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Members Present: Mr Francie Molloy (Chair)
Mr James Leslie (Deputy Chair)
Mr William Bell
Mr Seamus Close
Mr John Dallat
Mr Oliver Gibson
Mr Gardiner Kane
Mr Donovan McCelland
Mr Alex Maskey
Mr Dermot Nesbitt
Mr Peter Weir

Apologies: none

The meeting opened at 2.00 pm.


1. Introduction: The Chairman welcomed members to the first meeting.

2. Registration of interests: The following relevant interests were declared:

Francie Molloy:

remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.:

land and property:

unremunerated interests:

Alex Maskey:

remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.:

unremunerated interests:

Donovan McClelland:

unremunerated interests:

3. Privilege, sub-judice and confidentiality: Members were informed of the conditions applying to the Committee.

4. Consideration of the briefing material and members' questions: The briefing was considered. The Committee agreed the terms of reference:

"To advise and assist the Minister for Finance and Personnel in the development of policy with respect to matters within his/her responsibilities. The Committee will have a scrutiny, policy development and consultation role with respect to the Department of Finance and Personnel and will have a role in the initiation of legislation.

The Committee will:

5. Programming of Meetings: The Committee agreed to meet on Wednesdays at 2.00 pm and would meet the Minister to discuss the overall spending plans at its next meeting. It was agreed that the proposed future programme would be considered again at the next meeting.

6. Matters to be raised with the Minister of Finance and Personnel: A range of financial and personnel issues were discussed.

7. Consideration of the Committee's role regarding primary and subordinate legislation: The Committee's role was explained to members. It was agreed that the Committee, under Standing Order 40 (1) (b) would delegate to the Examiner of Statutory Rules its functions under Standing Order 40 (3), (4) and (5) to the full extent permitted by the Standing Order. This would include a requirement to make a report to the Assembly as the Committee itself may make under Standing Order 40 (4). The Examiner would be required to copy the report to the Committee at the same time as the report went to the Assembly. The Committee reserved the right to review this delegated authority at any time in the future.

It was agreed that the provision of training for members in Government finance and legislation would be investigated.

9. Consideration of a draft Press Notice: The Committee agreed the terms of a press notice to be issued immediately.

10. Minister for Finance and Personnel: The Minister, Mark Durkan MLA, explained his role and the immediate priorities for the Department. Members raised a number of issues that were discussed.

11. Any other business: There was no other business.

12. Date of next meeting: The Committee agreed to meet on Wednesday, 15 December at 2.00 pm in closed session.

The meeting closed at 4.45 pm.

Menu / 15 December 1999