Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Mr F Cobain (Chairman)
Mr G Kelly (Deputy Chairperson)
Sir J Gorman
Mr E ONeill
Mr J Tierney
Mr T Hamilton

Ms M Gildernew
Mr B Hutchinson
Mr M Robinson

In Attendance:
Mr S Graham
Mr L McLernon
Miss K Kelly
Miss F Douglas

Mr Cobain took the Chair at 2.26 p.m.

Private Session

1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 13 June.

The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

2. Forward Plan of Business

The Committee noted the revised Forward Plan of Business and agreed the presentations on the DSD End of Year Report and the DSD Corporate Plan be scheduled for 27 June.

3. Subordinate Legislation - Motion

The Committee passed the following Motion subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules' Report:

"The Social Development Committee has considered the following Statutory Rule:

SR 2002 No. 216 - The Stakeholder pension Schemes (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002

and has no objection to the Rule"

Public Session

4. Report on the ONE Pilot Dungannon

The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting at 2.31 p.m.

DSD Officials Mr John Hunter Permanent Secretary
  Mr Chris Thompson Chief Executive Social Security Agency

There followed a question and answer session, which is summarised at Annex A.

The Departmental officials undertook to provide statistical data about benefit casework and the Clerk was asked to obtain similar data from the Northern Ireland Citizens Advice Bureaux and the Association of Independent Advice Centres.

5. Consultation on the Quinquennial Review of Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority (Opra)

The Committee noted the details of the review and considered the Consultation Document.

The Clerk was asked to commission research to identify relevant areas for Social Development, to seek an extension to the deadline for replies and to establish the Department's legislative intentions.

6. Social Security Fraud Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 - Consultation on the Draft Code of Practice on Obtaining Information

The Committee considered the letter from Mr John Nevin, Director of Benefit Security, dated 10 June, which addressed concerns raised by the Committee regarding the Draft Code of Practice.

Members asked that the Clerk write to Mr Nevin requesting a date when the revised draft Code of Practice will be made available to the Committee.

7. Noble Indices

The Committee noted the letter from the Minister of Finance and Personnel, dated 6 June, confirming an evaluation of the complete New TSN programme across government will be undertaken later in the year and Committees will have the opportunity to monitor the implementation of the measures within their respective Departments.

Members agreed the Chairman write to the Minister of Finance and Personnel to register the Committee's view that it should have had an opportunity to comment, through consultation, at an earlier date. The Chairman also agreed to write to the Minister for Social Development to establish the extent to which the Noble Indices are used to influence Departmental spending priorities.

8. Housing Forum

The Committee noted the invitation to the next meeting of the Housing Forum scheduled for Wednesday 10 July.

Members agreed to inform the Clerk if they planned to attend.

9. Fuel Poverty

The Committee agreed that although major steps had been taken in the area of addressing Fuel Poverty there were opportunities for further progress by developing a cross Committee approach between the Committee for Social Development and the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment.

The Chairman undertook to write to the Chairperson of the ETI Committee to explore how this collaborative approach might be pursued

Private Session

10. Any Other Business

Social Security Agency & Child Support Agency Business Plans

The Committee considered the letter from the Minister, dated 12 June.

Members agreed the Chairman write to the Minister requesting information on the target
Audience for these Plans.

Housing Bill

Members noted the revised draft Bill and the accompanying Explanatory and Financial Memorandum and agreed that the Housing Bill be put on the main agenda for the Committee meeting scheduled for the 27 June.

The Clerk was asked to distribute a summary paper concerning the Housing Bill by "5 June.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Members noted the Press article (tabled) concerning uncivilised behaviour and the reference to the GB Committee stage of the Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill.

The Committee agreed that the issue be addressed during the Committee's proposed consideration of the Housing Bill.

Chairpersons' Liaison Group Meeting

The Committee suggested that the Chairman raise the issue to review of 'cross Committee working@.

Homelessness Report - Newspaper Articles

The Committee noted the press articles concerning the Homelessness Report and debate.

Ulster Community Investment Trust Ltd

Members noted the invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Ulster Community Investment trust scheduled for Thursday 27 June at 10.00 in the Calgach Centre, 4- 22 Butcher Street, Derry.

Ballynahinch Regeneration By-pass Committee

The Committee noted the invitation to attend a meeting at the Drumaness & Spa Resource Centre, 54 Main Street, Ballynahinch on 5th July in respect of the proposed By-pass.

Clanmil Housing Association

Members noted the Chairman's invitation, received on Tuesday 18 June, to the Associations AGM on Friday 21 June and that he would be unable to attend.

11. Date of Next Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 27 June in Room 144 Parliament Buildings.

Mr F Cobain
JUNE 2002

13 June 2002 / Menu / 27 June 2002