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Members' Allowances 2008-2009

Gerry Adams West Belfast
Martina Anderson Foyle
Billy Armstrong Mid Ulster
Alex Attwood West Belfast
Roy Beggs East Antrim
Cathal Boylan Newry & Armagh
Dominic Bradley Newry & Armagh
Mary Bradley Foyle
P J Bradley South Down
Mickey Brady Newry & Armagh
Allan Bresland West Tyrone
Francie Brolly East Londonderry
Wallace Browne East Belfast
Thomas Buchanan West Tyrone
Thomas Burns South Antrim
David Burnside South Antrim
Paul Butler Lagan Valley
Gregory Campbell East Londonderry
Trevor Clarke South Antrim
Willie Clarke South Down
Fred Cobain North Belfast
Rev Robert Coulter North Antrim
Jonathan Craig Lagan Valley
Leslie Cree North Down
John Dallat East Londonderry
Dr Kieran Deeny West Tyrone
Nigel Dodds North Belfast
Pat Doherty West Tyrone
Jeffrey Donaldson Lagan Valley
Mark Durkan Foyle
Alex Easton North Down
Thomas Elliott Fermanagh & South Tyrone
Sir Reg Empey East Belfast
Stephen Farry North Down
David Ford South Antrim
Arlene Foster Fermanagh & South Tyrone
Tommy Gallagher Fermanagh & South Tyrone
Samuel Gardiner Upper Bann
Michelle Gildernew Fermanagh & South Tyrone
Simon Hamilton Strangford
Carmel Hanna South Belfast
William Hay Foyle
David Hilditch East Antrim
William Irwin Newry & Armagh
Dolores Kelly Upper Bann
Gerry Kelly North Belfast
Danny Kennedy Newry & Armagh
Anna Lo South Belfast
Naomi Long East Belfast
Trevor Lunn Lagan Valley
Alban Maginness North Belfast
Alex Maskey South Belfast
Paul Maskey West Belfast
John McCallister South Down
Fra McCann West Belfast
Jennifer McCann West Belfast
Kieran McCarthy Strangford
Raymond McCartney Foyle
Nelson McCausland North Belfast
David McClarty East Londonderry
Basil McCrea Lagan Valley
Ian McCrea Mid Ulster
Rev William McCrea South Antrim
Alasdair McDonnell South Belfast
Barry McElduff West Tyrone
Alan McFarland North Down
Claire McGill West Tyrone
Michael McGimpsey South Belfast
Patsy McGlone Mid Ulster
Martin McGuinness Mid Ulster
Gerry McHugh Fermanagh & South Tyrone
Michelle McIlveen Strangford
Daithi McKay North Antrim
Mitchel McLaughlin South Antrim
David McNarry Strangford
Adrian McQuillan East Londonderry
Francie Molloy Mid Ulster
Maurice Morrow Fermanagh & South Tyrone
Stephen Moutray Upper Bann
Conor Murphy Newry & Armagh
Sean Neeson East Antrim
Robin Newton East Belfast
Caral Ni Chuilin North Belfast
John O'Dowd Upper Bann
Declan O'Loan North Antrim
Michelle O'Neill Mid Ulster
Rev Ian Paisley North Antrim
Ian Paisley Jnr North Antrim
Edwin Poots Lagan Valley
Dawn Purvis East Belfast
Pat Ramsey Foyle
Sue Ramsey West Belfast
Margaret Ritchie South Down
George Robinson East Londonderry
Iris Robinson Strangford
Ken Robinson East Antrim
Peter Robinson East Belfast
Alastair Ross East Antrim
Caitriona Ruane South Down
George Savage Upper Bann
Jim Shannon Strangford
David Simpson Upper Bann
Jimmy Spratt South Belfast
Mervyn Storey North Antrim
Peter Weir North Down
Jim Wells South Down
Brian Wilson North Down
Sammy Wilson East Antrim









Office Costs Allowance

The maximum Office Cost Allowance (OCA) available for 2008-2009 was £72,660. OCA is paid to meet the expenses incurred by a Member in connection with carrying out his or her Assembly duties. OCA is not an automatic entitlement that is paid to a Member by virtue of membership of the Assembly. It can only be paid to a Member who has actually incurred allowable expenditure.

As its name suggests, it is generally used to allow a Member to provide a service to constituents through a constituency office. Items that can be claimed from OCA include office rent and rates, offices utilities (including heating and lighting and telephones), office equipment, office furniture and office consumables. OCA can also be used to allow a Member to engage the services of administrative support staff and to buy in research or secretarial services. OCA cannot be claimed without valid proof of the actual expenses that have been incurred.

For OCA paid to Members from 2003/04 onwards full details of each will be available from November 2009. The detail analysis is currently available for payments made in 2008/09 and up to July 2009.

For the detailed analysis of OCA expenditure it should be noted that where a Member’s name is given as the “Supplier” the payment was made as a reimbursement to the Member for admissible expenditure incurred.

Members are permitted to use OCA to purchase stationery for use in their constituency offices and where this stationery has been purchased from the central Assembly Stationery Office the supplier will be either “Banner Office Supplies” or the “NI Assembly”.

The amount of OCA available each year is a maximum amount which must not be exceeded. If at any point of time during the year a Member submits an invoice, and there are insufficient funds available to process the invoice the Member may choose to submit the necessary funds to the Assembly who will then facilitate payment on the Members behalf. Where a Member makes a contribution these amounts will show as negative amounts on the detailed report, with the description given as “Contribution to ……”. Other contributions may be made by Members from time to time – e.g. towards the cost of producing constituency leaflets if they wish to include an article which does not relate directly to Assembly business .

The information held by the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission in relation to the expenditure paid to volunteers from the OCA is regarded as sensitive personal data on political opinion. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission to process this information in accordance with the Data Protection Principles which are set out in Schedule 1 Part 1 of the Act. The first Data Protection Principle requires the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission to process this sensitive personal data fairly and lawfully and requires that at least one of the conditions in Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 of the Act is met before it can publish the information. The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission does not consider that it has met any of the conditions in Schedule 3 which are necessary for publishing this sensitive personal data and is therefore not published.

Winding Up Allowance

Winding Up Allowance is paid to a former Member to allow him or her to bring their Assembly business to an orderly close. Office Costs Allowance is not payable from the date on which a former Member ceases to be a Member of the Assembly. Winding Up Allowance (like OCA) can only be claimed for actual receipted expenditure. During 2008-2009 no Winding Up Allowance was paid.

Other Allowances

Other Allowances include childcare, temporary secretarial allowance, support staff mileage, disability allowance and support staff statutory redundancy payments. The most prevalent of these allowances is temporary secretarial allowance. This is payable to a Member in respect of additional costs that he or she has to incur in order to employ additional staff to cover employees who are absent from work due to illness or injury.

Travel Allowance (Motor Mileage)

Members receive a standard rate of Motor Mileage Allowance for business travel by car. The rate is 40p per mile for the first 20,000 miles and 25p per mile thereafter. For mileage between 10,000 and 20,000 miles, Members incur a tax liability on the difference between these two rates (i.e. 40p – 25p = 15p). The amounts shown for Travel Allowance (Motor Mileage) are the gross amounts claimed by Members and do not reflect any tax deducted. Members’ motor mileage allowances are likely to be affected by the distance they live from Parliament Buildings and by the size of their constituencies. In considering the detailed analysis for travel allowances paid – where the description refers to “salaries”, this represents the taxable element of payment which has been processed through the payroll system.

Other Travel
Other Travel includes airfares, taxis and public transport expenses.

Subsistence allowance is payable in respect of expenses incurred when a Member’s is away from his or her normal place of residence on Assembly business.

View Members' Salaries and Allowances 2008-2009

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