Office of the Speaker |
ARRANGEMENTS FOR DELIVERY OF PLENARY PAPERSA new procedure for the distribution of plenary papers to Members was agreed at the Business Committee meeting on 20 June 2006. In future, plenary papers, such as a notice of a sitting of the Assembly from The Clerk and/or the relevant Order Paper(s), will be issued by first class post to Members’ home addresses. Where Members have an existing alternative delivery arrangement with the Business Office this will continue to apply. Additionally, copies of these papers will be placed in Members’ pigeon holes each day until the sitting day. Copies will also be sent to Members by email (Party Support staff have been contacted to confirm Members’ preferred email addresses). For further accessibility, Order Papers will be posted on the Assembly Intranet (AssISt) on the same day that the printed and e-mail copies are issued. They will not appear on the Assembly website until the following working day, and not earlier than 2pm, to ensure that Members have priority access. These new arrangements will take place with immediate effect. If Members are experiencing any problems in receiving their plenary papers please contact a member of staff in the Business Office in Room 32 or phone the Clerk of Business on Ext. 21534.