The meeting began at 12.35 pm
Present: The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr M Copeland
Mr J Dallat
Mrs D Dodds
Mr K McCarthy
Present (secretariat): Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk
In attendance: Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Mr H Widdis Legal Adviser
Ms F Leneghan Assistant Private Secretary to
the Speaker
Observers: Mr J Wells Deputy Speaker
Mr I Kerr NIO
Mr N Jackson OFMDFM
1. Minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2006
1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 17 October were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.
2. Matters Arising
2.1 Referring to paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4 of the minutes, the Speaker reminded members of the requirement in Standing Orders for the Business Committee to make arrangements to establish the new Programme for Government Committee in accordance with the Secretary of State’s direction of 17 October 2006.
2.2 The Speaker sought the views of the two parties that had indicated, during the previous meeting, a desire to discuss this matter within their party groups. Neither raised any objection to the establishment of the Programme for Government Committee.
2.3 Taken alongside the views recorded at the previous meeting, it was agreed that this represented the Business Committee’s endorsement of the arrangements for the new Committee as contained in the Secretary of State’s direction.
2.4 Members further agreed that arrangements for meetings of the new Committee could now be taken forward, subject to further direction from the Secretary of State. Mr McCarthy suggested that this should be done as a matter of urgency.
Mrs Dodds joined the meeting at 12.45, during the Committee’s discussion of the above item.
2.5 Referring to paragraph 4.3 of the minutes, Mr Copeland asked if there was any further information regarding the clarification he had sought. The Speaker advised that correspondence received from the Secretary of State made it clear that the two Committees were separate.
2.6 In the context of paragraph 4 of the minutes, members discussed the remit of the Business Committee, after which Mr Copeland asked that the party’s increasing concerns, regarding the limitations on the Business Committee’s role in this Assembly, be formally expressed to the Secretary of State.
3. Arrangements for forthcoming plenary meetings
3.1 Members noted the Secretary of State’s letter of 20 October in which he reported his decision not to direct the Assembly to meet for plenary debate before the Preparation for Government Committee reported to him on institutional matters on 31 October. It was agreed that there should be no recommendations from the Committee for debate during week commencing 30 October.
4. Any Other Business
4.1 No other business was raised.
5. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
5.1 Members agreed that the Business Committee would not meet again until Tuesday 14 November, unless the Chair considered that an earlier meeting was necessary.
The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 12.55 pm.
The Speaker