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1. Minutes of Proceedings for 6 October
2. Matters Arising
3. DARD Vison Exercise - Emerging Themes
4. Fisheries (Amendment) Bill - Committee Stage
5. Statutory Rules - Pre-drafting Consultation
6. Any Other Business

Present:Mr G Savage (Deputy Chairman)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr J Dallat
Mr D Ford
Mr G Kane
Mr G McHugh
Mr F Molloy
Mr I Paisley Jnr.

Apologies: Dr IRK Paisley MP MEP (Chairman)
Mr PJ Bradley
Mr B Douglas

In attendance: Mr M Wilson
Mr P Moore
Mrs R Barclay
Miss K Hewitt

The Deputy Chairman called the meeting to order at 09.40 in closed session.

1. Minutes of Proceedings for 6 October

1.1 Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 6 October were agreed.

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting open to the public at 09.45.


2. Matters Arising

2.1. Correspondence regarding the Office of Fair Trading's investigations into cartel allegations.

2.1.1. The Committee deliberated.

2.1.2. Resolved: that the Committee should issue the draft letter (as amended and agreed) to the OFT seeking a copy of any report issued on their earlier investigations and asking for the results of their current investigations to be made known to the Committee.

2.1.3. Resolved: that the Committee should issue a letter to the Livestock and Meat Commission reminding them about the restrictions which exist on the use of uncorrected transcripts.

2.1.4. Resolved: that the Committee should reply to the correspondence from Eurostock Ltd. advising that the Committee is not undertaking an Inquiry into cartels but that Mr White's letter would be considered should the Committee decide to undertake such an Inquiry.

2.2. Consideration of the Welfare of Farmed Animals Statutory Rule

2.2.1. Members noted receipt of a copy of the equivalent English Statutory Instrument which had been requested for each member by the Chairman during the previous week's discussion on the Welfare of Farmed Animals Statutory Rule.

2.3. Draft Press Release regarding the LEADER + Programme

2.3.1. Resolved: that the draft press release should be amended, to include a quote from the Deputy Chairman, and issued immendiately.

Mr McHugh attended the meeting at 10.00.


3. DARD Vision Exercise - Emerging Themes

3.1. Messrs Small, Taylor, Shaw, Anderson and Graham (Chairman of the Vision Group and Chairman of the four sub-groups respectively) were called in at 10.05. Members heard a short presentation from Mr Small and proceeded to question the Chairmen on a variety of topics.

Mr Molloy attended the meeting at 10.20. Mr Dallat left the meeting at 11.00. Mr McHugh left the meeting at 11.20.

3.2. The Vision Group Chairmen left the meeting at 11.20.

The Deputy Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11.20. He resumed the Chair at 11.30 at which time Messrs Armstrong, Ford, Kane and Molloy were also present.


4. Fisheries Amendment Bill - Committee Stage

4.1 Mr James Kerr (Chairman) and Ms Caroline Nolan (Strangford Lough Officer) of the Strangford Lough Management Committee were called in and examined at 11.30.

Mr McHugh and Mr Paisley Jnr. re-joined the meeting at 11.35.

4.2 The witnesses left at 11.55.

4.3 Mr David Thompson (Property Manager, Strangford Lough Wildlife Scheme) of the National Trust was called in and examined at 11.55. Mr Paisley Jnr. declared an interest as a member of the National Trust. The witnesses left at 12.20.

4.4 Mr Clive Mellon (Senior Conservation Officer) and Mr Neill Johnston (Assembly Liaison Officer) of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) were called in and examined at 12.20. Mr Ford declared an interest as a member of the RSPB. The witnesses left at 12.40.


5. Statutory Rules - Pre-drafting Consultation

5.1 The Sheep Annual Premium (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

5.1.1 Resolved: that the Committee should seek a copy of the draft Rule and Explanatory Memorandum in time for the meeting to be held on 20 October.

5.2 Proposed Bovines and Bovine Products (Trade) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

5.2.1 Resolved: that members were content with the Department's undertaking to update the Committee in November following completion of the consultation period.


6. Any Other Business

6.1 Statutory Rule (Specified Risk Material (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2000) proposed by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

6.1.1 Members noted the proposed Rule (copied out of courtesy to the Committee by the HSS&PS Committee).

6.2 Transcripts of Evidence Sessions to the current Inquiry, held on 30 June and 8 September.

6.2.1 Resolved: that the 7 transcripts were agreed as corrected by members and witnesses and should be posted on the Assembly's web-site.

Mr Paisley Jnr. left the meeting at 12.50.

6.3 Financial Planning Procedures

6.3.1 Members considered correspondence from the Chairman of the Committee for Finance and Personnel regarding the proposed procedures for ensuring that Committees' views would be taken on their respective Departments' budgets.

6.3.2 Resolved: that members would discuss the DARD budget with the Minister at their meeting on 18 October and work through lunch on Friday 20 October in order to agree the contents of their proposed report on the DARD budget to the Committee for Finance and Personnel.

Mr Dallat re-joined the meeting at 13.05.

6.4 Feedback to the Department on the Vision Group's Emerging Themes Paper

6.4.1 Resolved: that the Committee write to the Minister incorporating the following points:

6.5 Proposed Visit to DARD Colleges

6.5.1 Resolved: that members agreed the proposed date (25 October) for the visit and that both Greenmount and Loughry should be included.

6.6 Provision of Documents to the Inquiry Specialist Adviser

6.6.1 Resolved: that the Committee should provide a copy of the Emerging Themes document to its Specialist Advisor as the document was specifically referred to in the Minister's evidence to the Inquiry on 4 October.

6.7 Reply from the Minister's Private Secretary on Agri-monetary compensation

6.7.1 Resolved: that the Committee should seek an urgent update from the Minister in view of the imminent closing date (31 October) for applications for compensation in the arable sector.

6.8 Proposed Procedures for Dealing with Statutory Rules

6.8.1 The response from DARD to the Committee's proposals was discussed.

6.8.2 Resolved: that the Committee should insist on being provided with the results of DARD consultation and would provide its comment on pre-drafting consultation only after considering these results.

6.9 Motion - Public Access to Committee Meetings

6.9.1 Proposed: that all future Committee meetings should be completely open to the public, except where members agreed a period of closure was necessary to enable it to conduct its business effectively.

[Mr Dallat]

6.9.2 After deliberation members voted on the proposal and the result was six in favour, none against and one abstention and the proposal was carried.

6.9.3 Resolved: that a press release should also issue regarding public meetings of the Committee.


The Deputy Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 13.30.

6 October 2000 / Menu / 18 October 2000