Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Tuesday 24 October 2000 at 2.15pm
in Room 135 Parliament Buildings

1. Public evidence session - DETI
2. Chairperson's business
3. Minutes of the last two meetings
4. Matters Arising
5. Strategy 2010 Inquiry
6. Any other business
7. Date of next meeting

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr A Attwood
Ms P Lewsley
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Dr D O'Hagan

Apologies: Ms J Morrice

In attendance: Mrs C White, Mr J Nesbitt,
Mr D Donaldson, Miss J Presho

In attendance for public evidence session at 2.15pm: DETI - Mr B Robinson and Mr W Hamilton

The meeting opened, in public, at 2.15pm

1. Public evidence session - DETI

Mr Attwood joined the meeting at 2.25pm
Dr O'Hagan joined the meeting at 2.30pm

Mr Robinson and Mr Hamilton gave evidence on the Department's budget for 2001/02 and answered a number of questions put by the Committee. Mr Robinson pointed out the difficulty in comparing the year on year budget due to the nature of some of the spending areas. He indicated that the Minister was generally content with the outcome on the budget proposals.

The officials agreed to provide more information in relation to a question put by Mr Attwood on the Department's duties on Equality under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Dr McDonnell left the meeting at 3.00pm


2. Chairperson's business

NI Economic Conference - Mr Neeson gave a brief report to the Committee on his attendance at this conference.

Bio-tech Conference - Mr McClarty reported that this conference had been very successful.

The Chairperson gave a further report on his recent meeting with the Minister, which covered three main issues - restructuring, the Department's budget, and possible future areas of work for the Committee. The Chairperson also stated that problems regarding the North/South gas pipeline were raised.

Agreed - that a cross party delegation from the Committee should meet Mary O'Rourke TD in relation to the North/South gas pipeline.

Dr McDonnell returned to the meeting at 3.20pm

The Committee adjourned at 3.35pm; Mr Attwood and Mr McClarty left the meeting at this point

The meeting resumed at 4.10pm

The Committee discussed the issue of restructuring raised at the Chairperson's recent meeting with the Minister.

Agreed - that the Committee should hold a short inquiry into this issue when relevant papers are received from the Minister.


3. Minutes of the last two meetings

The minutes of the meetings of 11 October and 18 October were agreed.


4. Matters Arising

Minister's reply to the Committee's response on the New TSN Action Plan -

Agreed - that members should be given more time to consider the Minister's reply and should send any comments to the Committee Clerk by 10 November. It was also agreed that further information should be sought from the Finance and Personnel Committee in relation to the Review of the Robson Index.

Letter from Harland and Wolff concerning their pursuit of a MOD RoRo contract - Dr O'Hagan expressed serious reservations about the nature of this contract. The Committee divided on the question of whether a letter of support should be issued to the MOD. The vote was as follows -

Three members in favour - Mr Neeson, Ms Lewsley and Dr McDonnell.

One member against - Dr O'Hagan. The Chairperson abstained.

Resolved - that a letter of support should be issued to the MOD.

Ofreg consultation paper - the Committee considered the draft response to Ofreg.

Agreed - that the members should be given more time to consider the draft response ie to the next meeting of the Committee (7 November).


5. Strategy 2010 Inquiry

The Committee Clerk reported that the Specialist Advisors were still working on the Inquiry.


6. Any other business

Future work programme - the Chairperson made some suggestions on future work for the Committee eg energy and health and safety. It was agreed to consider in further detail at a future meeting.

Department's budget -

Agreed - that members should send any comments on the budget proposals to the Committee Clerk by 1 November.


7. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday 7 November at 2.15pm in the Senate Chamber.


The meeting closed at 4.45pm

Mr P Doherty

18 October 2000 / Menu / 7 November 2000