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Present: Mr James Leslie (Deputy Chairman)
Mr Alex Attwood
Mr Billy Bell
Mr Derek Hussey
Ms Patricia Lewsley
Mr Peter Weir

In attendance: Mr Alan Patterson
Mr Peter Hughes
Ms Sheila Mc Clelland (Clerk)
Mr Joe Sloan (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Sharon Bowman (Executive Support
Mr Jonathan Briggs (Administrative Support)

The Chairman declared the meeting open at 2.39.p.m. The meeting was held in open session

1. Apologies.

1.1 Mr Francie Molloy (Chairman) and Mr Alex Maskey.

2. Minutes of Proceedings.

2.1 Resolved: The Committee agreed the Minutes of Proceedings of 23 October 2001.

3. Matters arising.

3.1 The Committee noted the letter sent by the Clerk to the Department of Finance and Personnel regarding the workloads, targets and contractual obligations of Land Registers and the letter of response from the Department. The Committee agreed to give full consideration to the response when it reviews the Agency's performance in December 2001.

3.2 The Committee noted the letter sent to the Speaker regarding the procedures for publication of Reports.

3.3 The Committee noted the letter sent to the Committee for the Administration of Justice following the response by the Department on how it had addressed Equality issues in the Procurement Review.

4. Draft Budget 2002/03 - Committee Report.

4.1 The Principal Clerk presented a Draft Report, which had been written before the 'Take Note' debate in the Assembly on Monday 5 November 2001. The Principal Clerk identified seven key issues, which the Committee might need to specifically address in the next draft following points raised during the debate

4.2 The Committee considered the key issues and agreed that a new draft should address them.

Mr Attwood attended the meeting at 2.51 p.m.

5. Draft Programme for Government

5.1 The Committee noted its letter to the Minister of Finance and Personnel raising concerns in relation to the draft Programme for Government.

5.2 The Committee also noted a letter from the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister inviting written comments and contributions during debate on specific issues in relation to the draft Programme for Government. The debate will take place in week commencing 12 November 2001.

5.3 The Committee agreed that the Clerk should provide a briefing paper for the Chairman for the debate and the Committee could have sight of the paper to inform other contributions.

6. September Monitoring Result

6.1 The Committee noted that the Executive had not yet met to confirm the September Monitoring result and the issue would therefore be deferred to an appropriate date.

7. Northern Ireland Civil Service Accommodation Review

7.1 The Clerk briefed the Committee on the progress of the Accommodation Review Team, which had identified three key options and had requested input from the Committee in deciding which option was preferable. The Review Team would shortly publish an Interim Report and was expected to present these options for consideration.

7.2 The Committee agreed that the three key options had impact across all the Northern Ireland Departments and the other Statutory Departmental Committees therefore had an interest. The Committee agreed that the Statutory Departmental Committees should be invited to comment on the options in advance of the Review Team's Interim Report.

7.3 The Committee noted a press article on the extent of the repair bill for the NICS Estate.

8. Review of Legislative Process

8.1 The Committee noted an oral evidence submission prepared for the Deputy Chairman to be made to the Committee on Procedures on Wednesday 7 November 2001 in relation to its Inquiry into Assembly Legislative Procedures.

8.2 The Committee agreed that the "lines to take" reflected the Committee's considered position particularly in relation to accelerated passage and leave requirement for Finance Bills and in relation to Committee authority to make amendments to Bills.

Mr Attwood left the meeting at 3.14 p.m. and returned at 3.16 p.m.

9. Executive Programme Funds for Children

9.1 The Committee noted the Departmental Press Release on the launch of the consultation for operating the Fund and the consultation document.

9.2 The Department had advised that, as the issue was relevant to all Departmental Committees they had been invited to forward a response to the consultation document. The Committee agreed that Departmental Committees should be advised that the Committee for Finance and Personnel was content that responses should be made directly to DFP.

10. Committee Programme

10.1 The Committee was asked to note the draft programme.

11. Statutory Rules - Draft Motion

11.1 The Clerk briefed the Committee on the common format for a motion to delegate a Statutory Rule to the Examiner of Statutory Rules. The motion formalised current practice in the Committee.

11.2 The Committee resolved to adopt the motion that "The Committee for Finance and Personnel resolves that in relation to the functions already delegated to the Examiner of Statutory Rules, and its requirement of the Examiner to make reports, it further authorises the Examiner to copy these reports to the relevant Department and to publish them."

12. Correspondence

12.1 The Committee noted a range of correspondence including a press release regarding a request by the Minister for a review of the aggregate tax.

12.2 Resolved: That the Minister should be informed of the Committee's strong support for his approach to Treasury and to extend an invitation to discuss the issue if time permits when he attends the Committee's next meeting to discuss its Report on Executive Programme Funds.

13. Any Other Business

13.1 The Committee discussed the need for replacement members following Mr Dodds' and Mr Robinson's designation as Ministers. The Committee agreed that this was a matter for their party.

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.48 p.m.

Francie Molloy

23 October 2001 / Menu / 13 November 2001