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Wednesday 14 June 2000
at 10.00am in the Senate Chamber Parliament Buildings

1. Chairperson's Business
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
4. Evidence Session
5. Any other business
6. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Mr P Doherty (Chairperson)
Mr S Neeson (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr A Attwood
Mr G Campbell
Mr W Clyde
Ms P Lewsley
Mr D McClarty
Dr A McDonnell
Ms J Morrice
Dr D O'Hagan

In attendance: Mrs C White, Mr J Nesbitt,
Mr M Anderson, Miss J Presho

In attendance for public evidence session at 10.30am: Strategy 2010 Steering Group - Mr G Loughran, Mr C Gibson OBE, Mr S Kingon CBE, Mr F Bunting, Mr J McGinnis, Dr P Haren, Mrs T Townsley, Mr B Robinson, Mr D Gibson CB

The meeting opened in private at 10.05am


1. Chairperson's business

The Chairperson explained to the members the rules for the use of the Senate Chamber. The Chairperson reported that he and the Deputy Chairperson were due to meet the Minister on 15 June.


2. Apologies

There were no apologies.


3. Minutes of last meeting

Consideration of the minutes was deferred to next week's meeting.

Dr McDonnell joined the meeting at 10.15am

Mr Campbell joined the meeting at 10.30am


4. Evidence session - Strategy 2010 Steering Group

The Strategy 2010 Steering Group gave evidence in public to the Committee on its inquiry into Strategy 2010.

Mr Attwood joined the meeting at 10.45am and left at 11.05am

Dr O'Hagan left the meeting at 11.39am

Mr Campbell left the meeting at 11.40am

5. Any other business


Mr Neeson left the meeting at 1.05pm

i. The draft programme of evidence sessions to recess was agreed.

ii. The Committee Clerk reported that a letter had been received from the Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee regarding Public Expenditure 2000/01 and End Year Flexibility. It was agreed to defer this issue to next week's meeting.

iii. Meetings during recess - it was agreed to defer this matter to next week's meeting.

iv. The Chairperson reported that he had received an invitation from Strabane District Council to hold a Committee meeting on Strategy 2010 at their offices. It was agreed to discuss this at next week's meeting.

v. Agreed - that a note should be sent to members emphasising the need for attendance at public evidence sessions.


6. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday 21 June 2000 at 9.30am in Room 144.

The meeting closed at 1.20pm


Mr P Doherty

13 June 2000 / Menu / 21 June 2000