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Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Dr D O'Hagan
Mr J Wells

Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr W Clyde
Mrs A Courtney
Ms J Morrice

In attendance:
Mrs C White (Committee Clerk)
Mr M Anderson (Assistant Committee Clerk)
Mrs J Murdoch (Executive Support)

In attendance for public evidence session at 11.10am: Mr M Warnock, Mr M Pinkerton, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) and Ms C Keery, Local Enterprise Development Unit (LEDU)

The meeting opened in private at 10.20am.

1. Chairperson's business

1.1. The Chairperson brought to the attention of the Committee the fact that there has been an increase in the number of meetings held in private within recent months and the need to hold more meetings in public session. The Committee Clerk briefed the Committee on the broadcasting/recording procedures for public meetings.

Agreed - to hold more future meetings in public session, unless otherwise agreed by the Committee.
Agreed - that all future meetings held in public session will be recorded.

1.2. Recent private meeting between the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Committee Clerk, the Minister and his Specialist Adviser - the Chairperson gave a brief overview of this meeting.

1.3. Hospitality for Witnesses - the Chairperson reported that an agreement had been made with the Head of Security that on request witnesses could be escorted to the Basement Restaurant provided that 24 hours notice was given to make the necessary arrangements.

Agreed - to note for the future.

1.4. Member's No Named Day Motion on the establishment of an Energy Agency - the Committee discussed this issue further.

Agreed - no further action needed and the Committee to take note.

2. Energy Issues

2.1. Renewables Obligation/Utilities Act - the Chairperson reported that correspondence had been received in relation to this issue from M Harper, B9 Energy Services Ltd.

Agreed - that this information should be considered/discussed more fully as part of the Committee's report on the Energy Inquiry.

2.2. Draft Press Releases - Use of Renewable Energy & Committee Visit on 24 October

Agreed - that these press releases should be combined and issued as one.
Agreed - that a similar press release should be drafted for the visit on 7 November.

2.3. Staff attending visits on 24 October & 7 November

Agreed - that all staff including a Researcher should attend these visits.
Agreed - that Ms L Gordon, Committee Clerk would attend the visit on 24 October in place of Mrs C White.

2.4. Meeting with Regulator for Electricity & Gas, Mr D McIldoon on 10 October - the Committee Clerk drew to members' attention an issue raised at the meeting, which would require seeking information from the Committee for Regional Development.

Agreed - that the Committee Clerk should write to the Committee for Regional Development requesting more information on this issue.

2.5. Committee's Report on the Energy Inquiry - the Committee discussed a possible timetable for deliberations on the report.

Agreed - to spend the month of November deliberating on the inquiry report.

3. Feedback from Customer Needs Questionnaire

3.1. The Committee discussed the paper prepared by the Committee Office on the member's responses to the questionnaire.

Agreed - appropriate action on the points raised.

The meeting went into public session at 11.10am

4. Small Business Development Strategy - Public evidence session

4.1. Officials from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment and LEDU gave a presentation on the Small Business Development Strategy. This was followed by a question and answer session.

5. Minutes of the last meetings

5.1. Agreed - the minutes of the meetings 3 October and 10 October 2001.

6. Matters arising

6.1. Meeting with the Shadow Board of Invest Northern Ireland (INI)

Agreed - that the Committee would invite the Shadow Board of INI to a working lunch on 14 November 2001.

6.2. Future Work Programme - for the next four weeks.

Agreed - the Committee to note.

6.3. Itinerary for Visits on 24 October and 7 November 2001 - the Committee discussed these documents.

Agreed - which members were attending the visits and if they intended to travel by bus or car.

7. Taskforce on Employability & Long-term Unemployment

7.1. The Committee considered a draft response letter to the Department of Employment and Learning.

Agreed - the draft response as amended.

8. Any other business

8.1. Insolvency Service, consultative document - New Company Voluntary Arrangement Procedure.

Agreed - to invite Departmental Officials to a meeting on 14 November to explain the issues contained in the proposed Bill.

9. Budget 2002/03

9.1. A copy of the Department's response to queries raised by the Committee on the budget was circulated to members.

Agreed - that the Committee should meet on Tuesday 23 October at 10.30am in Room 144 to discuss the budget and agree a response to the Committee for Finance & Personnel.

Agreed - that if the Committee meeting on 23 October does not have a quorum, a sub-committee consisting of 3 Unionist and 2 Nationalist members would be established, with a quorum of 2 Unionist and 1 Nationalist members' and it should report to the Committee on Wednesday 24 October.

10. Date of next meeting

10.1. Agreed - the next meeting would take place on Tuesday 23 October 2001 at 10.30am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting closed at 12.32pm.

Pat Doherty MP

10 October 2001 / Menu / 12 November 2001