The meeting began at 12.40 pm
Present: The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr D Bradley
Mr J Dallat
Mrs D Dodds
Mr K McCarthy
Mr D McClarty
Mr P McGuigan
Mr M Morrow
Mr C Murphy
Present (secretariat): Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk
In attendance: Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms G Campbell Private Secretary to the Speaker
Observers: Ms H Jackson NIO
Mr S Johnston OFMDFM
1. Introduction
1.1 The Speaker welcomed Mrs Dodds to her first meeting.
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2006
2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2006 were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Referring to paragraph 3.6 of the minutes, the Speaker informed members that the request for clarification had been raised in her report to the Secretary of State following the previous meeting. The Speaker advised that the Secretary of State had not yet replied. The Speaker undertook to raise this issue again with the Secretary of State and report to the Committee when a response was received.
3.2 Referring to paragraph 4.8 of the minutes, the Speaker confirmed that a ‘No –Day Named’ list of motions had been distributed on 25 May, and that formal Minutes of Proceedings for the Assembly’s first meetings would be published shortly. The Speaker further advised that all of these documents would appear on the Assembly web site.
4. Preparation for Government Committee
4.1 The Speaker informed members that she had received a direction from the Secretary of State that a Committee of the Assembly should be established to deal with business relating to the preparation for Government, and that it should meet on 6 June. A copy of the direction was provided to members, along with a covering letter in which the Secretary of State referred specific matters to the Committee.
4.2 The Speaker clarified that her role with this Committee would be limited to making arrangements for its first meeting, as she believed that closer involvement might compromise the impartiality of the office of Speaker. Members were advised that experienced Assembly Clerks would provide support to which would include facilitating the election of a Chair of the Committee at the first meeting.
4.3 The Speaker also pointed out that the Secretary of State’s direction included provision for the Preparation for Government Committee to refer matters to the Business Committee for debate in the Assembly, thus helping to create a good working relationship between the two Committees.
4.4 At the Speaker’s invitation, the five parties represented on the Business Committee each, in turn, indicated that they were willing to take part in the Preparation for Government Committee. Representatives of all the parties undertook to provide the Speaker with nominations for membership of the Committee by Wednesday 31 May. The Speaker indicated that she would inform the Secretary of State of the parties’ responses.
5. Matters arising from earlier sittings
5.1 The Speaker informed members that the Secretary of State had directed amendments to Standing Orders relating to the establishment of Assembly Committees. She advised that the two working groups proposed in the Assembly’s resolutions of 16 and 23 May could not proceed, as neither resolution met the requirements of these Standing Orders.
5.2 One member queried whether the Secretary of State had refused to set up working groups that had been agreed by Assembly resolution. In response, the Speaker clarified that the two working groups could proceed if they were directed to do so by the Secretary of State. Alternatively, new resolutions, in the format required by Standing Orders, could be debated and agreed by the Assembly on a cross-community basis. The Speaker also acknowledged the possibility that the Preparation for Government Committee might consider the two resolutions and make recommendations about the working groups.
6. Arrangements for forthcoming plenary meetings
6.1 The Speaker asked members to note that some of the motions appearing on the current No-Day Named list had been amended slightly (with Members’ agreement) to regularise drafting. The Business Committee agreed that it would be helpful for guidance, on tabling motions and amendments, to be circulated to Members. The Committee further agreed that draft guidance would be considered at the next meeting.
6.2 The Speaker invited proposals for motions that would be recommended to the Secretary of State as business for the week commencing 5 June 2006.
6.3 Mr Murphy reiterated Sinn Fein’s approach to debates, stating that the party had no interest in debating motions on 5 June.
6.4 The remaining four parties, while agreeing that the Assembly should meet the following week, were unable to reach agreement on business to be recommended to the Secretary of State. However, four motions were proposed:
Review of Public Administration (tabled by D McClarty). Proposed (along with a second motion) by one party and agreed by a second as business for Monday 5 June. A third party was content for the motion to be debated, but on the Tuesday, after others had been completed. The fourth party expressed a measure of support for the motion.
Industrial Rating (tabled by J Dallat). Proposed (along with a second motion (above)) by one party and agreed by a second as business for Monday 5 June. A third party was content for the motion to be debated, but on the Tuesday, after others had been completed. The fourth party expressed a measure of support for the motion.
Financial and Economic Package for Northern Ireland (tabled by M. Morrow and W. McCrea). Proposed by one party for Monday 5 June. Support offered by a second party on condition of support for a fourth motion (see below). A third party was content for the motion to be debated, but on the Tuesday, while the fourth party objected to it being debated at all.
Implementation of Bamford Review (tabled by K McCarthy). Proposed by one party and supported by a second, for business on the Monday. A third party was content for the motion to be debated, but on the Tuesday, while the fourth party objected to it being debated at all.
6.5 One member suggested that it would be helpful to have an earlier indication as to whether or not the Assembly would meet, in order that MLAs might have more time to prepare their contributions to debate. The Speaker reminded members that it was the intention to issue an Order Paper on the Thursday before a plenary sitting, but that this could not be done before the Secretary of State had directed that the Assembly should meet, and had referred specific business to the Assembly. The Speaker undertook to send a report of the Committee’s discussions to the Secretary of State as quickly as possible, in an attempt to expedite this process.
6.6 A member raised the matter of departmental officials’ attendance at Assembly debates. The Speaker reminded members that the Assembly could not compel officials’ attendance, but agreed to raise this matter formally.
7. Suggested Arrangements for Condolences
7.1 Members agreed that parties needed additional time to consider the draft paper on ‘Arrangements for Condolences’. It was agreed to defer discussion of this matter for one week.
8. Any Other Business
8.1 No other items of business were raised.
9. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
9.1 It was agreed to meet on Tuesday 6 June 2006 at 12.30 in Room 106, Parliament Buildings, subject to the requirements of a possible Assembly sitting.
The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.20 pm.
The Speaker