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Mr P Doherty MP (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr W Clyde
Mrs A Courtney
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Dr D O'Hagan
Mr J Wells

Mr A Attwood
Ms J Morrice

In attendance:
Mrs C White (Committee Clerk)
Mr M Anderson (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs J Murdoch (Executive Support)
Miss A Fowler (Committee Assistant)

In attendance for the public evidence session at 10.56am:
Sir Reg Empey, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Mr G McConnell, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) and Mr M Patterson, Industrial Development Board (IDB).

The meeting opened in public at 10.56am.

1. Downturn in the Global Economy and it's Effects on Northern Ireland

1.1. The Minister gave a report on how the local economy might be effected by the downturn in the global economy and how his Department are responding. The Minister then answered a number of questions put to him by the Committee.

Dr McDonnell left the meeting at 11.54am.

2. Chairperson's business

2.1. The Chairperson advised the Committee that a memorial card had been received from the parents of Derek Donaldson, a former member of the Committee Office staff, who died recently.

2.2. The Chairperson advised the Committee that he and the Deputy Chairperson had met on 14 November with representatives from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). They had discussed new developments within FSB and their plans for the future.

2.3. The Chairperson also advised that he and the Deputy Chairperson had met on 14 November with representatives of Airtricity. They had discussed Airtricity's plans for expansion in Northern Ireland and the use and development of renewable energy.

Agreed - to write to Mr McIldoon, the Electricity Regulator, supporting Airtricity's plans to develop renewable energy sources within Northern Ireland.

2.4. The Committee Clerk advised the Committee of developments in relation to their desire to see the NI Assembly represented in Brussels.

Agreed - to write to the Chairperson of the Committee of the Centre detailing the Committee's reasons for such representation and to copy the letter to the Assembly Commission for their information.

Mr Clyde joined the meeting at 12.03pm.

Mr Wells left the meeting at 12.03pm.

3. Minutes of last meeting

3.1. Agreed - the minutes of 14 November 2001.

4. Matters arising

4.1. Programme for Government (PfG) - the Committee considered further the draft response letter to the Office of the First Minister and the Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) along with additional points from Dr O'Hagan.

Agreed - that subject to some amendments the draft letter should be sent to OFMDFM.

4.2. Audit and Accountability in the Public Sector in Northern Ireland - the Committee discussed the consultation document and draft reply.

Agreed - to reply to the Department of Finance and Personnel expressing their support for greater accountability with regard to private sector companies receiving public funds and Private Finance Initiative contractors.

4.3. Subject for Future Inquiry - the Committee considered various subjects for its next inquiry.

Agreed - that the next inquiry should be a wide-ranging inquiry focusing on tourism issues.

Agreed - that terms of reference be drafted for the Committee's consideration.

Dr McDonnell rejoined the meeting at 12.29pm.

4.4. Energy Inquiry

Agreed - to defer a meeting with the Specialist Advisor to the New Year.

Mr McClarty left the meeting at 12.33pm.

5. Proposed Statutory Rule - Gas Order 1996 (Amendment) Regulations 2001

5.1. The Committee discussed the legislative proposals to implement the EU Gas Liberalisation Directive.

Agreed - to approve, in principle, the regulations as drafted.

6. Industrial De-rating

6.1. The Committee considered correspondence from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) regarding the potential threat to businesses if industrial de-rating was to be removed.

Agreed - to invite the CBI to a future meeting to brief the Committee further on this issue.

7. Executive Programme for Children

Agreed - to note the consultation document.

8. NITB Grant to the Malone Lodge Hotel

Agreed - to defer this issue to the next meeting.

9. Any other business

9.1. Committee of the Centre's Inquiry.

Agreed - that the Committee should consider the issue further and discuss it again at the meeting on Wednesday 28 November.

9.2. Visit to Canada and USA - the Committee Clerk advised that the duration of the trade mission had been shortened. The visit would now take place between 9-13 December.

The Committee agreed that the meeting go into private session at 12.48pm.

9.3. NITB Grant to the Malone Lodge Hotel - the Committee gave further consideration to correspondence received from the Lower Malone Residents' Association.

The meeting resumed in public session at 12.53pm.

10. Date of next meeting

10.1. The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday 21 November 2001 at 10.00am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting closed at 12.54pm.

Pat Doherty MP

14 November 2001 / Menu / 21 November 2001