Mr M Storey (Chairperson)
Mr D Hilditch (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr D Bradley
Mrs M Bradley
Mr J Craig
Mr T Lunn
Mr B McCrea
Miss M McIlveen
Mr J O’Dowd
Ms M O’Neill
In Attendance:
Mr J Simmons (Assembly Clerk)
Miss P Best (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr C Sheils (Bursary Student)
Sir R Empey
The Chairperson opened the meeting at 2.30pm in public session.
1. Apologies
As above.
2. Briefing by the Minister for Education on the DE Draft Budget 2011-15 Allocations and Savings Proposals
The Minister for Education, Jackie McMullan, Ministerial Advisor and John McGrath, Deputy Secretary joined the meeting at 2.30pm.
The Minister for Education provided a briefing on the DE draft Budget 2011-15 Allocations and Savings Proposals and answered Members questions on a number of issues including; savings generated from reducing posts over each of the 4 years of this Budget period; clarity regarding the issue of EYF and the availability of EYF monies to schools in the current and future years and the lack of engagement with schools; the proposal to reclassify £41 million from capital to resource budget in 2011/12 and how this will impact in terms of planned and unplanned statuatory work; the budget implications regarding the extension of free schools meals; the impact of savings of £5 million per annum in the Home to School budget; how the Minister plans to make savings of £15 million in Arms Lengths Bodies and the impact that this will have; the loss of £26.5 million in Year 1 rising to £180 million by Year 4 in the Aggregated Schools Budget, the impact this will have on school front line services and the timing of plans to reshape school provision through rationalisation and restructuring; projected savings from substitute teachers; and the limitations within the capital budget for monies to proceed with the rationalisation of the school estate.
The witnesses left the meeting at 3.44pm.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 3.46pm.
Mr Mervyn Storey
Chairperson, Committee for Education
26 January 2011
12 January 2011/ Menu |