Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo


Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr P J Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr M Murphy
Mr G McHugh

Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP (Chairman)

In attendance:
Mr P Moore
Miss J Adair
Mr S McCann
Mr J McCourt

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting open in public session at 10.14 a.m.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 14 June 2002

1.1. Resolved: That the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 14 June were approved with one minor amendment.

2. Matters Arising from the Meeting on 14 June 2002

2.1. Correspondence: Members noted receipt of correspondence by e-mail from the meeting on 14 June 2002.

Mr McHugh attended the meeting at 10.21 a.m. Mr Ford attended the meeting at 10.22 a.m.

2.2. World Dairy Expo: Members noted information on the World Dairy Expo taking place in Wisconsin, USA, in October 2002. Members also noted a list of dates of international agricultural shows.

Resolved: That attendance at the World Dairy Expo would not be appropriate.

That Committee staff obtain further information on shows which may be most relevant to the Committee's work.

2.3. Lakeland Dairies: Members agreed a draft letter to Lakeland Dairies highlighting concerns about reports that Northern Ireland suppliers were being paid 2 pence per litre less than their Southern counterparts.

2.4. Review of Education and R&D in Agriculture: Members deliberated on their response to the Report of the Review Panel on Education and R&D in Agriculture and Food Science.

2.5. Resolved: That the Committee write to the appropriate trade unions and students seeking written submissions and a possible meeting. Should the students wish to meet, this would take place on Tuesday 25 June.

2.6. Resolved: That the Committee write to the Minister informing her that the Committee would defer its response until the publication of the economic independent appraisal and the conclusion of further meetings and correspondence.

Mr Bradley left the meeting at 10.42 a.m.

3. Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill

3.1. Department officials Mr Johnston Given and Ms Margaret Hood attended the meeting at 10.47 a.m. to discuss DARD's response to areas of concern or interest highlighted by the Committee regarding the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill. Mr Given made an opening statement in relation to questions posed at a previous meeting.

3.2. The officials answered members' questions regarding possible prosecutions, compensation, powers of entry, and the effect of forfeiture orders. Members then sought to conclude their evidence taking on the Bill.

Clause 1 - Members agreed there were no further issues for discussion.
Clause 2 - Members raised the issue of forfeiture of equipment as part of the proposed forfeiture order. Officials agreed to consider this point and inform the Committee of the outcome.
Clause 3 - Members agreed there were no further issues for discussion, although the outcome of the issue on Clause 2 may have a knock-on effect.
Clause 4 - Members agreed there were no further issues for discussion.
Clause 5 - Members raised the issue of a possible amendment to make specific provision in the Bill for DARD to include a cut-off point for compensation in subsequent subordinate legislation. Officials agreed to seek legal advice and inform the Committee of the outcome.
Clause 6 - Members agreed there were no further issues for discussion.

Long Title of the Bill - Members agreed there were no further issues for discussion.

3.3. The officials agreed to seek advice on the points raised by the Committee and to report back to members on or before the meeting on 28 June 2002.

3.4. The officials offered to include clarification of the moral principle behind the Bill's introduction in the final Explanatory and Financial Memorandum. Members agreed that DARD should do so.

The officials left the meeting at 11.14 a.m. Mr Dallat left the meeting at 11.15 a.m.

4. Budget 2002 Executive Position Report and Programme for Government

4.1. Department officials Mr Gerry Lavery, Mr Bert Houston and Dr Robin Boyd attended the meeting at 11.19 a.m. to discuss agriculture related issues surrounding the Budget 2002 Executive Position Report and Programme for Government. Mr Lavery made an opening statement highlighting the need for restructuring within the agriculture industry and stating that this was another opportunity for the Committee to give strategic direction and their views on the prioritisation of the Department's bids.

Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 11.25 a.m. Mr Armstrong attended the meeting at 11.27 a.m. Mr Bradley returned to the meeting at 11.37 a.m.

Mr Mc Hugh declared an interest due to his involvement with the nutrient management scheme in Fermanagh.

4.2. Officials answered members' questions on a variety of subjects including farm pollution, co-operation with other departments, animal health, rural proofing, wet weather payments, an early retirement scheme, profitability, the Common Fisheries Policy, the Vision Report, DARD administration costs and resource issues.

Resolved: That the Committee would consider draft responses to OFMDFM and the Finance Committee at next week's meeting.

5. DARD Management Plan and Current Running Costs

5.1. DARD officials remained at the meeting to discuss the Department's Management Plan and running costs. Mr Lavery made an opening statement in which he advised that there was to be a reduction in running costs amounting to £2.3 million and that DARD had to identify areas that weren't high priority to make these cuts. A breakdown of the proposed cuts was provided to members.

Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 12.35 p.m.

5.2. Officials answered members' questions on cuts in the veterinary service, fisheries scientists, productivity, the science service, reduction in TB research, external funding and organic trials.

Mr Dallat left the meeting at 1.00 p.m. The Deputy Chairman thanked the officials who left the meeting at 1.05 p.m.

Resolved: That members would consider a draft response at next week's meeting.

6. Matters Arising (Continued)

6.1. Stakeholders Forum: Members noted a letter and press release from the Minister providing details of the structure and function of the rural Stakeholders Forum. Members expressed a variety of views on this issue.

Resolved: That a letter be sent to the Minister highlighting the need for the forum to be balanced in terms of gender and community representation and the need for farmers to be in the majority. Members also resolved to agree an early date for the proposed joint meeting between the Committee and the Stakeholders Forum.

6.2. Review of the Potato Sector: Members noted a consultation paper from DARD on the Review of the Potato Sector in Northern Ireland.

Resolved: That a letter be sent to DARD requesting copies, or a summary, of the responses to the consultation. It was also resolved that the Committee would return to this issue early in the new session.

6.3. Foot and Mouth Disease Inquiry: Members were informed of the estimated cost of external research and of the proposed timescale for the research. They agreed in principle to both these matters. Members were also informed of the need to form an assessment panel to decide on the appointment of external researchers.

Mr Armstrong left the meeting at 1.30 p.m.

Resolved: That the panel should be made up of the Chair, Deputy Chair, Mr Bradley and Mr McHugh and that it would have the authority of the Committee to make the final appointment. Members further resolved that assessment of research proposals should be approximately 70%: 30% between qualitative assessment and assessment based on cost.

7. Statutory Rules

7.1. Diseases of Animals (Modification) Order (Northern Ireland) 2002: Members considered this proposed Rule along with a summary of the responses to the consultation exercise and an explanation of compensation arrangements.

Resolved: That the Committee was content for DARD to proceed to make the Rule.

7.2. Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Foods and Feedingstuffs) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations: Members considered the above proposed Rule.

Resolved: That a letter be sent stating that the Committee was content for DARD to proceed with the Rule subject to assurances from the Department that residue levels were as prescribed in EU directives.

7.3. 14th Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules: Members noted a copy of the 14th Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules.

8. Any Other Business

8.1. Rural Development Council Report - 'A Picture of Rural Change: 2002': Members noted a letter from the Rural Development Council seeking a meeting with the Committee to give a presentation on its report.

Resolved: That a letter be sent asking for copies of the report for members and agreeing to a meeting to be arranged after summer recess.

8.2. Young's Bluecrest, Kilkeel: Members noted a letter from Newry and Mourne District Council requesting a meeting to discuss the closure of the Young's Bluecrest processing operation at Kilkeel.

Resolved: That, in view of the potential for the closure to affect the catching sector, a letter be sent agreeing to a meeting on 5 July 2002.

Resolved: That a letter be sent to the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation inviting them to attend the above meeting.

8.3. Cap Reform: Mid Term Review 2002: Members noted an update from DARD on their discussions with their counterparts in the devolved administrations and in London on the UK's approach to the forthcoming Mid term Review of the Agenda 2000 Agreement on CAP.

Resolved: That this subject be placed on the agenda for the proposed meeting with the Minister on Friday 5 July 2002 and that the letter should inform discussions on that day.

8.4. Rising Crime in Rural Areas: Members noted an acknowledgement letter from the Police Service of Northern Ireland regarding the Committee's concerns about rising crime in rural areas.

8.5. Farm Subsidies: Members noted an update report from DARD showing the position on the payment of farm subsidies as at 11 June 2002.

Resolved: That this subject should be placed on the agenda for the meeting with the Minister and that the final draft "Code of Practice on Farm Subsidies" would also be discussed.

8.6. Beef Labelling: Members noted a letter from DARD advising the Committee that the case against a meat plant has been 'mentioned' in court listings for hearing on 8 July 2002.

8.7. Inquiry into the Impact of EU Environmental Regulations on UK Agriculture: Members noted a letter from the House of Lords Environment Committee acknowledging members' request to receive a copy of the above Inquiry Report should any agricultural issues emerge relating to Northern Ireland.

8.8. Consultation on Forestry in Northern Ireland: Members noted an invitation from the Minister to attend the launch of the consultation paper on Forestry in Northern Ireland on Monday 24 June 2002.

8.9. Case Funding Centre: Members noted a letter from the Case Funding Centre requesting a meeting to discuss the impact of delays at Land Registry on debt repayment in the agriculture industry in Northern Ireland.

Resolved: That the letter be forwarded to Finance and Personnel Committee highlighting the Committee's concern on this issue.

8.10. Ballynahinch By-Pass: Members noted a letter from the Ballynahinch Regeneration By-Pass Committee inviting the Chairman and/or members to attend a meeting to discuss the need for a by-pass around Ballynahinch.

Resolved: That the letter be forwarded to the Regional Development Committee for their consideration.

8.11. Non-DARD Papers: Members were advised that a number of papers, concerning matters not directly relating to DARD, had not yet been tabled for members' consideration.

Resolved: That members would be provided with a folder containing the relevant papers and would raise any specific issues, arising from their consideration of these papers, under "Any Other Business" at the next meeting.

9. Date of Next Meeting

9.1. Resolved: That the next meeting will take place on Friday 28 June 2002 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00 a.m.

The Deputy Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 2.00 p.m.

Mr G Savage
Deputy Chairman

14 June 2002 / Menu / 28 June 2002