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1. Minutes of Proceedings on 1 December 2000
2. Matters Arising
3. 90-Head limit on claims for Beef Special Premium - Committee opinion

4. Silent Valley Grazing Ban
5. Briefing from the Minister
6. Silent Valley Grazing Ban
7. 90-Head limit on claims for Beef Special Premium - Committee opinion
8. Statutory Rules
Forward Planning
10. Any Other Business
11. Date of Next Meeting

Present: Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP (Chairman)

Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr B Douglas
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr G McHugh
Mr F Molloy
Mr I Paisley Jnr.

Apologies: Mr J Dallat

In attendance: Mr M Wilson
Mr P Moore
Miss K Hewitt

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 09.40 and declared the meeting open to the public.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on 1 December 2000

1.1 Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 1 December 2000 were approved.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 Members noted that the Clerk had commissioned expert advice from the Assembly's Research Services on the review of the Animal Waste Directive, as instructed at the last meeting.

2.2 Members discussed the proposed arrangements for the launch of the Committee's Report: "Restoring Profit for the Beef Producer" on Friday 15 December 2000. They also had sight of a draft press release (and invite to the press conference) which had been approved by the Chairman. Mr McHugh stated that he felt that all the Committee should be involved in the launch. The Chairman, and others, were of the view that it was standard practice for the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to launch a report. Resolved: that advance copies of the Report should issue to the press and witnesses under suitable embargo. The Chair and Deputy Chair would each make a short statement to the press and be available for interview. Other Committee members would make their own arrangements to speak to the media and press.

Messrs. Armstrong and Kane attended the meeting at 09.45.

2.3 Members discussed proposed visits to Enniskillen College and the Wilson's Country potato plant. Resolved: that the Clerk should proceed with arrangements for a group visit to the College, on a day other than the Committee's meeting day, and that members would undertake individual visits to the potato plant, making arrangements directly with the company.

2.4 Members noted the Minister's letter of 7 December in which the date and time of the meeting with the Vision Group were confirmed as 09.30 on Tuesday 9 January 2001.

2.5 Members noted arrangements for the private meeting with representatives of the Office of Fair Trading immediately following the conclusion of Committee business.

3. 90-Head limit on claims for Beef Special Premium - Committee opinion

3.1 The following members declared an interest prior to discussions on the subject: Mr Armstrong, Mr Kane, Mr McHugh and Mr Savage.

3.2 The Committee deliberated.

3.3 Resolved: that the matter should be raised with the Minister and Mr Jordan during discussions later in the meeting.

4. Silent Valley Grazing Ban

4.1 A number of farmers, representative of those directly affected by the ban on grazing sheep in the Silent Valley, were invited into the meeting at 10.05. They were Mr John Baird, Mr John Devlin, Mr Samuel John McConnell, Mr John Mulligan and Mr Malachy Rodgers. Cllr. William Burns accompanied the farmers but did not take a seat at the table.

4.2 The Chairman welcomed the farmers to the meeting and Mr Devlin read a statement to the Committee. This was followed by members' questions to the delegation on a number of issues including:

Mr Ford attended the meeting at 10.20.

Mr Molloy attended the meeting at 10.25

4.3 The Chairman invited Cllr. Burns to make a short statement on behalf of the area's farmers. He alleged that, in similar circumstances in Donegall, farmers had been assured of their grants pending resolution of the problem.

4.4 The Chairman drew discussions to a close at 10.45.

5. Briefing from the Minister

5.1 The Minister was welcomed to the meeting at 10.45. She was accompanied by the following officials: Mr McKibben, Mr Jordan, Mrs Cummins, Mr Ditchfield and Mr Shannon, who joined her at the table for discussions relevant to their area of work.

5.2 The Minister made statements and took members' questions on the following areas:

Mr Douglas attended the meeting at 12.05.

5.3 The Minister and her officials (bar Mr Jordan) left the meeting at 12.30.

6. Silent Valley Grazing Ban

6.1 Mr Jordan took members' questions on issues raised during the earlier discussions with farmers. He undertook to:

6.2 Discussions on the Silent Valley grazing ban concluded at 13.00.

7. 90-Head limit on claims for Beef Special Premium - Committee opinion

7.1 Mr Jordan remained in the meeting to answer members' questions.

Mr Paisly Jnr. left the meeting at 13.10.

7.2 The Committee deliberated.

7.3 Motion:

That the Committee would not make a recommendation to the Minister about the retention of the 90-head limit. The Committee would, however, ask the Minister to ensure that, whatever decision she eventually reached, the small producer would be protected.

[Dr Paisley]

7.4 There being no amendment proposed, members voted on the motion by a show of hands. The result was seven for the motion and one against and the motion was carried.

8. Statutory Rules

8.1 Members formally considered the Common Agricultural policy Support Schemes (Modulation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000. Resolved: that the Department be asked to brief the Committee on this Rule at the first meeting early in the new year.

8.2 Members considered the Department's proposal to make a Statutory Rule (the Potatoes Originating in Egypt (Amendment No.2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000) and agreed that it was content for the Department to proceed with making the Rule.

9. Forward Planning

9.1 The Committee considered a paper from the Clerks and noted the items of business to be disposed between January and Easter 2001 which were already known to the Committee.

9.2 Resolved: that the Clerks should arrange an informal forward planning session with DARD officials along the lines of that held on early September, and that the Clerks should proceed to arrange the first four meetings in January along the lines proposed in the paper.

10. Any Other Business

10.1 The Committee considered the Livestock and Meat Commission's letter of 1 December (regarding that organisation's use of a draft transcript) and directed the Clerk to convey their response to the Chief Executive of the LMC.

10.2 The Committee considered DARD's letter of 28 November regarding the Commission's proposal concerning TSEs (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies). Resolved: that the issue was of considerable importance and that the Committee would require expert assistance which the Clerk should secure.

10.3 The Committee considered its involvement in the Organic Farming study. Resolved: that consideration should be given to the possibility of a visit to the Elm Farm Research Centre in Berkshire and the Plant Testing Station at Crossnacreevy - the Clerk to consider appropriate arrangements.

11. Date of Next Meeting

11.1 The next informal meeting was agreed as that taking place with the Vision Group on Tuesday 9 January 2001, with a possible Forward Planning meeting with DARD on Friday 12 January. The next formal Committee meeting would be on Friday 19 January 2001 at 10.00 in Room 135.

The Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.30.

Ian R K Paisley

1 December 2000 / Menu / 15 December 2000