Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Thursday 3 February 2000 at 10.15am
in Room 152 Parliament Buildings

Present: Mr E ONeill (Chairperson)
Ms M Nelis (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr I Adamson
Mr F Agnew
Mr I Davis
Mr D Hilditch
Mr K McCarthy
Mr B McElduff
Mr E McMenamin
Mr J Shannon
Mr J Wilson

In attendance: Mrs C White
Mr J Nesbitt
Miss M Higgins
Mr J McCourt

In attendance for part of meeting:
Mr E McCartan (NI Sports Council)
Mr Don Allen "
Mr J Clarke "
Mr J Davis (Inland Waterways Assoc. of Ireland)
Mr B Cassels "
Mr A Cooper (Ferguson & McIlveen)
Ms P Gilbert "

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

3. Matters arising

  1. . Mr J Shannon's query re the minutes of 20 January - the Chairperson reported that the Clerk Assistant had advised that "Matters which are not within the responsibility of the committee need not be minuted". It was agreed to adopt the minutes of 20 January.
  2. Department's budget report - it was noted that the budget report was due to be received shortly and that a special meeting of the committee may be needed.
  3. Press release on fishing inquiry - it was agreed that copies of the press release should be issued to members to forward to their local press if they wish; it was also agreed that the press release should be issued to some angling magazines.
  4. Irish Society for Fishing Rights - the Chairperson reported that this group would be writing directly to the committee in connection with the fishing inquiry.

4. United Christian Broadcasting

The Chairperson reported that a letter of support had been sent to the group. The committee agreed that a motion of support could go before the Assembly, signed by the Chairperson on behalf of the committee. The Chairperson explained that, whilst this was not a transferred matter, it was an associated area of interest and it was therefore in order for the committee to comment. He emphasised that this was not setting a precedent for similar groups to seek the committee's support. Mr McMenamin and Ms Nelis did voice their concerns that a precedent might be set.

5. Odyssey project and language promotion

The Department's response has been received. It was agreed that the members could send any comments in writing to the Committee Clerk.

6. Travel plans for 2000/01

It was agreed that it was too early to be specific at this stage about the committee's travel plans for 2000/01, although it was agreed that the budget should allow for 1 long haul, 1 European, and a number of national visits.

7. Any other business

  1. NI Karate Do Wado Kai - it was agreed that this group could be invited to a meeting of the committee shortly.
  2. Mount Stewart Cist Stones - it was agreed that the Committee Clerk should try and ascertain which body might be able to resolve this issue.
  3. Letter from the Arts Council requesting input into their review - members agreed to think about this matter prior to next week's meeting.

8. Presentation by the NI Sports Council

Representatives from the NI Sports Council gave a presentation to the committee which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairperson thanked the Sports Council for their detailed presentation.

9. Presentation by Inland Waterways Association of Ireland

Representatives from the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland gave a presentation which included proposals to restore the Ulster Canal. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairperson thanked the Association for their interesting presentation. The Association invited the committee to a "fact finding day on Ulster's waterways".

10. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 10 February 2000 at 10.15am in Room 152 Parliament Buildings.

Mr E ONeill

27 January 2000 / Menu/ 10 February 2000