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1. Appointment of Specialist Advisor
2. Chairman's Business
3. Minutes of Proceedings on 15 December 2000
4. Matters Arising
5. Proposals to amend the Dairy produce Quota Regulations
6. Statutory Rule- Formal Consideration
7. Committee Forward Planning
8. Counselling Fund for Farmers
9. Statutory Rule- Formal Consideration
10.Any Other Business

Present: Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP (Chairman)
Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mr B Douglas
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr G McHugh

Apologies: Mr I Paisley Jnr.

In attendance:Mr M Wilson
Mr P Moore
Mrs R Barclay
Miss K Hewitt

The Chairman called the meeting to order in closed session at 09.30.

1. Appointment of Specialist Adviser

1.1. Mr Kevin Pelan, from the Assembly's Research Services, briefed members on the Committee's two requests for written reports on the Review of the Animal Waste Directive and the Commission's proposals on TSEs. He explained the academic background and expertise of the Adviser which he proposed, Mr Frank Ferguson.

1.2. Mr Ferguson was called in to the meeting at 09.40 and made a statement about his understanding of the Terms of Reference for each Report, undertaking to endeavour to meet the deadlines proposed for each (23 January and 30 January).

Mr Armstrong attended the meeting at 09.40.

1.3. Mr Ferguson was asked to leave the room at 09.50 while members deliberated.

Mr Douglas attended the meeting at 09.50.

1.4. Resolved: that the Committee should formally appoint Mr Ferguson as its Advisor for the two topics.

1.5. Mr Ferguson was invited back into the meeting and the Chairman advised him of his unanimous appointment. Mr Ferguson then left the meeting.

Mr Ford left the meeting at 09.55. Mr Savage attended the meeting at 10.00.


2. Chairman's Business

2.1 The Chairman read out two letters (dated 9 January 2001 and 30 December 2000) which he had received from the Minister. In the first, the Minister replied to the Committee's invitation to respond to the Report. Restoring Profit for the Beef Producer. She was unable to meet the deadline for response proposed by the Committee (15 January) and undertook to reply by early February. The second letter noted the Committee's comments on the use of Beef National Envelope funds and on the need to give the Committee sufficient time to consider papers

The Chairman declared the meeting open to the public at 10.05.


3. Minutes of Proceedings on 15 December and 19 December 2000

3.1. Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 15 December and 19 December 2000 were approved.


4. Matters Arising

4.1. (from 15 December) Draft Letter to the Committee on Procedures. Resolved: that the draft letter to the Clerk of Procedures was approved and should issue.

4.2. (from 15 December) The Minister's reply and press release regarding the use of Beef National Envelope Funds. Members noted the Minister's decision.

4.3. (from 15 December) Visit to Enniskillen College. The Clerk confirmed that the Department was proceeding with the arrangements for Wednesday 31 January. Mr Dallat stated that he would be unable to attend.

4.4. (from 19 December) Scientific Advice on 2001 TAC and Quota decisions. Members noted the receipt of scientific data from Mr Alan McCulla of Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation.

4.5. (from 19 December) Committee Press Release. Members noted the Press Release which had been issued under the Chairman's authority after the meeting.

4.6(from 19 December) Receipt of Notes from the Public Seating Area. Following the Committee's resolution at the previous meeting Mr Dallat sought a definition of 'Adviser' as he felt that there should not be opportunity for members of the public to pass notes to members during a meeting. The Chairman reminded members that he felt it was his prerogative to use advice received from the gallery, or not, as he saw fit. Resolved: that the Clerks obtain further guidance on the matter.

5. Proposals to amend the Dairy produce Quota Regulations

5.1. Members considered letters dated 19 December 2000 and 11 January 2001 which had been received from DARD.

5.2. Messrs. Savage, Armstrong, Douglas, Kane and McHugh declared an interest in the subject.

5.3. The Committee deliberated.

Mr Dallat left the meeting at 10.45. Mr Ford re-joined the meeting at 11.00.

5.4. Motion:

That the Committee should write to the Minister recording that it was not satisfied with the proposed Statutory Rule and that the Committee recommends that she reconsider the issue of shared quota, in order that, where it can be demonstrated that different family members share an interest in a holding, this holding could be treated as more than one for the purposes of quota allocation. Furthermore, the Committee recommends that all new entrants be brought within the scope of the allocation and that both these issues should be included among the factors upon which an appeal against non-allocation may be sought.

[Mr Ford]

5.5. There being no amendment proposed, members voted on the proposal by a show of hands. The result was six for the motion and two against and the motion was carried.

5.6. Mr Douglas sought clarification about voting on matters on which members had declared an interest. The Chairman reminded members that once a member had declared an interest it was that member's decision as to whether or not to vote on any motion or amendment proposed.


6. Statutory Rule - Formal Consideration

6.1. Members deliberated on a Statutory Rule (the Common Agricultural Policy Support Schemes (Modulation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000) which they had previously considered at pre-drafting consultation stage.

6.2. The DARD official, Mr Michael Thompson, was invited into the meeting at 11.15.

Dr Paisley left the meeting at 11.15 and Mr Savage assumed the Chair.

6.3. Mr Thompson made a short statement on the Rule, answered members' questions and provided the members with a list of grant schemes which would be covered by modulation.

Dr Paisley resumed the Chair at 11.25.

6.4. Mr Thompson reminded members that the current Rule allowed for the collection of modulated funds. He said that the Committee would be consulted by DARD about proposals for disbursement of these funds, together with the Treasury match-funding.

6.5. The Committee deliberated.

6.6. The following question was put and agreed:

that the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Common Agricultural Policy Support Schemes (Modulation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (SR.2000 No 346) and has no objection to the Rule.

6.7. Mr Thompson left the meeting at 11.25.


7. Committee Forward Planning

7.1. DARD officials, Messrs. McNeill, Cornick and Biggerstaff, were invited into the meeting at 11.25

7.2. The officials distributed a paper detailing the items of business and legislation proposed for the January to Easter 2001 period and Mr McNeill provided further detail to members.

7.3. Resolved: that the Committee would consider Organic Farming (including the proposed Organic Farming Regulations (NI) 2001) on 19 January and that Mr McKibben would attend both as a DARD official and Chairman of the Organic Farming Liaison Group. The Committee would also aim to meet with the consultant who is carrying out the current study into organic farming on 26 January. The Committee also proposed to discuss the Review of the Animal Waste Directive on 26 January and agreed that the Department should provide an official on that day. The Committee further agreed that the Review of Forestry Policy should be considered on 2 February and that the Chief Executive of the Forest Service, Mr Malcolm Beattie, should brief the Committee on that day.

7.4. Resolved: that the Clerks should liaise with officials in order to establish firm dates for the remaining items of business. These included rural proofing, the DARD Equality Scheme, New TSN Action Plan, 2001/2002 Business Strategy, Regional Development Strategy, flood-plain development, beef quality proposals, EU Structural Funds, a new Rural Development Programme, an appeals process for CAP payments, the policy review on TB and Brucellosis, a North/South study on Pig processing Capacity and the use of the yield from Modulation and match funding.

7.5. The Chairman drew discussions to a close at 12.30.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for lunch at 12.35. He reconvened the meeting at 12.50.


8. Counselling Fund for Farmers - correspondence from Armagh and Dungannon Health Action Zone (HAZ)

8.1. Members deliberated on the letter (dated 27 November 2000) from HAZ which had been received by the Chairman.

8.2. Resolved: that the draft letter to the Minister, as read to members, was approved and that the Committee should also write to Mrs Gill, HAZ manager, enclosing a copy of the letter to the Minister.


9. Statutory Rule - Formal Consideration

9.1. The Committee deliberated on the Petshop Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000.

9.2. The following question was put and agreed

that the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Petshop Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (SR.2000 No 405) and has no objection to the Rule.


10. Any Other Business

10.1. Mr Bradley advised members that he had obtained information (from the Assembly's Research Services) on the comparison of beef prices at slaughter between Northern Ireland and Scotland (for R4L graded cattle) which showed a disparity of £50-60 per animal in favour of Scottish producers. Mr Bradley distributed copies for members. Resolved: that a copy of this information should be sent to the Minister, asking for her comments and proposals for addressing this imbalance.

10.2. The Clerk advised the Committee that he had received correspondence from Mr Fulton (Vision Exercise Secretariat) in which the Committee had been offered two possible dates (31 January and 9 February) for the proposed meeting with the Vision Group Chairman and the four sub-group Chairs. This meeting had been offered by Mr Small at the seminar, involving the Committee and the Vision Group, held on Tuesday 9 January. Resolved: that, due to 31 January having been confirmed as the date for the visit to Enniskillen College, the Committee would meet the Vision Group on 9 February.

10.3. Members noted the Minister's acknowledgement (dated 21 December 2000) of receipt of the Committee Report Restoring Profit for the Beef Producer.

10.4. Members noted the Minister's letter of 9 January 2001 in which she explained her decision to retain the Agricultural Wages Board.

10.5. Members noted the letter dated 18 December 2000 from the Minister's Private Secretary which enclosed a schedule summarising the position on DARD's performance against the Annual Profile of Premia Payments.

10.6. Members noted the Minister's letter of 20 December 2000 in which she advised that the Vale Centre, operated by Greysteel Community Enterprises, had been chosen as a location for IT facilities which will benefit farmers. The Committee had passed on earlier correspondence, received from the Community organisation, to the Minister.

10.7. Members noted the Minister's letter of 8 December 2000 in which she advised the Committee that the European Commission had issued its formal Decision approving the Northern Ireland Rural Development Plan for the 2000-2006 programming period. The Minister also enclosed a copy of this Decision. Resolved: that the Committee should return to this subject at a suitable time in order to seek an update from the Department on the delivery of this plan.

10.8. Members noted an invitation from the Nautical Institute to attend a meeting on Saturday 13 January at Belfast Port.

10.9. Members noted an invitation from Queen's University to attend a public lecture on United States farm policy on Friday 26 January 2001.


Ian R K Paisley


19 December 2000 / Menu / 19 January 2001