlining the basis of the motion agreed by the Ard Chomhairle on 29 December 2006.

7. Date of Next Meeting

The Subgroup will next meet at 2.30pm on Tuesday, 16 January 2007 in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting adjourned at 1.03pm.

9 January / Menu / 16 January