Office of the Speaker |
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 8 August 2006 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings at 10.00am. In the Chair: Alban Maginness Present: Dr Esmond Birnie The meeting commenced at 10.10am in closed session.
1. Apologies David Ford (Naomi Long attended the meeting as Alliance representative in place of Mr Ford). Mitchel McLaughlin (Mr McElduff attended the meeting as SF representative in place of Mr McLaughlin). Ian Paisley Jnr (Lord Morrow attended the meeting as DUP representative in place of Mr Paisley Jnr).
2. Draft Minutes of Meetings on 3 August 2006 These were agreed for publication on the Assembly’s website.
3. Matters Arising In response to an enquiry from Mr McNarry, Members noted that a detailed breakdown of the £16bn infrastructure package announced by the Secretary of State had been requested from officials. Members noted the correspondence from the Secretary of State on the further nominations to chair the sub-group. It was agreed that the position would be allocated on a rotational basis, subject to availability. It was also noted that the UUPAG had nominated Mr McClarty, as Mr Wilson was currently unavailable. Mr. McClarty will be added to the rota when the Secretary of State confirms his nomination The Principal Clerk will seek formal procedural advice from the Preparation for Government Committee on whether a Member could act as a substitute at a meeting of the sub-group and later chair future meetings. Additionally, clarification would be sought on whether members of the Preparation for Government Committee, who were also members of the sub-group, could nominate a substitute for sub-group meetings or were required to attend. Members noted the latest reports from the sub-groups of the Economic Development Forum and agreed that these should be treated as written evidence. Ms Gildernew joined the meeting at 10.20am. Members noted that the Youth Council had been contacted with a view to giving oral evidence and that they had referred the request to the Northern Ireland Youth Forum, who had yet to respond. Dr McDonnell joined the meeting at 10.22am. It was agreed that Dr Graham Gudgeon should be asked to submit written evidence to the sub-group. Members noted receipt of the draft transcripts of the meetings on 3rd August 2006.
4. Evidence Sessions The meeting continued in open session at 10.27am. The sub-group took evidence from Eric Reid of Moy Park. Mr McNarry left the meeting at 10.58am. The sub-group took evidence from Clarke Black and Kenneth Sharkey of the Ulster Farmers Union Mr McNarry left the meeting at 12.10pm. The sub-group took evidence from William Wright of Wrightbus. Lord Morrow left the meeting at 1.00pm. The meeting was suspended at 1.08pm as it was inquorate. Ms Gildernew joined the meeting at 1.10pm. The sub-group took evidence from Bruce Robinson and Mike Brennan from the Department of Finance and Personnel. The meeting continued in closed session at 1.55pm.
5. Any Other Business Members noted the written submission from the Freight Transport Association and the additional information from DETI. Members agreed a draft press release for issue, subject to minor amendments.
6. Next Meeting The next meeting of the sub-group was arranged for Thursday 10 August 2006 at 10.00am. The meeting adjourned at 2.00pm. |