Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Mr G Kelly (Deputy Chairperson)
Sir J Gorman
Mr E ONeill
Mr J Tierney
Mr T Hamilton
Ms M Gildernew
Mr M Robinson

Mr B Hutchinson

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Miss K Kelly
Miss F Douglas
Ms G Kane

Mr Cobain took the Chair at 2.15 p.m.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 20 June.

The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

2. Forward Plan of Business

The Committee noted the revised Forward Plan of Business.

3. Subordinate Legislation - Proposal

Agreed: The Committee was content with the Department's proposal to make a Statutory Rule in respect of the following:-

The Social Security (Detainees Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

4. Housing Bill

The Committee considered the briefing paper and the main issues contained in the Housing Bill. After discussion, Members determined that the Committee should not seek, by way of reasoned amendment, to vote the Bill down at Second Stage. The Committee further resolved that the Chairperson should express concerns about the Bill in the plenary debate on 3 July and to indicate to the Assembly that the Committee would endeavour to progress the Bill through Committee Stage despite other legislative and time pressures.

The Committee asked the Clerk to write to those organisations which had commented as part of the public consultation on the Bill to invite them to submit suggested amendments to the legislation, and to prepare a consolidated list of these amendments for consideration by the Committee on their return from Summer Recess. The Committee agreed that, in light of its Inquiry and Reports into Housing matters, and in view of the pressures facing it, it would not conduct oral evidence sessions, nor would it consider written submissions, unless these were in the form of 'amendments'.

E ONeill joined the meeting at 2.17pm

M Robinson joined the meeting at 2.23pm

M Gildernew joined the meeting at 2.27pm

5. Housing Support Services Bill

The Committee asked the Clerk to write to those organisations which had commented on the Housing Bill, together with those witnesses who had given oral evidence to the Housing Inquiry (Homelessness), to invite them to submit suggested to the Housing Support Services Bill, and to prepare a consolidated list of these amendments for consideration by the Committee on their return from summer Recess. The Committee resolved to address the Housing Support Services Bill before turning their attention to the Housing Bill.

Public Session

6. The Executive Position Report to the Assembly

The Committee noted the letter from the Chairman Committee for Finance and Personnel, dated 7 June.

The Clerk was asked to make arrangements for a presentation by officials from DSD on Tuesday 2 July

7. Children (Leaving Care) Bill

The Committee considered the letter from the Clerk of the Health, Social Services & Public Safety Committee, dated 20 June, particularly about Clause 6 of the Bill.

The Committee asked the Clerk to establish the protocol for obtaining information and seeking advice in relation to a Bill being considered by another Committee but in which the Committee for Social Development might have an interest.

8. Employment Bill

The Committee noted the letter from the Dr Esmond Birnie, dated 18 June and the Employment Bill Research Paper, dated 12 June.

The Committee asked the Clerk to establish the protocol as referred to at 6 above. The Committee indicated it did not wish to offer a comment on the Employment Bill.

9. 2002/03 Public Expenditure - June Monitoring

The Committee noted the letter from Bryan Davis, Director of Corporate Services, dated 19 June and the Clerk was asked to respond to the Department on some of the specific bids.

10. DSD End Year: Reports at 31 March 2002

The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting at 3.03 p.m.

DSD Officials Mr John Hunter Permanent Secretary
  Mr Gerry Keenan Chief Executive, CSA
  Ms Pauline Keegan Director, Urban Regeneration
  Mr Michael Sands Housing Division
  Mr John Johnston Social Security Agency

Officials made a brief presentation on Departmental and Agency performance in 2001/2002 during which the Committee expressed disappointment at the failure to meet certain of the targets.

The question and answer session is summarised at Annex A.

The Chairman thanked the Officials and they left at 3.56 p.m.

G Kelly left the meeting at 3.54pm

11. Committee Meetings Public / Private

The Committee agreed that, on return from Summer Recess, future meetings would be conducted in their entirety in public session except on those occasions where the Committee determined the need for a private session.

Private Session

12. Any Other Business

Consultation Paper on the Licensing of Indoor Arenas

Members noted the letter from the Minister, dated 21 June, concerning the impending publication of a Consultation paper on the licensing of large indoor arenas.

The Chairperson was asked to write to the Minister regarding the representations made by the Federation of Clubs.

Department Press Release

The Committee considered the Press Release concerning the publication of the Annual Report on Decision-Making in the Northern Ireland Child Support Agency for 2001/2002.

Michelle Gildernew

Ms Gildernew advised Members of her party's intentions to rotate membership of some Committee's and that she expected to be replaced on the Committee for Social Development by a party colleague.

13. Date of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Tuesday 2 July in Room 135 Parliament Buildings.

Mr F Cobain
JUNE 2002

20 June 2002 / Menu / 2 July 2002