Northern Ireland Assembly Flax Flower Logo

23 FEBRUARY 2001

1. Minutes of Proceedings on 2 February 2001
2. Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in England
3. Matters Arising
4. Statutory Rules - Consideration
5. Statutory Rules - Proposals
6. Statutory Rules - Examiner's Report
7. Specialist Adviser
8. Subject for the next Committee Inquiry
9. Any Other Business
10. Date of Next Meeting

Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mr B Douglas
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr G McHugh
Mr I Paisley Jnr

Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP

In attendance:
Mr P Moore
Mr B Kennedy
Mr J McCourt
Miss K Hewitt

The Deputy Chairman called the meeting to order in public session at 10.05 am. He welcomed new Committee staff, Mr Bertie Kennedy (Assistant Clerk) and Mr John McCourt (Executive Support), and explained that the Minister would attend to update the Committee on the position following the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in England.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on 9 February 2001

1.1 Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 9 February were approved without amendment.


2. Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in England

2.1 The Chairman welcomed the Minister and DARD officials, Mr Bob McCracken (Chief Veterinary Officer) and Mr Pat Toal (Deputy Secretary) to the meeting at 10.10am.

2.2 The Minister made a short statement covering the imposition of the temporary ban on the importation from GB of pigs, sheep and goats, cattle and products from these GB animals; and other measures such as the cleansing and disinfection of all livestock vehicles entering NI from GB, and the setting up of a helpline.

Mr Bradley attended the meeting at 10.17am

2.3 The Minister confirmed that no clinical signs of the disease had been found on the farms in Northern Ireland from which pigs had been sent to the abattoir in England, but that laboratory test results were expected within hours. She emphasised that the outbreak presents no threat to public health. If an outbreak should be confirmed, exclusion zones would be imposed, together with movement bans and animal slaughter.

2.4 The Minister's statement was followed by a question and answer session and a number of issues were covered, including:

2.4.1 The impracticality of disinfecting all vehicles. At present, vehicles that have been on farms or in contact with livestock and livestock produce are being disinfected.

2.4.2 The EU ban is normal practice in such circumstances. If local test results give the 'all clear', Minister will press for regionalisation of EU restrictions to allow cross-border trade, particularly in milk, to resume.

2.4.3 The Department's action to date has the support of the farming industry and the Committee.

2.4.4 The question of compensation is not envisaged at this stage, and restrictions will be lifted as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.

2.4.5 There are no grounds on which to ban public events or impose further restrictions here at present.

2.4.6 Imports from EU countries are unaffected, provided they are not arriving here via GB.

2.4.7 The source of the infection is still being sought in GB

2.5 The Committee commended the Minister and her staff for their efforts in dealing with the situation, and the Minister and the DARD officials left the meeting at 10.56 am.

2.6 Resolved: to issue a Press Release supporting the Minister's action; referring to EU and GB bans; asking for co-operation from everyone; and advising pig farmers to take sensible precautions when visiting other farms.


3. Matters Arising from the meeting on 9 February 2001

3.1 Agreed: that the proposed future amendments to WASK Regulations would be considered on 9 March.

Mr Dallat and Mr Ford left the meeting at 11.00am

3.2 Agreed: to meetings with the Minister as necessary on 2 March, 27 April, 25 May and 29 June 2001.

3.3 Agreed: to start the meeting on 2 March at 9.00am to accommodate a briefing from Fish Producers Organisations prior to the meeting with the Minister at 10.00am.

3.4 Agreed: running order for Meeting with the Minister on 2 March - fishing issues; rural proofing; and beef quality. Half an hour to be allocated for each subject.

3.5 Members noted, and were content with, the Clerk's letter to DARD, as agreed at the 9 February meeting, seeking to reschedule items of business.

Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 11.09am

3.6 Members approved a draft motion for an Assembly debate on the Beef and Pigs Reports.

Resolved: that the Clerk be instructed to make the necessary arrangements for debate on 26 March 2001 or as soon as possible thereafter.

3.7 The DARD response to the Beef Report had only just been received in the Committee Office.

Resolved: that the Committee would discuss the Minister's response on 2 March.

Mr Armstrong left the meeting at 11.12am

3.8 Members noted copies of the Minister's statement to the Assembly, and press releases from the Committee, DARD and the UFU on BSE Test Results.


4. Statutory Rules - Consideration

4.1 The Countryside Management Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

The Committee considered the Countryside Management Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

Resolved: that the Committee has no objections to the Rule.

A member pointed out that, at regulation 11(6), only the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors is cited in relation to the appointment of an arbitrator in the event of a dispute. The member believed that The Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Association is recognised in Europe, and understood that there has been some correspondence between IAVA and DARD about the arbitration issue.

Resolved: that the Clerk would write to DARD to clarify the issue.

4.2 The Potatoes Originating in Egypt (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

The Committee considered the Potatoes Originating in Egypt (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

Resolved: that the Committee has no objections to the Rule.


Mr Paisley Jnr left the meeting at 11.18am

5. Statutory Rules - proposals

5.1 Proposed Rules, one negative resolution, one confirmatory procedure, to enable DARD to pay grants under the on-goers element of the Pig Industry Restructuring Scheme.

Resolved: to invite DARD officials to discuss these proposed Rules at the meeting on 2 March.

Members reported constituent confusion in relation to applications for the Outgoers element of the Scheme. The closing date for applications is 2 March and there was concern that potential applicants would miss out.

Resolved: that the Deputy Chairman would write to DARD asking them to contact pig farmers to offer help with applications, and that he approve a short Press Release about this decision.

5.2 Proposed Rule to revoke the Assistance of Fish Farming Scheme (Northern Ireland) 1973.

Resolved: that as the matters covered by this Scheme lie mainly within the remit of the Culture Arts and Leisure Committee, the proposed Rule should be considered by that Committee.


6. Statutory Rules - Examiner's report

6.1 Members noted a report from the Examiner of Statutory Rules relating to the Petshop Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 and the Organic Farming Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 which the Committee had approved recently. The Examiner had nothing to report.


7. Subject: Specialist Adviser

7.1 Members were updated by the Clerk, who had been authorised to negotiate with the Specialist Adviser in relation to the Adviser's incomplete report and its inadequate quality.

Mr Paisley Jun and Mr Ford returned to the meeting at 11.34am.

7.2 Members deliberated.

7.3 Members reluctantly agreed that the Specialist Adviser should be paid the reduced fee, as negotiated by the Clerk, without prejudice, in full and final settlement of the Adviser's invoice.

Resolved: that the Clerk would write to the Specialist Adviser and arrange payment as directed.


8. Subject: Subject for the next Committee Inquiry

8.1 As agreed with the Chairman, members had been provided with a short paper by the Clerk as an aid to discussion. Members agreed the suggested parameters for short, focused Inquiries on significant matters, and further agreed that relatively minor issues could be resolved by more informal means.

8.2 A number of tentative suggestions were made, including farmland planning easement, grants and subsidies, and rural development.

8.3 Resolved: that the Clerk be instructed to contact the Public Accounts Committee to take their views on the Committee instigating Inquiries on issues covered in PAC Reports, and to seek to identify possible appropriate lines of Inquiry.


Mr Paisley Jun left the meeting at 12.10pm

9. Subject: Any Other Business

9.1 Response to Councillor Burns concerning seed potato issues. Members approved a draft letter for issue to Councillor Burns, subject to the Clerk's assessment of correspondence following the Minister's Written Answer.

9.2 EU Beef Market Proposals. Members resolved that the Deputy Chairman should write to the Minister supporting her proposed stance in vigorously opposing current EU proposals in Brussels.

9.3 Committee response to DARD paper on the Commission's proposals for TSEs. The Committee approved the draft response for the Deputy Chairman's signature, subject to amendment of paragraph 7 of the annex to say that there was little mention of a regional approach to classification, and that it is essential that the Department should be pushing for such an approach to be considered.

9.4 Invitation to visit the Loughs Agency of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission. Members agreed that such a visit could provide useful information for consideration of fisheries issues relevant to the forthcoming Bill. Accordingly, the Clerk was instructed to liaise with the Loughs Agency to explore the possibility of a visit on 6 April or another suitable Friday date. Members reiterated their desire to visit the Agricultural Research Institute for Northern Ireland in the Spring.

9.5 DARD letter - follow-up to Business Planning Meeting. Members noted the DARD response to matters discussed on 12 January and asked the Clerk to acknowledge this response.

9.6 Government Interim Response to the BSE Inquiry Report. Members noted the Executive Summary and were advised that any of the sections could be obtained on request from the Clerk's office.

9.7 E-mail enquiry from the Women's Resource and Development Agency about funding shortfall. Members instructed the Clerk to refer the enquiry to the Minister's office for comment and any proposals for 'gap' funding; to the Minister of Finance and Personnel; and to the Finance Committee, alerting them to the position.

9.8 Possible Visit(s) to Europe. The Deputy Chairman suggested that, in view of Northern Ireland's position as a region of an EU Member State, members might consider it advisable to expand the Committee's knowledge and understanding of the EU dimension to Committee business by visiting Europe at some stage. Members agreed in principle, provided that a suitable issue emerged to merit a visit. The Clerk was instructed to make preliminary enquiries of the Assembly's new office in Brussels.

9.9 Less Favoured Area Compensatory Allowances draft regulations.

Resolved: that the Clerk will arrange for officials to brief the Committee on 2 March.


10. Date of next meeting.

Resolved: that the next meeting would take place on Friday 2 March 2001 at 9.00 am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.


The Deputy Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 12.35 pm

9 February 2001 / Menu / 2 March 2001