The meeting began at 12.35 pm
Present: The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr D Bradley
Mr K McCarthy
Mr D McClarty
Dr W McCrea
Dr A McDonnell
Mr P McGuigan
Mr M Morrow
Mr C Murphy
Present (secretariat): Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk
In attendance: Ms C McGivern Director of Legal Services
Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms F Lenaghan Assistant Private Secretary to
the Speaker
Observers: Ms C Salters NIO
Mr S Johnston OFMDFM
Apologies: None.
1. Introduction
1.1 The Speaker welcomed Mr Bradley to his first meeting.
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2006
2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2006 were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.
3. Matters Arising
3.1 The Speaker, referring to matters raised in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.4 of the minutes, advised members that the matters were still under consideration. The Speaker informed members that she had received a letter from Mr Ervine regarding his wish to be represented on the Business Committee by the representatives of the Ulster Unionist Party Assembly Group.
3.2 Referring to paragraph 3.6 of the minutes, the Speaker sought and received assurances from members that they were satisfied with delivery of the Order Paper for Monday’s sitting.
3.3 Referring to paragraph 3.7 of the minutes the Speaker confirmed that party staff needed only to produce their Parliament Buildings pass to gain access to the galleries.
3.4 Regarding paragraph 5 of the minutes, the Speaker explained the sequence of events resulting in the issue of two separate Order Papers for the sittings during week commencing 22 May 2006.
3.5 With reference to paragraph 6 of the minutes, the Speaker reported on the receipt of amended Standing Orders from the Secretary of State. She informed members that further copies were available from the Business Office.
3.6 Referring to paragraph 7.2 of the minutes, one member asked that clarification be sought from the Secretary of State as to his view of what constituted “agreement” at the Business Committee. The Speaker advised that the member’s view would be reported to the Secretary of State.
4. Matters Arising from earlier sittings of the Assembly
4.1 The Speaker referred to the Assembly’s resolution on Tuesday 16 May calling on the Business Committee “to take forward establishing a working group”. The full text of the agreed motion was provided to members.
4.2 Representatives from four parties agreed that the resolution should not be taken forward until more was known about a Committee that had been reported in the media as being established by the Secretary of State, and that discussions should be deferred until at least the next meeting. One party’s view was that the Business Committee should proceed as called upon by the Assembly’s motion.
4.3 The Speaker asked members to consider, in the meantime, their parties’ views on a number of issues, including:
Membership of the working group;
Terms of Reference for the working group;
Timescale for the group’s work;
Whether or not the Assembly should, by resolution, approve any or all of these three matters; and
How (or whether) the working group might report its findings to this Assembly before providing recommendations to a restored Executive.
4.4 One member suggested that clarification should be sought on whether or not such a working group might have the authority to appoint advisors.
4.5 The Speaker reminded members of her undertaking in plenary to raise the issue of interventions with the Committee. The Speaker outlined her views and her proposal to exercise discretion in allowing up to one minute of additional time to a Member who has accepted one or more interventions, where speaking times had been limited to less than ten minutes. Members agreed that the Speaker should exercise such discretion on a trial basis.
4.6 There was discussion, with conflicting views expressed, on suggestions that those speaking in a language other than English should not have the time for translation taken out of their speaking time, and that simultaneous translation should be provided. The Speaker suggested that this matter should be considered following full restoration.
4.7 In response to points raised, the Speaker asked those present to remind their parties’ Members about certain etiquette conventions, including reference to other Members’ first names and the dress code in the Chamber for those Members seeking to participate in debate.
4.8 Following discussion, the Committee agreed that the formal Minutes of Proceedings should be published separately from the ‘No day named’ list of motions, with the latter being published once a week, on the day that Order Papers issue.
5. Arrangements for Plenary Meeting on 23 May
5.1 The Speaker reminded those present that, on resumption of debate, she intended to call all Members who had indicated a desire to speak in the planning debate.
6. Arrangements for Plenary meeting on 30 May
6.1 The Speaker invited proposals for motions that would be recommended to the Secretary of State. One member indicated that his party would not support any business for 30 May 2006.
6.2 The remaining four parties were unable to reach consensus on business to be recommended to the Secretary of State. However, four motions were proposed:
Financial and Economic Package for Northern Ireland (tabled by M. Morrow and W. McCrea). One party reminded members that this had been proposed previously without strong objection, and another party was content that this should be recommended, subject to support for a motion tabled by one of its Members. Two other parties voiced objections to the motion being recommended.
Implementation of Bamford Review (tabled by K McCarthy). Proposed by one party as a condition for support for the motion above. No comments were offered by the three other parties involved in the discussion.
Review of Public Administration (tabled by D McClarty). Proposed by one party and agreed by another. There were no comments from the two other parties.
Paragraph 8 of the Good Friday Agreement (tabled by D Ford (and others)). Proposed by one party and referred to as appropriate for debate, alongside the RPA motion, by another. There were no comments from the two other parties.
7. Suggested Arrangements for Condolences
7.1 A draft paper on ‘Arrangements for Condolences’ was provided to members, who agreed to consider the matter at the next meeting.
8. Any Other Business
8.1 In response to a query, members were reminded of the convention that up to four names could appear alongside a motion on the Order Paper, and that any one of the four could move or wind on the motion in debate.
9. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
9.1 It was agreed to meet on Tuesday 30 May 2006 at 12.30 in Room 106, Parliament Buildings (by leave of the Assembly
The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.45 pm.
The Speaker