The meeting began at 12.40 pm
Present: The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr P J Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mrs D Dodds
Mr K McCarthy
Mr D McClarty
Mr P McGuigan
Mr M Morrow
Mr J O’Dowd
Present (secretariat): Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk
In attendance: Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms G Campbell Private Secretary to the Speaker
Mr H Widdis Legal Adviser
Observers: Mr F Molloy Deputy Speaker
Mr J Wells Deputy Speaker
Ms C Salters NIO
Mr N Jackson OFMDFM
1. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2006
1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2006 were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.
2. Matters Arising
2.1 Referring to paragraph 2.2 of the minutes, the Speaker confirmed that the Secretary of State had, on 12 June, made a direction regarding meetings of the Preparation for Government Committee and its chairmanship.
2.2 Referring to paragraph 2.3 of the minutes, the Speaker confirmed that the position regarding the ways in which two working groups might proceed was unchanged, in that no further motions (in the required format) had been tabled, and no direction received from the Secretary of State. It was further clarified that the Preparation for Government Committee could make a recommendation to the Secretary of State, either directly or through the Business Committee, that he establish either or both of these working groups by direction. Members also noted a suggestion that the matter to which one of the working groups related was currently the subject of judicial review.
3. Arrangements for forthcoming plenary meetings
3.1 Mr O’Dowd confirmed that his party’s position on plenary debates remained unchanged – they would support no motions for debate until there had been substantive progress at the Preparation for Government Committee.
3.2 In the absence of a referral from the Preparation for Government Committee, members representing the other four parties considered motions proposed by Members. There was agreement among the four parties that plenary business should take place in the week commencing 19 June, and four motions were considered for recommendation.
3.3 The following views were recorded in relation to the four motions:
The DUP proposed that three motions (Review of Public Administration (RPA), Financial and Economic Package for Northern Ireland and Bamford Review) should be debated, acknowledging that this would be possible only if the Assembly was directed to sit for two days.
The Alliance Party supported the DUP proposal, adding a fourth motion (Review of custodial sentences for sex offenders). The DUP offered support to this fourth motion, provided two days’ sittings were directed.
SDLP supported the RPA motion for debate, but declined to offer support for the other three motions until the party saw further progress with the Preparation for Government Committee.
The UUPAG supported the RPA motion and the Financial and Economic Package motion if the Assembly was directed to meet on one day only. If the Assembly was directed to meet for two days, the party also offered support to the Bamford and custodial sentence motions for debate on the second day.
3.4 The parties agreed that the Secretary of State should be asked for early notification of sitting days, and of the business to be referred, once that was decided.
3.5 The parties discussed the possibility of the Assembly being directed to meet during the weeks commencing 26 June and 3 July. One party raised concerns that this represented an extension to the anticipated six-week period. Three other parties indicated their support for continuing with plenary business up to week ending 7 July.
4. Suggested Arrangements for Condolences
4.1 Members agreed that they were not in a position to discuss this issue, and that it should be removed from the agenda for future meetings until the need arose.
5. Motions and Amendments – draft guidance
5.1 Members were provided with a copy of draft guidance on tabling motions and amendments, and were advised that the guidance incorporated matters agreed at the previous meeting. The Speaker pointed out that conventions and examples were contained in the guidance, including a model for the wording of a motion in which the establishment of a committee or working group is sought. Members agreed to consider the draft guidance with their parties, and to discuss any issues at the next meeting, with the aim of adopting the guidance and allowing the new arrangements to operate from that date.
6. Any Other Business
6.1 The Speaker informed members of her intention to authorise each of the Deputy Speakers (in turn) to exercise the function of chairing the Business Committee on her behalf when she was not available for a meeting of the Committee. She confirmed that Deputy Speakers would be authorised to report to the Secretary of State the recommendations of the Business Committee on matters that may be referred to the Assembly, and to report parties’ views on matters where consensus is not achieved.
6.2 The Speaker drew members’ attention to the availability, on the website and through the Business Office, of a consolidated version of Standing Orders which incorporated amendments as directed by the Secretary of State.
7. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
7.1 It was agreed to meet on Tuesday 20 June 2006 at 12.30 in Room 106, Parliament Buildings, subject to the requirements of an Assembly sitting.
The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.30 pm.
The Speaker |