The meeting began at 12.10 pm
Present: The Speaker (Chair)
Mr B Armstrong
Mr J Dallat
Mr K McCarthy
Mr D McClarty
Dr W McCrea
Dr A McDonnell
Mr P McGuigan
Mr M Morrow
Mr C Murphy
Present (secretariat): Mr A Moir The Clerk
Mr J Reynolds Deputy Clerk
In attendance: Ms C McGivern Director of Legal Services
Mr P Moore Clerk of Business
Mr R Good Adviser to the Speaker
Ms G Campbell Private Secretary to the Speaker
Observers: Ms C Salters NIO
Mr S Johnston OFMDFM
Apologies: None.
A revised agenda was issued to members of the Committee.
1. Minutes of meeting held on 28 April 2006
1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 28 April 2006 were agreed.
1.2 The Committee agreed that minutes of the 4 May and future meetings should follow the format of those from the previous Business Committee, and that they should be posted on the Assembly website. The Speaker advised that she would write separately to the Secretary of State regarding the views expressed by the parties on specific issues.
1.3 The Speaker reminded members that matters discussed in the Business Committee should remain in confidence until the Committee’s decisions are publicly communicated on the Committee’s behalf.
2. Matters Arising
2.1 Members discussed the issue of alternate attendees at Business Committee meetings. It was agreed that larger parties would provide a list of 4 names of Members, any two of whom would be able to attend the Committee’s meetings.
2.2 The Alliance representative advised that he had been asked to represent the interests of one of the independent Members. The Speaker asked that the Member write to her to confirm this. In response to a member’s query about any effect this might have on voting strength, the Speaker reminded members that, at the Secretary of State’s request, no votes were currently being taken at Business Committee meetings.
3. Arrangements for Plenary Meeting on 15 May 2006
3.1 Parties’ views on whether or not party leaders should have an opportunity to make opening remarks were discussed. Three parties were in favour of such an opportunity while two were against. The Speaker noted that if business was to be taken after the signing of the Roll, a short suspension would be necessary for her to make her decision (in accordance with the current draft Standing Orders) on whether or not Members had correctly taken their seats.
3.2 It was agreed that, whatever the Secretary of State’s decision on opening remarks, no further business was appropriate for this sitting.
3.3 It was agreed that the Roll-signing would proceed as discussed at the previous meeting. The Speaker confirmed that the inclusion of two single-Member parties in the alphabetical list of parties had no implications in relation to the seating allocation or speaking opportunities of those parties.
4. Arrangements for Plenary Meeting on 16 May 2006
4.1 It was agreed that, if a presentation by representatives of the business community were to take place, it would not constitute Assembly proceedings and would not take place in the Chamber.
4.2 A variety of views was expressed on whether or not representatives of small businesses and trades union should be afforded a similar opportunity to make presentations to the Assembly, and in particular whether this should occur prior to a debate as originally proposed by the Secretary of State. One party expressed its opposition to a plenary taking place to debate the issues in the business presentation. Views were noted for referral to the Secretary of State.
4.3 Parties commented on the Secretary of State’s reference to the option of the Business Committee agreeing to set up a “working group to take forward policy conclusions” in relation to the business community. It was agreed that further details should be sought about the nature and remit of such a working group.
5. Arrangements for Plenary Meeting on 22 May 2006
5.1 The Committee discussed the apparent likelihood of the election of First Minister and deputy First Minister being referred to the Assembly one day sooner than previously discussed. The potential for a planned presentation and bilateral meetings involving the First Minister of Scotland to inconvenience the election was also considered, and parties’ views on the issue were noted for referral to the Secretary of State.
6. Arrangements for Plenary Meetings on 23 May 2006 and beyond
6.1 Following discussion, the Speaker suggested that clarification should be sought on the Secretary of State’s intentions regarding procedural mechanisms through which the Business Committee might recommend future business. There was no disagreement about this suggestion.
7. Deputy Speakers
7.1 Two parties forwarded nominations for appointment as Deputy Speaker, while two other parties advised that they would nominate and undertook to provide the Speaker with details.
8. Party Seating Allocation
8.1 The Committee discussed a possible seating option, which the Speaker advised had been based on both proportionality and practicality. Representatives from four parties indicated that they were content with the proposed option. One member, however, indicated that his party was not content and asked the Speaker to consider the allocation of a further front-row seat to his party. The member was invited to consider the proposal in the Chamber itself and, if he remained discontented, to offer an alternative proposal.
9. Speaking Arrangements
9.1 The Committee considered and agreed a number of conventions relating to speaking opportunities. These were:
In the first ‘round’ of speaking, parties with two or more members would be called to speak in order of their party strength;
The order of speaking in subsequent ‘rounds’ to reflect the proportionate strength of the parties in the Assembly; and
The Speaker may exercise discretion, based on the topic of debate, the number of members in total who wished to speak, or any special personal interest of backbench members, to allow any member to speak earlier in a debate than his/her proportionate party strength would allow.
10. Induction/Refresher Training Arrangements
10.1 Members were advised that arrangements had been made to hold an induction presentation in the Assembly Chamber during the following week. If this arrangement was not suitable to any party grouping, attempts would be made to meet their requirements.
11. Standing Orders
11.1 The Speaker reminded members that parties’ response’ to the draft Standing Orders for the Assembly were due to be returned to the NIO by Friday 5 May.
12. Proposal for a ‘Restoration of Devolution’ Committee
12.1 The proposal, made during the previous meeting, was discussed, with the Committee agreeing that proposals could be considered as more detail emerged.
13. Any Other Business
13.1 No other business was proposed.
14. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
14.1 It was agreed to meet again on Thursday 11 May 2006 at noon.
The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 2.10 pm.
The Speaker |