Mr Paul Maskey (Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Gregory Campbell MP
Mr William Irwin
Mr Trevor Lunn
Mr Patsy McGlone
Mr Stephen Moutray
Mr Mitchel McLaughlin
Ms Dawn Purvis
In Attendance:
Ms Aoibhinn Treanor (Assembly Clerk)
Mr Phil Pateman (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Miss Danielle Best (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Darren Weir (Clerical Officer)
Also in attendance:
Mr Damien Martin (Clerk Assistant)
Apologies: Mr John Dallat
Mr Adrian McQuillan
1:44 pm The meeting opened in closed session.
Leaking of Draft report
The Chairperson thanked members for starting early to address the matter.
The Committee considered an options paper from the Clerk and was briefed by the Clerk Assistant, Damien Martin, on good practice in this situation from other legislatures.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to change the handling arrangements for Committee papers; to instigate an inquiry; and to issue a statement immediately.
Members considered a draft press statement.
Agreed: The Committee agreed the draft statement as amended for immediate issue.
2:35 pm The meeting went into public session.
1. Apologies
Apologies are listed above.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to write in sympathy to Mr Dallat.
2. Minutes of meeting held on 13 January 2011.
Agreed: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
3. Matters arising
Correspondence from the Committee for the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister
Members noted correspondence regarding its HANI report.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to reply to OFMDFM.
2:30 pm Mr Irwin left the meeting.
Correspondence from the Department of Finance and Personnel
Members noted correspondence from Ms Hamill.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to respond to this correspondence in due course.
Members noted correspondence from Mr Stephen Peover, Accounting Officer, Department of Finance and Personnel relating to the position of Treasury Officer of Accounts.
2:40 pm Mr McGlone left the meeting.
2:44 pm The meeting went into closed session.
4. Consideration of the Draft Committee Report on ‘Procurement Governance of NI Water’.
Paragraphs 1 - 4 read and agreed.
2:48 pm Mr Irwin entered the meeting.
2:50 pm Mr Campbell left the meeting.
Paragraph 5 read, amended and agreed.
3:01 pm Mr Moutray left the meeting.
Paragraphs 6- 10 read and agreed.
The Committee discussed the order of the sections.
3:26 pm Mr McGlone left the meeting.
3:32 pm Mr McGlone entered the meeting.
3:35 pm Mr Irwin left the meeting.
Paragraphs11 - 13 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 14 and 15 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice.
4:03 pm Mr Lunn left the meeting.
4:06 pm Mr Lunn entered the meeting.
Paragraph 16 read, amended and agreed subject to further information.
4:14 pm Mr Irwin entered the meeting.
Paragraph 20 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 21 - 27 read and agreed.
Paragraph 28 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraph 29 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraph 30 read and agreed.
Paragraph 31 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice.
Paragraph 32 read and agreed.
Paragraph 33 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice.
Paragraphs 34-37 read and agreed.
Paragraph 38 read, amended, agreed and transposed.
Paragraphs 39-43 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 44-46 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice and information.
Paragraph 47 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 48-54 read and agreed.
Paragraph 54 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 56-58 read and agreed.
Paragraph 59 blank.
Paragraphs 60-67 read and agreed.
Paragraph 68 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 69-72 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 73-78 read and agreed.
Paragraph79 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice.
Paragraphs 80-84 read and agreed.
5:15 pm Mr McGlone left the meeting.
5:16 pm Mr Irwin entered the meeting.
Paragraph 85 read, amended and agreed.
5:18 pm Mr McGlone entered the meeting.
Paragraphs 86-92 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 93 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice.
Paragraph 94 read and agreed.
Paragraph 95 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 96-97 read, agreed and transposed.
Paragraphs 98-118 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 119-120 read, amended and agreed subject to further advice.
Paragraphs 121-122 read and agreed.
Paragraph 123 blank.
Paragraphs 124-132 read and agreed.
Paragraph 133 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 134-140 read and agreed.
5:46 pm Mr McGlone left the meeting.
Paragraph 141 read, amended and agreed.
5:50 pm Mr McGlone entered the meeting.
5:51 pm Mr McGlone left the meeting.
5:53 pm Mr McGlone entered the meeting
Paragraphs 142-156 read and agreed.
Agreed, that the report should be accompanied by a timeline.
The Committee discussed this draft and the drafting of the Executive Summary.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to seek legal advice on certain paragraphs of the draft report; the Committee agreed to seek further information from HOCS and DRD in relation to certain paragraphs of the draft report.
Correspondence from Contracting Out
Members noted correspondence from Sue Holmes, Contracting Out.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to seek legal advice on a matter raised.
Agreed: The Committee agreed that C&AG should respond to the Committee regarding this letter.
Legal Advice Received
This item was deferred until the next meeting.
Hot Water Article
The Committee considered a note of the meeting with Dr Malcolm McKibbin held by the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson on 13 January at the Committee’s request regarding the publication of an article against PAC media protocols.
Agreed: The Committee agreed to the data marking request and agreed to write Dr Malcolm McKibbin, Accounting Officer, DRD to conclude the issue.
5. Any other business
Correspondence from the Energy Saving Trust
Members were informed that a copy of the Energy Savings Trust Annual Review is available to view in the Committee office.
6. Date, time and place of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 3 February 2011 at 2:00 pm in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 6:12 pm.
Mr Paul Maskey
Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee
20 January 2011.
13 January 11 / Menu