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Present: Mr P Doherty MP (Chairperson)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Dr D O'Hagan
Mr J Wells

Apologies: Mr W Clyde
Ms A Courtney
Ms J Morrice
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)

In attendance: Mrs C White (Committee Clerk)
Mr M Anderson (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs J Murdoch (Executive Support)
Miss A Fowler (Committee Assistant)

The meeting opened in public at 10.35am.

1. Minutes of last meeting

Agreed - the minutes of 28 November 2001.

2. Matters arising

2.1 Committee of the Centre's European Inquiry - the Committee Clerk advised the Committee of correspondence received from the Clerk to the Committee of the Centre to advise that they intend to publish the Committee's letter regarding Assembly Representation in Brussels as part of their inquiry report.

2.2 Consultation document from the NI Human Rights Commission on the Bill of Rights

Agreed - to defer this item of business until 9 January Committee meeting.

2.3 Chairperson's Liaison Group - the Committee Clerk reported back to members on guidance received from the Clerk of the Chairperson's Liaison Group as to whether another Committee Member could deputise for the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson at next week's meeting, as they will be in North America.

Agreed - that the Chairperson should approach the Chairperson of the group to express the Committee's view that they should be represented even in the capacity of an observer at meetings of this Group.

2.4 European Union (EU) Proposals - the Committee Clerk reported that she had received 4 EU proposals from the Department and that the Department held a seminar at the beginning of November in relation to one of these proposals.

Agreed - that the Committee Clerk should write to the Department seeking the following information, what public consultation was undertaken in respect of the proposal, feedback on the results of the consultation and a copy of papers relating to the seminar.

3. Department of Finance and Personnel - Northern Ireland Civil Service Accomodation Review

3.1 The Committee Clerk reported that an interim report by the review team due to be published at the end of November would not be available for approximately another 3 weeks, and that the Committee would need to consider this interim report before they could formulate a respond on this issue.

Agreed - to defer this issue until a meeting after the Christmas recess.

4. Invest Northern Ireland (INI) - Draft Management Statement & Financial Memorandum

4.1 The Committee discussed the paper along with a critique.

Agreed - to defer this matter until a meeting of the Committee on 16 January.

Agreed - to issue an interim response to the Department with the understanding that additional views may be forwarded in the New Year.

Agreed - to invite the Chairperson, Prof F Monds, and Chief Executive (Designate), Mr L Morrison, Invest Northern Ireland to a working lunch in the New Year.

5. Strategy for a World Class Telecommunication Infastructure in Northern Ireland

5.1 Agreed - to accept the Minister's offer that Departmental Officials would come before the Committee to brief them on the Strategy, meeting to be scheduled for 23 January 2002.

The Committee agreed to suspend the meeting, as 3 members had to attend other Assembly Business for a short period.

The meeting suspended at 11.04am
The meeting resumed at 11.25am
The meeting went into private session at 11.27am

6. Any other business

6.1 Tourism Inquiry - the Committee considered draft terms of reference for the inquiry along with a list of suggested consultees.

Agreed -as amended the draft terms of reference and list of suggested consultees.

Agreed - that a public notice should be placed in the four local papers advertising the inquiry this week and the closing date for written submissions on the Tourism inquiry should be mid February.

The Committee agreed to suspend the meeting, as 3 members had to attend other Assembly Business for a short period.

Mr McClarty left the meeting at 11.35am
The meeting suspended at 11.35am
The meeting resumed at 11.43am in Public session
Mr Wells joined the meeting at 11.43am

7. OFREG Consultation Paper - Energy Efficiency Levy

7.1 A copy of a response letter from Mr D McIldoon, Regulator for Electricity (OFREG) regarding queries from the Committee on the Energy Efficiency Levy was circulated to members.

Agreed - that the Committee's Energy Inquiry Report would be the formal response to the consultation paper.

Agreed - to write to the Regulator for Electricity (OFREG) requesting further clarification on the Energy Efficiency Levy.

The meeting went into private session at 11.55am.

8. Energy Inquiry

8.1 The Committee discussed the necessity to meet more often to meet the target date for publishing the Energy Inquiry Report.

Agreed - to meet on 18 December, 8 & 15 January to discuss the draft report on the Energy inquiry.

Mr McClarty joined the meeting at 12.26pm.

8.2 The Committee deliberated on its draft report on the Energy inquiry.

Mr Armstrong left the meeting at 12.40pm

9. Date of next meeting

9.1 The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday 18 December 2001 at 10.30am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting closed at 12.50pm.

Pat Doherty MP

28 November 2001 / Menu / 18 December 2001