Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

Thursday 27 January 2000 at 10.15am
in Room 152 Parliament Buildings

Present: Mr E ONeill (Chairperson)
Ms M Nelis (Deputy Chairperson)
Dr I Adamson
Mr F Agnew
Mr I Davis
Mr D Hilditch
Mr K McCarthy
Mr B McElduff
Mr J Shannon

In attendance: Mrs C White
Mr J Nesbitt
Miss M Higgins
Mr W Lavery

In attendance for part of meeting : Mr B Ferran (NI Arts Council)
Professor B Walker
Ms M O'Neill
Mr N Livingstone
Mr D Smyth

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr J Wilson and Mr E McMenamin.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

Mr Shannon wished to put on record his dissatisfaction that a particular point he had made had not been noted in the minutes.

3. Matters arising

Programme for future meetings - the Chairperson reported that the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland had been invited to meet the committee on 3 February. He also reminded the members that the Minister was due to meet the committee on 10 February. A revised list of future meetings and visits was circulated to the members. It was agreed that future meetings should commence at 10.15am.

4. Statutory Rules

The Chairperson reported that the Department had responded to the committee's request for more information about licence fees. After discussion Mr Hilditch proposed that the committee approve the 2 Rules. The proposal was seconded by Mr Agnew. The committee unanimously approved the Rules - Fisheries (Amendment No. 2) Bye- Laws (Northern Ireland) 1999 (SR 1999 No 488); and Eel Fishing (Licence Duties) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 (SR 1999 No 487).

5. Budget allocation

The Chairperson advised that details of the Department's budget for next year had not yet been received and that the issue would need to be deferred to a future meeting. He explained that an examination of the Department's budget was a vital part of the committee's role and that a special committee meeting may be needed to discuss the issue.

6. Fishing Inquiry

An updated list of interest groups to invite to give written evidence on the fishing inquiry was circulated and agreed by the members.

7. United Christian Broadcasting

The Chairperson pointed out that broadcasting was not a transferred matter and therefore not within the remit of the committee. There was discussion on how the committee could take the matter forward. It was agreed that the committee, at this stage, should send a letter of support to the group and that further information should be sought from the Clerk Assistant on the proper procedures for seeking the support of the Assembly.

8. Any other business

  1. Book of Armagh - the members were advised that the Book of Armagh was located in Trinity College Dublin. The members requested information from the Department on whether an exhibition could be held in NI of the Book of Armagh and other artefacts.
  2. Irish Society for Fishing Rights - the Chairperson reported that information about this group had not yet been received.
  3. The members requested some information about the Sheridan Group involved in the Odyssey Project.
  4. Millennium Dome - the Chairperson reported that the Clerk Assistant had advised it would not be appropriate for committee members to visit the dome.
  5. The Chairperson explained the procedures to follow if members wished to attend a conference/event; attendance at a conference/event would need to be approved by the committee. The committee would also decide on how many members and which members could attend; normally no more than 3 - 4 members could attend on behalf of the committee; any members attending such a conference/event would be expected to provide written feedback to the whole committee.
  6. The Committee Clerk reported that the Clerk of Committees would like to know the committee's travel plans for the incoming year; it was agreed that the matter could be raised at a future meeting.
  7. Odyssey project and language promotion - the Chairperson stated that information on these issues had only been received from the Department on 26 January; it was agreed that the matters would be deferred to next week's meeting to give the members more time to consider the Department's response.
  8. The members pointed out the close links between Culture Arts and Leisure and Enterprise, Trade and Investment with regard to tourism; it was suggested that a joint meeting between the two committees might be appropriate in the future to discuss tourism; the members requested information on how the NI Tourist Board had allocated its budget.

9. Presentation by NI Arts Council

Representatives from the NI Arts Council gave a presentation to the committee which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairperson thanked the Arts Council for their interesting and informative presentation. The Chairperson of the Arts Council mentioned that a review of the Arts Council had recently commenced and that it would be carried out by independent evaluators. The Arts Council agreed to provide further information for the committee on language arts (numbers of applications and funding awarded for Irish language and Ulster Scots groups). The Arts Council also agreed to provide a paper for the committee on proposals for a National Art Gallery in NI.

10. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 3 February 2000 at 10.15am in Room 152 Parliament Buildings.

Mr E ONeill

20 January 2000 / Menu/ 03 February 2000